What gets your students into the Christmas spirit more than some festive crafts? This time of year can be pretty busy in schools so things that are fun for kids and don’t involve much preparation are definitely the way to go. It’s also nice when it can be something that they’ll actually share with their loved ones. Have a look at this list of crafty Christmas card Ideas that are great for kids of any age!
1. Reindeer Card
Just like the website name suggests, this card is easy to make. Your kids will choose the colors for the background, the nose, and how they want to arrange the pieces. You can opt for googly eyes or have them make their own 2D ones.
Learn More: Easy Peasy Fun
2. Christmas Tree Card
‘Tis the season for Christmas trees in every window but this paper one is sure to find its way to a prime location on the mantle! There is a printable template for this card and easy-to-follow instructions, which makes for easy planning. Get your construction paper and glue sticks at the ready!
Learn More: I Heart Crafty Things
3. Snow Globe Cards
This adorable snow globe card can be made by children of all ages. They’ll only need paper, scissors, glue, and some sequins to make this card sparkle. They can make the scene however they want, with Rudolph, Santa, a snowman, or whatever they can come up with. Brainstorm a list of ideas with your class to help get them started!
Learn More: Happiness is Homemade
4. Gingerbread House cards
Maybe this one’s not edible, but what a fun card! Just put out bowls of different colored “candy” like pom poms, paper straws, sequins, and colored dots for your littles to choose from, and let the fun begin!d There’s even a template for this one too which will help your kiddos who like clear directions know just what to do.
Learn More: I Heart Crafty Things
5. Handprint Cards
These handprint cards are ones for the memory box! Who wouldn’t want to look back at those cute little fingers for years to come? You can use the template for this one or go rogue with your own words, whirls, and swirls! Just make sure your sink area is fully stocked with soap and paper towels for easy clean-up!
Learn More: Arty Crafty Kids
6. Paint Chip Cards
These beauties have an unbeatable minimalistic style that’ll be sure to please. Best for older students who’ve already mastered their scissor skills, these are a straightforward choice that won’t make a mess of your classroom on a busy day. To get started, just grab a stack of paint sample cards from your local box hardware store. They won’t mind if you ask them first!
Learn More: One Little Project
7. Fingerprint Cards
Let your kiddos create elves, reindeer, Christmas lights, and holly berries in this fun fingerprint card! Just set up a station where your kids can get into some finger paint, just dip and print after choosing their design. Once the dots are dry, your kiddies will finish the card’s details with a fine-tipped black pen. The possibilities are endless!
Learn More: Be A Fun Mum
8. Snowman Card
Snowmen are a winter favorite for so many people and aren’t just limited to Christmas. This one can be differentiated for any age group; your big kids can use a compass to create circles and cut them out and for your little folks, you can provide pre-cut shapes. Have them use their imaginations to embellish with different faces, scarves, and other accessories.
Learn More: Art Project for Kids
9. Print and Color Cards
If you’re looking for a quick, easy, low-prep card, then look no further! You can just use print and fold this one for your little learners and they’re ready to go. This card is best for your younger kids; they’ll get lots of fine motor practice while they become experts at coloring.
Learn More: Sunny Day Family
10. Pom-Pom Wreath Cards
Deck the halls, quite literally! This holiday wreath idea makes a festive addition to your hallway bulletin boards, or as a gift for Mom and Dad! Have your kiddos make these holiday keepsakes by sticking pom poms to some cardstock. All that’s left is to write a festive greeting inside!
Learn More: The Joy Sharing
11. Gingerbread Cards
Your kids won’t be able to decide what’s better, eating gingerbread men, or finger painting them! After the paint is dry have them outline and cut out the gingerbread man shape and decorate with buttons. Any of your kiddies who might be having difficulty can trace a cookie cutter to make it easy.
Learn More: Red Ted Art
12. Potato Stamped Snowman Cards
One potato, two potato, three potato, snowman?! Start by cutting a few potatoes of various sizes in half and then get your kiddies stamping them into some white poster paint. Once their creations are dry have them decorate as they wish! These festive snowmen are also super inclusive if you have students who don’t celebrate Christmas!
