Practical support through your teacher training
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“Into Teaching has benefited me with good practice guides for teaching sessions and is invaluable in preparing assignments. Excellent, extremely useful and easily followed. An essential addition to any PGCE students reading list. Into Teaching is excellent value for money. I have found that in the short time since subscribing it has become like a friend! A constant source of reference.”
Mrs Amanda Ford, PGCE Student
“Into Teaching is keeping me up to date with all the government requirements of my subject and is helping me maintain a balance with all the red tape. The ideas for lesson planning and classroom management have proved to be invaluable. Whether you are an NQT or a teacher with many years experience, Into Teaching is an essential aid to the teaching job.”
Julia Waddington, Teacher
“Into Teaching is well organised, easy to follow and understand. It focuses on all the important facts and offers the much needed guidance and advice on all relevant areas of education and teaching. I would be lost without it. Nothing is as good as Into Teaching.” Keziban Osman, PGCE Student
“Great source for assignments and hints in relation to teaching methodologies, classroom setting and behaviour management. Good source for any upcoming new information in relation to teaching.”
Aoife Walsh, PGCE Student
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More about Into Teaching…
Into Teaching e-bulletin contains snippets of the best articles and information from the Into Teaching publication – written specifically to support trainee teachers and their tutors. Into Teaching will help you get to grips with the key areas of your teacher training course, such as:
strategies for managing children effectively – by promoting respect and positive discipline in the classroom
lesson planning with objectives – focusing on what you are going to teach and how best to teach it
learning styles and supporting pupils with varying needs – so you can best provide for pupils with different learning abilities and needs
understanding your legal obligations – we look at legal matters that affect you enabling you to do your job proficiently and with confidence
getting the most from your tutors and mentors – so you can enhance your learning and understanding with the minimum of fuss.
Click here to take advantage of Into Teaching’s special welcome offer.
The Into Teaching e-bulletins only contain a selection of articles and information from the Into Teaching publication. So if you want to get your hands on the entire content I recommend you take advantage of our ‘welcome to Into Teaching offer!’
Click here to take advantage!
Our Special ‘Welcome’ Offers
The free Into Teaching e-bulletins, that you will start to receive regularly shortly, only contain snippets of articles from the Into Teaching publication. So this special ‘welcome’ offer will give you the perfect chance to get all the Into Teaching articles in full.
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