The primary assembly by Gerald Haigh discusses old age, using Henry Allingham as an example - currently the oldest man in Britain
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This secondary SEAL assembly explores the concepts of bravery and courage
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This primary assembly celebrates schools' all-weather heroes and heroines - school crossing patrol wardens
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National identity and personal identity are the themes of this secondary assembly, using the 2009 European elections as loose theme
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Anne de A'Echevarria looks at two more some practical 'creative thinking tools' for classroom use
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Supporting every child is an important concept in EYFS effective practice, and is explored within a range of practical ideas which underpin the information in the Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice cards
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This primary assembly by Gerald Haigh looks sensitively at child trafficking, using the example of a charity that helps circus children in Nepal
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This secondary assembly encourages students to consider the benefits of slowing down, in terms of greater enjoyment and health, referencing the principles behind the Slow Down London festival.
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This ebulletin describes a practical strategy for involving pupils in a behaviour management process, which takes account different teaching and learning styles
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This Primary assembly focuses on acts of charity and people who use their wealth for good causes, using Brian Burnie and Elizabeth Fry as examples
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This PSHE assembly for secondary students broaches the idea of social responsibility, sensitively considering the case of Baby P as an example
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Anne de A'Echevarria looks at three practical 'creative thinking tools' for classroom use
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This assembly discusses the current outbreak of swine flu and examines our emotional and social reactions to it. It seeks to discuss the unspoken fears that concern young people. It does not offer detailed health education on the subject
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The subject of pets is one that can effectively be used to engage children in lessons about personal responsibility, and the importance of natural habitats for animals. Gerald Haigh uses a popular advertising campaign to relate these important social lessons to young children
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Learning and Thinking Skills looks at activities that can be used to initiate dialogue about creativity between staff and students
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This assembly for primary school children introduces them to ideas about schools and education in other countries and cultures
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The concepts of prejudices and stereotypes are explored in this secondary SEAL assembly, linking to the recent success of Susan Boyle on Britain’s Got Talent
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This primary assembly looks at the music and the problem with judging appearances, using Britains's Got Talent's star Susan Boyle. It looks at the reasons why her TV appearance has moved so many people.
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Motivating students with a positive learning environment can inspire staff as well as pupils to aim high, achieving more progress than they had imagined possible and achieving student responsibility
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Two teachers involved in a project to develop an enquiry-based curriculum in their school share their thoughts about the process. Victoria Bonner and Kerry Lane are both English teachers at Bedlingtonshire Community High School in Northumberland
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How can participating in collaborative professional enquiry foster pupil learning and professional learning in teachers? Alison Fox from the University of Stirling and chartered teacher Jan Brophy describe how
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This secondary SEAL assembly discusses patriotism and personal identity
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Creative thinking is Anne de A’Echevarria's new focus within her exploration of the QCA Personal Learning and Thinking Skills framework — in this issue particularly focusing on staff working together to encourage creative thinkers across the curriculum
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This secondary SEAL assembly asks pupils to consider their moral actions
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Students with desires to be professional sportsmen need to be encouraged to gain academic qualifications - but this is often no easy job. Chris Wall, Exeter College's sports academy development coordinator, describes how they are doing it
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Does combining SEAL, Philosophy for Children (P4C) and thinking skills seem like a recipe for effective independent student learning? If so, read Kate Mawer's description of William Parker School's curriculum development for Year 7s
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Mixed-ability teaching in an American High School led to higher attainment and improved relations between students, observed Jo Boaler
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Anna Holland works as a learning support assistant (LSA) with students ages 13 to 16 years, at Gosford High School in Newcastle upon Tyne. Here she explains her role and the nature of her work as part of the student support base
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Hanneke Jones looks at the Philosophy for Children method of introducing thinking skills. This method of learning, developed by SAPERE, develops cognitive skills and philosophical methods
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An on-site community learning centre opens up opportunities to adult learners and school learners. Jackie Lees, senior strategic leaders at Mitchell High School Business and Enterprise College, shares the development of their CLC, with tips for organising community learning provision
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The Philosophy for Children programme has great potential benefits for intergenerational dialogue. Michelle Whiteworth, coordinator of Age Concerns' intergenerational project in North Tyneside, discusses those benefits for pupils — and also the challenges
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Slow learners, children who find it difficult to learn and remember things, are a challenge experienced by all teachers at some point in their career. Here we consider this group of pupils and some general strategies for helping them
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This assembly focuses on the Christian holiday of Easter, specifically the history and traditions surrounding Maundy Thursday
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This Learning and Thinking Skills completes the focus on a structured apporach to social skill development, based on the QCA’s Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills strand, ‘Team Workers'
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In this SEAL assembly for secondary students, Brian Radcliffe encourages students to consider the latest techniques used for painting the Forth Bridge, taking from it advice about ways to tackle recurring problems
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The England women’s cricket team is currently in Australia taking part in the World Cup – and doing rather well. This assembly looks at the history of cricket as a game in itself and as a game for women, and discusses some of the members of the women’s team.
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High-quality learning environments for young children are vital to their early development. Sian Rees-Jones, headteacher of Bognor Regis Nursery School and Children's Centre, shares her team's approach to learning environments
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What are the early years processes involved for quality provision and planning positive outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage? Early years consultant Jane Cole has a look
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This secondary assembly looks at the concept of fair trade, with reference to the recent ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’ which took place from 22nd February to 7th March.
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It is important to highlight e-safety when it comes to traveller or fairground children, who depend on ICT to keep up with their education. Roger Feltham hightlights the success of Surrey County Council's e-safety programme
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Observation, assessment and planning are important areas of practice to get right when dealing with early years. Early Years Update offers a range of practical ideas to underpin the information in the Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice cards
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Teachers can promote their students wellbeing by taking time to meditate themselves. Teacher and healer Dave Read offers three exercises to perform easily in the classroom to reduce teacher stress
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Jenni Whitehead discusses the difficulties faced by named persons, or child protection coordinators, in talking to children's parents about their concerns and the need to follow child protection procedures
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This assembly for primary children centres around one man's sense of adventure, teaching children the importance of inquisitive minds
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Inspire your primary pupils with these science lesson ideas that combine essential scientific theory with magic tricks
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What does the future hold for primary mathematics following the Williams review? Caroline Slissolf looks at the review of framework in detail and asks how recommendations on primary maths training and specialism will translate into reality
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Close working between primary school staff and parents is vital for the identification of children's learning needs, making an effective home-school partnership essential
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The targeting of misconceptions is seen as a critical skill in the teaching of science, but how can these pupil misconceptions be effectively targeted? Hazel Bennett offers some essential advice to teachers of science
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Teaching mathematics to children with English as an additional language (EAL) can be a difficult task. EAL pupils will often struggle with maths and teachers may find it a struggle to overcome the language barrier, but Lorraine Barber has some helpful tips
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