Replicating the whole-school model implemented by our new head, I have established and appointed ‘Strand Managers’ to take a lead within the four strands of:
- Communication & Interaction
- Cognition & Learning
- Behavioural, Emotional & Social
- Sensory, Medical & Physical needs.
This year, with a lot of my time being soaked up with the establishing of our therapeutic skills-based learning model − our ‘Nurture Group’ − I am grateful to the more than capable hands with which I have left responsibility for the day-to-day elements of provision.
These newly appointed staff have really ‘stepped up’. They have taken the bull by the horns, as it were, and I am delighted. I have always tried to empower students and staff by supporting all who deserve the opportunity. With the re-structuring of the faculty I have been able to really give opportunities to staff, and they‘re relishing it.
Truly distributed leadership is hard; being able to let go is a difficult skill to acquire. However, with the staff I have in place I am lucky enough to feel empowered! I have full confidence in their ability; they have a profound understanding of my philosophy and the needs of the individuals at our school. We now have the capacity to respond pro-actively to the needs of our students, and to not merely react to them.
I feel rejuvenated now and raring to go; excited about the opportunities ahead and looking forward to seeing our provision step up to the next level.