Adam and Eve is one of the fundamental stories in the Bible, beginning the journey that eventually leads to Jesus. These twelve activities including object lessons, storyboard ideas, games, and crafts are designed to help children appreciate the core lessons of the story in an accessible and engaging way. They are a perfect addition to any Christian preschool, Jesse Tree curriculum, or Sunday School.
1. Adam & Eve Color sheets
This Eden color and activity sheet helps children to connect Adam and Eve’s story to the New Testament as well as their own lives. This would be a great resource for a longer lesson series about how the Old Testament leads to the teachings of Jesus.
Learn More: Hide and Seek Ministries
2. Adam & Eve Activity Pack
This printable teaching resource makes lesson planning a snap and includes links to a mini book for children as well as other resources for them to explore both before and after reading the story.
Learn More: Bible Fun for Kids
3. Spiral Snake Mobile
This is a great craft, especially if you are reading the Jesus Story Book Bible as part of your curriculum. After reading “The Terrible Lie” as the Bible lesson, have children color and make a snake mobile to help reinforce their learning.
Learn More: Bible Crafts and Activities
4. Adam & Eve Bible Story Sequencing
This worksheet is a great addition to a lesson plan for a Christian preschool, allowing them to work on story sequencing and reinforcing Bible passages from storytime. Each block comes with a story illustration to help students figure out the order of events.
Learn More: PreKinders
5. Adam & Eve Bible Flannel Board
Make your Adam and Eve lesson more interactive with these laminated or iron-on felt storytelling props. This bundle includes everything from an apple shape to a sneaky snake. If you teach in a Christian preschool, you could tell the story one day and then have children reenact the story the next day as part of a larger unit plan.
Learn More: Keeping Life Creative
6. Creation Story Lesson Bundle
If you’re running short on time, this complete lesson plan features a ton of great resources. It includes a lesson with memory verse (with motions), snack ideas, games, and more. Kids are sure to appreciate the real-world applications of each activity.
Learn More: Children’s Ministry Deals
7. Adam and Eve Lesson Craft
This Sunday School lesson plan craft is a great way to reinforce the end of the Creation story. Precut the printables and have children color them before gluing the Adam and Eve figures to popsicle sticks. Then have kids reenact the two characters hiding after eating from the Tree of Knowledge.
Learn More: Our Country Road
8. Adam and Eve Mini-Lesson
This reusable mini-book is a great choice for eco-conscious classrooms. Once students hear the story and color their book, they can start to “read” (or memorize) the text.
Learn More: PreKinders
9. Apple Tree Game
Round out the Bible story lesson with a fun game that helps connect young learners to the beautiful garden Adam and Eve once inhabited. Have kids practice counting by rolling the dice and placing the corresponding number of “apples” on the tree.
Learn More: Little Family Fun
10. Paper Snake
Help kids remember what happened when the “sneaky snake” tricked Adam and Eve with this serpent-shaped activity. you can always replace the text by writing out your own memory verse or add a hole punch and some string to create a quick mobile.
Learn More: 123Homeschool4me
11. The Terrible Lie
Here is a retelling from the Jesus Storybook Bible. The full-color pictures and easy-to-understand text are a great way to keep young children engaged. Why not follow up this lesson with some age-appropriate questions to help children connect personally with the story?
Learn More: Bible Stories for Kids
12. Adam Named the Animals
Help children appreciate Adam’s role in creation by adding new lyrics to the classic song “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. Music is a great way to boost memory retention and can be enhanced by adding movements to go along with the song.
Learn More: MaestraMom