Learn More: Made to be a Momma
13. Marbled Paint Cards
Your kids will love this fun, and a little bit messy project! And it makes a great addition to your last-week-of-school-before-the-holidays arsenal. Just smear some shaving cream on a cookie sheet, drop in dollops of red and green paint, swirl with a toothpick, and have them carefully place their cardstock into it flat side down!
Learn More: Fun-A-Day
14. Washi Tape Cards
If you’ve not added washi tape to your crafting supplies then you’re missing out! Find a couple of holiday-themed ones and you’re good to go. Have your kids tear off segments in descending sizes to make their trees. No need for perfection on this neat holiday card, it’s quite perfect in its imperfection!
Learn More: The Mad House
15. Lego Print Cards
Here’s a way to use all the LEGOs lying around your classroom in a cool and unique way! Just have your kiddies dip them in paint and press them onto the card in whatever pattern or way they decide, be it candy canes, a snowman, or a holly wreath. Any size of LEGO pieces will work equally well so this one is great for all ages!
Learn More: Little Bins for Little Hands
16. Snowflake Lacing Cards
Your kiddos will love making this 3D Christmas tree! Help them follow the instructions to fold, cut, and stick their paper to create the tree. Then let them add a brown paper base and decorate their tree using glitter pens, crayons, markers, and more! If you’re feeling ambitious you can get out the sequins and ribbons!
Learn More: Artsy Craftsy Mom
17. Foldable Santa Card
This new take on a Santa craft card is super adorable. This craft is super easy to make; just use the simple template and let your kiddos trace, cut, and stick. With paper that’s a little bit bigger, and some stretchy string for a chin strap, they could even double as festive, silly party hats for your last day of school!
Learn More: Emma Owl
18. Pointillism Christmas Tree Card
Your little elves might be wound up for the holiday season, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still spark an appreciation for the arts! Show them the famous works of the artist Seurat, for this fun pointillism card. Up close, it’s a bunch of dots but from afar, it’s a tree! The best thing is that all you’ll need are markers and paper.
Learn More: Coffee and Carpool
19. Light Up Cards
This card is not only cute, but it’s also STEM-related and is perfect for your older kids who already have some background knowledge on how circuits work. Have them draw a tree, mark spaces for lights then add their hardware on the back of the paper. They’ll have fun making sure their circuits are connected properly and delight as the front of the card lights up!
Learn More: Mama Smiles
20. Coffee filter Watercolor Cards
Have some extra coffee filters lying around? Sure you do! So get ready to make these! While they are intended to be cards, the watercolor paints on the coffee filters make a beautiful stained glass effect, so they could be used as a window decoration as well! Get your kids’ imagination percolating with this fun project!
Learn More: Projects with Kids
21. Recycled Art Cards
This project is the perfect way to repurpose some of your kiddies’ older artworks! Take some older paintings, cut them into small squares, and glue each square onto the front of each card. Next, have them glue on the ribbon with some extra at the top to make it into an artistically wrapped present!
Learn More: Nurture Store
22. Reindeer Pop-Up Card
Add an element of ingenuity and surprise with this fun pop up Have your kids cut out the shapes from the printable using brown paper then follow the instructions to glue them together! Dasher and Dancer would be impressed by the final product!
Learn More: Red Ted Art
23. Christmas Present Pop-up Christmas Cards
This is not your typical pop-up card, it’s so much cuter! The main construction is just two pieces, the photo and gift parts connected by a popsicle stick that slides the photo up and down. Just print out the template and you’ll be well on your way to this sweet keepsake card!
Learn More: The Soccer Mom Blog
24. Penguin Cards
Your kiddos already probably ids love penguins, so these cards won’t disappoint. Just have them glue a black circle onto a blue background and use a flattened cupcake liner for the belly. This activity is great for any time during the winter months but can be nice as a holiday gift as well.
