Gareth D Morewood blogged here for two years, 2008-2010. Gareth's first eBook, The Role of the SENCO: An Insider's Guide, is now available from the Optimus Education shop.
When I think back to the humble beginnings of SENCology, and the uncertainty with which I wrote, I know the journey has been an immensely positive one for me. And reading back over the comments that have been posted, particularly ones about some of our most inclusive days and specific events supporting some of our more vulnerable young people, I think it has been worthwhile for many others as well.
Being a SENCO is about lots of things; but most of all it is about advocating for the vulnerable. Providing a knowledge base from which decisions can be made, plans developed and personalised packages of support established is a skill that the SENCO develops at a rapid pace, but is, in essence, immeasurable and impossible to define.
As SENCOs we personalise everything, from our own practice to the support we provide, including coordinated response to individual need. That is what makes the job exciting and worth getting up for each morning.
As we move into a time of big changes in education, the SENCO role will continue to evolve. A ‘new breed’ of SENCOs are emerging from the National Award; and greater emphasis on headteachers taking a truly inclusive lead will see considerable shifts into new, more sustainable models of support. An exciting time indeed!
While I am sad that my blog has reached a natural end, I am pleased about the development it has offered me in terms of providing reflective opportunities for me to share. Having personally benefited from this process, I will continue to write extensively and promote my truly inclusive ‘SENCology’, beginning with my new eBook, The Role of the SENCO: An Insider's Guide - which contains many of the posts and ideas that emerged on this blog over the past two years.