Early Years Update provides a range of ideas to underpin the information in the Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice cards
Early Years Update provides a range of ideas to underpin the information provided in the Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice cards
Key stage 2 lesson plans for exploring the Beijing Olympics to meet learning objectives in geography and citizenship, provided by Caroline Coxon
Storyteller Taffy Thomas provides games and activities to stimulate children’s and young people’s capacity to tell stories
Tina Ryan meets Sonia O’Sullivan – Ireland’s middle distance runner and most crowned sportswoman
Angela Youngman has found some exciting new approaches to the teaching of maths
In this numeracy lesson plan Paul Ainsworth describes how learning about probability can provide excellent opportunities for speaking and listening and incorporate plenty of challenge for the most able
John Senior highlights the importance of helping learners to have fun with numbers and develop positive attitudes towards mathematics
Acclaimed geography resource Reading Our Landscapes picks up Silver GA Award at annual Geographical Association conference
This science lesson plan for Key Stage 2 works on a number of levels, writes Caroline Coxon
Crispin Andrews looks at the increasing emphasis on topic-based learning and offers some ideas to teach science through the topic of birds
Trevor Millum outlines a truly novel way to get pupils to enjoy manipulating and using words
Inspirational people: PE and Sport magazine looks at the legendary Abebe Bikila, the first of the great Ethiopian distance runners, who won back-to-back gold medals in the 1960 and 1964 Olympic Games
Georghia Ellinas, Secondary National Strategy regional adviser, describes an initiative that allows pupils to enjoy a Shakespeare play in their own time and space
How can teachers ensure that there is appropriate challenge for G&T pupils in every lesson? In the first of a series of lessons plans, Caroline Coxon provides some ideas
Toby Wood and Nick Guest describe how they have encouraged implementation of the SEAL materials in Peterborough primary schools.
Practitioners need to consider the way that space and resources can be used to encourage children’s investigations. Pat Brunton and Linda Thornton explain
An exciting new Geography resource was launched at the Geographical Association annual conference 2007.
This activity is about values, language, futurology, ethics and belonging.
A free training seminar on gambling education will take place in London on 10 May 2007. The seminar is being organised by Tacade, a leading charity working in the field of PSHCE.
Ask the pupils to imagine a world with no ‘O’
A fun activity to encourage extension and development of vocabulary.
Design today for tomorrow: this activity looks at an art movement as a starting point for designing and making a product.
Semantic knowledge is the ability to understand narrative. This includes the ability to understand the meanings of words in different contexts, as well as a knowledge of the meaning of relationships between words. The activities listed here will help develop semantic knowledge.
Word finding is the ability to access vocabulary from the long-term memory. These activities can help develop word finding skills and can be used in lessons for the benefit of all pupils.
Listening is the ability to attend to sounds across a range of stimuli. Pupils with listening and attention difficulties have one of two problems…
Spatial awareness is the ability to be aware of oneself in space. Awareness of spatial relationships is the ability to see two or more objects in relation to each other and to oneself. These activities will help develop spatial awareness skills and can be used in lessons for the benefit of all pupils.
Visual comprehension is the ability to listen to information that has been given orally, then remember it, understand it and use the information across a range of tasks. These activities can help develop skills in this area, and can be incorporated into lessons for the benefit of all pupils.
Visual perception is the ability to recognise, interpret and organise visual images. The activities listed here will help develop visual perception skills and can be incorporated into lessons to benefit all pupils.
Accelerated learning tips.
Walking on clouds: how could we engineer the possibility of walking on clouds in the sky?
What name would you give to our present time?
A sport for all: the real challenge is the philosophy of the game: is it to be competitive or cooperative?
Why do we need to celebrate? Is there a pattern common to both religious festivals and secular festivals and celebration?