We have half a dozen trainee teachers working with us at the moment.
It’s revitalising seeing them coming in particularly eager, mostly knowing nothing but learning so much. Nigel and I are both Maths teachers and as our Head of Maths is who he is we are taking on the mentoring between us.
As well as renewing my love of teaching it’s also making me feel nostalgic and quite warm and fluffy!
My Maths trainee, Saffron, wouldn’t say boo to a goose two weeks ago and sat in the first lesson she observed in my challenging Year 9 class quiet as a mouse. In fact - although before half-term she nodded when I suggested that she see what pupils were doing she didn’t actually move. Today she got up (without direction from me) and helped a pupil who had their hand up.
Okay – it’s a small step but it’s definitely in the right direction and I’ve vowed to stay positive for the whole of November (oh my - how will I cope as that dodgy cold has kept 2 subject leaders and a Head of House at home today)
I still remember the first lesson I taught – team teaching, two of us from college plus the usual class teacher and I was still petrified. I even remember the first time I went back into a school; I was pre-PGCE but by then I knew I wanted to teach. Funnily enough with less experience that was actually a fantastic feeling, so very comfortable – it seemed like I’d been born to do it.
I’ll ask Saffron tomorrow why she’s on her PGCE and if she’s feeling that she’s on the right track. I used to be quite cynical and say that I’d always advise people to do anything but teaching but actually it’s more good than bad and when it’s good it’s really good.