One World Day was part of a week linked to the School Development Plan, focusing on global issues. read more
An anti-racism day held in 2002 brought together visiting speakers, specialist workshops, interested staff and visitors from NFC. This became a model for our first global citizenship event. read more
A summary from the Everyone Wants to Learn conference (Feb 2007) of the elements that participants considered should be part of any strategy to shape a school community where everyone wants to learn read more
At Hethersett we chose to focus on a Black Achievement Festival to coincide with Black History Month. read more
This was one of those projects that makes you think being a teacher really is worthwhile! read more
Our Global Citizenship days are off-timetable events with a mixture of quizzes, activities, video, and seminars. They are designed to cater for approximately half a year group at a time (110 students)
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Global citizenship has radically altered the Key Stage 3 curriculum at Broadoak High School. read more
Use all the openings possible to encourage your children to express themselves through the written word, says Lynn Cousins. read more
Angela Youngman finds out about a scheme to improve communication in early years settings through the use of sign language
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The environment around you can have a profound effect on how you feel and function and whether you feel creative, focused and relaxed. Creating an energetic environment around you can have positive effects on your health,efficiency, enjoyment and speed of completing certain tasks. read more
Barbara Prashnig, author of 'The Power of Diversity', describes in this new series how important it is to consider the role of learning styles in ICT. read more
I have had the pleasure and honour of visiting a few schools where creativity in all forms flourishes. These schools are run by Heads who have a very strong vision of what educating children is all about, who are rebels and who do what they profoundly believe is right for children, despite the system.
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More and more schools throughout the country are realising that children with specific reading difficulties can be helped by the use of colour, either in the form of coloured overlays or as individually prescribed coloured spectacle lenses. By Tim Noakes. read more
Recent Government advice suggests that schools should aim to achieve flexibility in their approaches to pupils by:
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IQ (Intelligence Quotient) has long been the standard by which we have judged people. Although technically we only use it to judge a person's 'intelligence', their IQ score tends to carry a lot of other potential judgement, prejudice and discrimination along with it. read more
Top tips for surviving your first year at a new school, from teacher Ben Vessey read more
Writing frames undoubtedly have their uses, but they can also limit the creative talents of the more able, writes Frank Bruce read more
"I have come to see that the real and pressing issue underpinning an effective school system is the recognition that learning is learnable. In this article, I want to persuade you that you can actually teach pupils how to learn (and watch their performance and confidence levels soar as a consequence)". read more
Many people have discovered for themselves the benefits of meditation and relaxation as a way of releasing stress and tension. More and more people are using short meditations as a way of getting pupils into a good state for learning. If you haven't tried it yet, the following are simple techniques, which can be done at pretty much any age. You might like to try them yourself before you start using them with pupils so that you feel how quickly or slowly you might want to speak ... and then practise leading each meditation in a calm, confident voice. read more
Making Students the Examiners. read more
Reg Revans, often referred to as the father of action learning, said 'action learning takes so long to describe because it is so simple'. While we agree that ALS is a simple and elegant process that is better experienced than explained, we believe we can give you a flavour of the process in this article. read more
An alternative approach to behaviour management
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Andy Bowman reflects upon some of the learning preferences he has observed in his class, and discusses the steps he and his colleagues have taken to begin to support these
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Jo Dixon reflects on the progress of her 'great expectations', set in September 2004. She can see just how those expectations have made a difference to her teaching and more importantly, to her rapport with those classes. read more
This article outlines an approach to teaching and learning called LogoVisual Thinking (LVT), which was first introduced into schools in 2000. Although the methods and tools are relatively new to teachers, they are already having a profound influence on those who have been introduced to them. We believe that the approach represents an important advance in the teaching of thinking skills and has broader potential for designing effective learning experiences. read more
In this article, Philip Drury underlines the numerous educational advantages of project work, and shows how negative points can be effectively circumvented read more
In the third of our series of articles about the Opening Minds Curriculum, Imogen Willgress explains how a new team was brought together to plan the new approach to Key Stage 3. read more
Dr Patrick Hazlewood explains how St John's School in Marlborough, challenged an out-dated curriculum. read more
Bill Lucas explores the phrase 'accelerated learning,' and its associated curious, if well-meaning, misconceptions read more
The second in a series of articles exploring the innovative 'Opening Minds' Curriculum at St John's School in Marlborough. read more
Susan Norma suggests ways of influencing students' behaviour from a NLP perspective
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Leslie Spencer takes us on her learning journey, inspiring learners to love learning. Are you prepared to have your preconceptions, philosophies and pedagogy challenged? A teacher's tale of the 'Opening Minds' curriculum. read more
Andy Bowman explores strategies to begin to develop independence and resourcefulness in young learners. read more
Garry Burnett explains how different types of question can improve thinking skills read more
Bailey's Court Primary School set out to explore accelerated learning back in 2002. Here, class teacher and Learning Manager Andrew Bowman explains why and how they began their journey towards a more learning-centred ethos. read more
Many children have their lives rigidly planned out for them at home, at school and in leisure activities. They drift along waiting to be taken to venues and attend activities pre-structured for them. Others have a complete lack of any organisation in their lives and events appear to them to happen at random - if at all! How can we develop their ability to think creatively and to begin to take some control over their lives? read more
Children today are now more likely to be consuming and digesting slices of aerobic exercises with a healthy pinch of brain gym workouts sandwiched between lessons
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'If the child is not learning the way you are teaching, then teach in the way the child learns.' Rita Dunn read more
Barrie Smale and Andrew Gibbons discuss the skills required of an effective mentor. As a developmental process, mentoring is a powerful and cost effective way of helping people to learn. read more
As teachers with a new class, we tend to get a good idea pretty quickly about which students are going to do well in our classes, which ones are going to struggle, and which ones are not even going to try. read more
Accelerated learning tips. read more
Hayesfield School Technology College is a large girls' comprehensive school on the south side of Bath. Mary Read and Jo Sargent explain how Citizenship, PHSE, PE and extra-curricular activities have been brought together to raise the profile of healthy living for all students. read more
Many schools participate in National Storytelling Week, organised by the Society for Storytelling. This article describes how traditional storytelling can help to address difficult emotional issues, and stresses the importance of letting children and young people find their own meanings in the stories that they hear
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A new review group has been set up to recommend ways of: read more
Some key findings from research on how teachers can use groups to boost young people's achievement read more
In her final article on how teachers use emotions, teacher trainer Susan Gibbs discusses why emotional safety is so important in enabling children and young people to learn. read more
The Manifesto for Education Outside the Classroom promotes high-quality outdoor learning experiences to support cognitive skills and aid personal development – gardening fits the bill, says Dr Susan Johnson
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The new framework comes into effect this September. It will give schools more freedom — but this comes with tough new duties, says Mark Blois. read more
Want to inject some freshness into the learning space? Richard Churches and Rogert Terry show to make a real difference in your classroom read more
Brin Best calls for a fundamental rethink of what works in the classroom. read more