Learn More: Crafts on Sea
25. Pipe Cleaner Cards
Have an abundance of pipe cleaners? Here’s a way to use them with your kiddos for a creative 3D holiday card! This is another one that is minimal prep but still looks festive. Just have your kiddies make a zig-zag out of a green pipe cleaner and glue it to brown paper. Add a holiday greeting and they’re sure to make someone’s season brighter.
Learn More: Crafty Morning
26. Ornament Cards
Have your kiddies show off their holiday flair with this creative handmade card! Just have them create stripes on white paper by gluing strips of ribbon and foil, once it’s dry they’ll cut it into the shape of a round ornament and draw a circle for the hook on top. Attach it to the card with a bit of velcro and they can even detach it as a real Christmas tree ornament!
Learn More: True Aim
27. Santa Hat Cards
No gift is complete without adding this Santa hat card with it These are quick and so easy to make, your kiddos might just want to make a whole set! Just have them cut out and glue a red triangle to some green card then sponge on some white paint. These are a great choice if your kiddos are writing letters to Santa, or need a card to leave by the milk and cookies!
Learn More: Hands On As We Grow
28. Cookie Cutter Card Craft
Get some more use out of those seasonal cookie cutters that usually only get used once a year! They can be repurposed as stencils for your kiddos to create fun Christmas card designs! All you need are the cookie cutters, fun scrapbook or construction paper, scissors, glue, and, most importantly, creativity! This is a failproof DIY card craft for all ages.
Learn More: The Craft Train
29. Elf Handprint
Let your students add their own “personal touch” with this elf handprint card! Have them trace their hands and then use a variety of craft materials, markers, and paints to customize their elf. Add a personalized message on the insides, and there you have it; how adorable!
Learn More: Simple Everyday Mom
30. 3D Paper Tree Card
This Christmas tree sure is being is being spruced up; pun intended! If your older students are looking for a more challenging project, this 3D card is where it’s at! They’ll quickly get the hang of these origami-like directions that are printable in the link below and best of all, if it needs to be flattened to put into an envelope it’ll be no problem at all.
Learn More: One Little Project
31. Stamp Greeting Cards
This card idea is exciting because it allows your kids to explore and experiment with different materials. You can let them use anything suitable for stamping: sponges, foam, pinecones, and more! Depending on their age, you might need to supervise as they cut the stamp designs, but needless to say, this is a great option for a creative Christmas card project!
Learn More: Oh Oh Deco
32. DIY Magic Trick Card
Your little magicians will be stoked to make this magic trick card, and the recipient will delighted to receive it! They’ll love picking out a special design; dancing Santa, flying reindeer, snow globe, or even a gingerbread cookie. Then have them use tracing paper to copy the design and layer them up to make the magic happen!
Learn More: Hello Wonderful
33. Artistic Ornaments
Your kiddos will love to express their artsy side with these cool ornament cards. First, have them draw some simple ornaments then let them paint the ornament with some watercolors and gently blow on the paint to make it run outside the lines! After it’s dry they’ll retrace their line drawing to make the image pop. These simple, yet edgy designs are sure to please!
Learn More: The Postman’s Knock
34. “Hand” Made Cards
Instead of the traditional handprint cards, we’re going barefoot for this one! Peel off those socks and have your kiddies stamp green footprints on cardstock. Once dry, they’ll decorate it like a Christmas tree using more poster paint. Out of green paint? Why not use white to make a snowman or brown for a reindeer? So many possibilities to choose from!
Learn More: Mother & Baby
35. Printable Present Card
If you want a simple card design with some added flare, this printable present card is the way to go. Print the present template and let your kids create their own design using markers, crayons, and paint. Then have them, cut, fold, and embellish their designs with ribbon. Inside each one, they can add a special gift like a photo, a poem, or a greeting. So much fun!
Learn More: Arty Crafty Kids
36. Quick And Easy Snowman Card
This one is about as easy as it can get because it doesn’t even require any cutting or gluing! It’s a perfect option for an end-of-day activity when you only have a little time to spare. All they’ll need to do is add a middle stripe, draw on some buttons, eyes, and an orange carrot-like nose and they’re good to go!
