We've been collecting your stories about the inspiring and encouraging experiences you’ve had at work during 2008. Here is a collection of the leadership and management themed responses you sent to the question, What has been your most positive experience at work this year?
“There are so many it's difficult to decide - so many on a personal level within school and those that are in association with others. I think I have to choose this - working towards, and subsequently achieving the LPPA - the Leading Parent Partnership Award. The day I was told, "Congratulations! You are worthy recipients of the Award", was up there with the day we were deemed 'Outstanding' by OFSTED! I am the LPPA co-ordinator and had to build up evidence of everything we do, as a school, to empower parents and 'get them on board' within our school, as well as everything we do with regard to communicating with parents. I already knew we did a lot, but working towards this award, enabled me to 'see the gaps' and put new ideas/initiatives in place that would help our parents/carers and also, even more members of the community. The impact has been wonderful! We have more parents coming into school to broaden their education; to enhance skills; to get a 'hands on' view of how their children learn and probably the most important, through the intervention of the parents, the raised achievement and self esteem of the children alongside their parents/carers. It's not that this wasn't already happening - it's that it is now an even bigger part of each school day and beyond and has made such a difference to so many children and adults alike!”
- Assistant Headteacher / Head of Family & Community Learning
“As part of our Rights Respecting School Award I introduced the idea of School Council at a whole school assembly. The aim of the school council is to promote participation and encourage children's involvement in decision making within the school. We watched a clip from Roald Dahl's Matilda and compared her school to ours. After the assembly I asked some of the children to evaluate the way the idea was introduced. The feedback I got was excellent. The children are very excited about being involved more in school and having a voice. They are also looking forward to the elections. I felt a great deal of satisfaction that they are excited about developing this idea and they can see how it will fit into their experience of school.”
- Year 2/ SENCO
“A comment from a mum; It's such a relief to have someone who can help and it's has been really useful. A comment from a Head; I want to keep her in a cupboard and get her out when I need her!!”
- Lead Inclusion Mentor
“Earlier this year some of my mentees left primary education and moved up to secondary schools. I remember in particular, two of those pupils who were very nervous of moving up. They felt they would not be accepted nor be able to cope with the higher level of work. I run a transition course each year, for all year 6 pupils, which in addition to the 1:1 sessions, gave these two boys the confidence they needed. I have recently heard that they are both making new friends, enjoying their new school and working hard to achieve. Well done those boys!”
- Learning Mentor
“I have just visited a group of Year 12 pupils who were on work experience from 10 - 14 November. They were all enjoying their experience of the world of work and were extremely well thought of by their employers. They were both a credit to themselves and the school. This feedback gives me a great sense of pride in my pupils.”
- Head of Careers
“Working with an NQT and seeing her develop confidence and skills.”
- Headteacher
“In September, my school merged with another to become an Academy. Even though it has been quite challenging, the way our HOD has handled the two sites is amazing. All the science teachers are now working together as a family, sharing resources, good practices and looking out for each other.”
- Science Teacher