Notre Dame High School took part in a fair trade project, the aim of which was, 'for students to understand the effect of global economics on countries with significant debt'. Specifically, how consumer pressure can ease the burden on developing nations
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Many schools would say their students have a voice, but do they really? What about at Whalley Range? read more
Our multi-cultural arts day was aimed at Year 7 students and was one of a programme of stop days around global citizenship in our school. read more
The Trading Game is part of a proactive approach towards Citizenship, including a new Citizenship department and a Human Rights group.
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An anti-racism day held in 2002 brought together visiting speakers, specialist workshops, interested staff and visitors from NFC. This became a model for our first global citizenship event. read more
Our Global Citizenship days are off-timetable events with a mixture of quizzes, activities, video, and seminars. They are designed to cater for approximately half a year group at a time (110 students)
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The Brain and Learning. read more
What is inside a learner's head? read more
There are many techniques to develop self-awareness, self-appreciation, self-esteem, but what would be useful to use with sixth formers? Life Coach Lunette Allen discusses some of the exercises she works with, which can be tailored to suit most age groups
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Writing frames undoubtedly have their uses, but they can also limit the creative talents of the more able, writes Frank Bruce read more
From a selection of teaching tips by Clinton Lamprecht. read more
The human brain learns best when it has a variety of ways to take in new information. The key is to provide children with a smorgasbord of methods to sample new information, because the brain searches for novelty.
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Traditionally, teaching used to primarily teach pupils and then test them. The 'chalk and talk' methods and 'auditory modes' of instruction have now been widely discredited. In fact, one of the main reasons why some schools fail their OFSTED reports is because the conventional teaching methods they adopt do not meet pupils' learning needs.
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Is Your Teaching Meeting Children's Learning Needs? read more
13 Lucky Steps to a Personal Learner-Centred Classroom. read more
If Their Bodies don't Move their Brains won't Groove. read more
In this article, Philip Drury underlines the numerous educational advantages of project work, and shows how negative points can be effectively circumvented read more
Six steps to teach anything read more
Accelerated learning tips. read more
The Manifesto for Education Outside the Classroom promotes high-quality outdoor learning experiences to support cognitive skills and aid personal development – gardening fits the bill, says Dr Susan Johnson
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Many schools participate in National Storytelling Week, organised by the Society for Storytelling. This article describes how traditional storytelling can help to address difficult emotional issues, and stresses the importance of letting children and young people find their own meanings in the stories that they hear
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Julie Bennett suggests three different techniques that you can use to motivate learners and add further dimensions to your teaching
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Win it or lose it within the first three minutes, by Nicola Fahey read more
British Gymnastics' play programme helps young children develop physical skills. Jo Prescott and Liz Liebman explain how
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A free training seminar on gambling education will take place in London on 10 May 2007. The seminar is being organised by Tacade, a leading charity working in the field of PSHCE. read more
Archaeologist and teacher John Crossland, describes how you can use an historic site with Foundation Stage children. read more