Learn More: Easy Peasy And Fun
37. Paper Strip Design Cards
For this project, start saving all your paper scraps! This paper strip Christmas card is a great way to repurpose those scraps in a fun and functional way. Get your kids to make a collage of brown to make a reindeer, or put together scraps of green paper to make a tree. They’ll be able to create truly distinctive cards, by mixing and matching lots of different colors and textures.
Learn More: The Keeper Of The Cheerios
38. Recycled Christmas Cards
Do you have a stack of old Christmas cards you keep in a shoebox because you feel guilty about throwing them away? If so, then you could consider repurposing them to create new one-of-a-kind cards! Task your learners with cutting up the front cover of the old cards and having fun creating new designs and creating a whole new card!
Learn More: Simply Kinder
39. Fill-In-The-Blank Cards
If you want a quick writing activity, fill-in-the-blank cards may be the perfect option! Your kiddos will love the chance to personalize their holiday messages to loved ones. These pre-filled message prompts combine personalization and ease without removing any of the cuteness!
Learn More: Kara Creates
40. Glitter Christmas Cards
Now, I know not everyone is a fan of glitter, but if you want your students to add some sparkle to their card designs, you can’t go wrong with this simple enhancement! Simply have your kiddos draw their simple design out in glue, and sprinkle away. The results will be magical!
Learn More: Design Matters
41. Christmas Card Exchange Project
If you need a time filler before the end of term but still want to be productive and stick to those standards, this is a fantastic activity for your high school students. Have your kids create and exchange letters or cards with other high schoolers abroad. What a fun and festive way to teach global citizenship and enhance their communication skills!
Learn More: English Teaching 101
42. Newspaper Style Christmas Card
This is another Christmas card idea that makes for a great gift to take home! This activity can be part of any subject: English, History, Art, and yes, even Math! With this card idea, they’ll reflect on personal memories and create a newspaper page to showcase them. Have them glue it on cardstock and fold accordion style. There are no limits to what you can do with this fun one!
Learn More: Pear Tree
43. ‘Merry Grinchmas’ Holiday Card
How many of your kiddos get into the holiday spirits with a good old Christmas flick? Why not create Christmas cards inspired by the characters from their favorite movies? This is a fun way to incorporate almost a “show and tell” activity where they can discuss what their favorite holiday movies are and if their families have any movie traditions.
Learn More: I Heart Arts n Crafts
44. Abstract Christmas Card
This quick printable idea lets your kiddies go from basic coloring to designing an abstract work of art! The finished results look just like stained glass but on paper! Take it a step further and have them create their own abstract designs when they’re done.
Learn More: Easy Peasy And Fun
45. Gnome Christmas Card
Who needs an elf on the shelf when you have these adorable gnomes? Once your kiddos cut out and decorate their gnomes you can flip the script and turn it into a creative writing prompt; they’ll love sharing their gnome’s holiday adventures! These are best printed on high-quality card stock for a sturdy final product.
Learn More: Frugal Mom Eh
46. Reindeer Light Card
Add some 3D elements to your Christmas card crafts with this cute reindeer card design; your kids will love using different materials, not just a basic paper cutout. Let them incorporate googly eyes, pipe cleaners, ribbons, and pom-poms to enhance their cool cards! You could even turn it into a STEM project by having students build the actual lights!
Learn More: Kids Craft Room
47. Ugly Sweater Craft
No holiday season would be complete without an ugly sweater! For this craft, get your students to design an ugly sweater and write a message on the back to create an ornament-like card. This activity could even be adapted to fit curriculum standards if you have your kiddies design sweaters for specific book characters or famous people.
Learn More: Kids Activity Zone
48. Puffy Paint Penguin Cards
Puffy paint projects always get the excitement levels soaring and this one even includes glitter! Your kiddos will love creating their penguin characters by cutting and sticking paper onto their page, but the fun really starts when they add some realistic snow using puffy paint to make the whole picture come to life!
Learn More: The Imagination Tree