This free resource will encourage pupils to recall and record their past learning experiences. This will help teachers gain an understanding of pupils’ individual learning preferences
Worksheets to record learning experiences of pupils
Written by Margaret Sutherland and Colin Sutherland
The aim of the free worksheets is to invigorate pupils’ learning by reinforcing their positive learning experiences. This will also help to recognise influential learning moods. Revisiting and remembering those moods can help motivate pupils to learn more effectively. This concept is at the very heart of this free resource and the mechanism for doing this is timelining.
Understanding past learning achievements, setting goals and getting a sense of how to work towards these learning milestones can be a significant motivational factor in your pupils’ development. Allowing pupils to think and record what they have enjoyed learning can give them a strong sense of responsibility and ownership over their own learning. Without this ownership of learning, pupils can feel disillusioned and despondent.
This resource is an extract from Strategies for Learning.
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