A cooperative learning technique, “carousel”, incorporates movement, conversation, and reflection. Carousal activities help children learn new information from the existing available data that they have access to. Carousel is a terrific method to offer students a break from sitting in their chairs while also incorporating kinesthetic learning into your learning environment. As students must collaborate and reflect to respond to each question, it’s also an excellent tool to promote group or class activity/collaboration. Here are some fun carousel ideas to try with your students!
1. Can You Catch the Gingerbread Man?
“Can You Catch the Gingerbread Man?” offers an excellent carousel activity focusing on speech therapy in little children. Digital PDFs like this can help teachers and homeschoolers target various speech and language goals among preschool and elementary students.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
2. Identifying Number Sets
You can create an activity with question pieces and student recording sheets. You can add an answer key to the carousel activity if you wish. Ideally, you should form groups of 2-4 students. Then, assign them a starting number to solve the questions together.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
3. I Spy
You and your youngster can play the game “I spy”. It’s a communicative turn-taking game and therefore promotes good social skills. The game also enhances your child’s vocabulary and linguistic knowledge.
Learn More: Paper Trail Design
4. Recipe Matching
“Recipe Matching” is a carousel activity that teaches pupils how to choose ingredients for certain dishes and the kitchen tools they will need to prepare them. It allows students to work together to find the right answers and learn valuable life skills.
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5. Thanksgiving A-Z
This is the perfect carousel game to play during Thanksgiving. It’s essentially a variation of Scattergories and asks children to think of a word or thing associated with Thanksgiving for each alphabet letter.
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6. Simple Lemonade
Simple Lemonade is a classroom activity that divides students into groups of 3 or 4. To complete this carousel activity, children must follow the instructions and make a lemonade drink.
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7. Bingo
Try out bingo as an effective carousel activity. Using different themes based on seasons, occasions, and activities can help students learn about their surroundings and absorb information about the world around them. For instance, a Fall-themed bingo game can help children learn about seasonal changes.
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8. Mad Libs
Template word games like mad libs are among the best pastime and party games, but did you know you can use them as classroom carousel activities? Divide students into groups; providing them with a word template to complete together.
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9. Reading Is Thinking
In this carousel activity, students move from poster to poster. This silent game requires a few materials such as colored markers, chart paper, construction paper, and pens. The activity involves reading a text silently and using different strategies like making predictions and asking questions. It compels students to think about what ideas other readers may have as they read the same text.
Learn More: A Walk in the Chalk
10. Word Nerdery
Word Nerdery is among our favorite activities for elementary students; allowing them to interact, engage, and learn together. You can provide the children in your classroom with a template they can use to form new words.Pinterest
11. Four in a Row Dice Game
This game allows students to engage in a fun-filled carousel activity. The game requires a game board and two die. It’s a straightforward game that elementary students can easily understand and play. The game aims to get four of a player’s counters in a row.
Learn More: Twinkl
12. Roll and Write
This game is the perfect example of fun and learning combined! At the same time, children will learn things related to their studies or general information or concepts they should grasp growing up. When playing this carousel game, children simply roll the die and let it decide their task.
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13. Four in a Row
Divide your class into teams and let them choose a color. Then, they will read the words on a given template aloud. They can then mark the words they get right to form rows of four.
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14. Ditch the Chairs
In this carousel activity, children are asked to get up from their seats and move and learn as they read or preview text. It may also involve responding to controversial topics, etc.
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15. Contraction Puzzles
Learning contractions is an essential part of upper elementary classes. Are you looking for activities that will compel your students to interact while learning essential topics/concepts? If yes, the contraction puzzles carousel activity offers the right opportunity. Cut cardboard pieces marked with contractions and the two words that they’re comprised of. Students must then match them up. Pinterest
16. Consonant Blends
Besides allowing students to learn and practice their consonant blends, this activity involves using worksheets and allowing children to pick the correct blends and complete the given words. To promote better engagement among children, allow them to help each other and act out the words.
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17. Spelling Word Roll
To complete this activity, you only need a sheet and a template with spelling words, and a die. Your students can form teams or play individually. Let them roll the die and complete the prompt that corresponds with their number.
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18. Word Fluency
Word Fluency is an excellent game that allows teachers and homeschoolers to promote fluency and language skills among students. You can create templates depending on your student’s abilities and academic levels. Learners are required to read each sentence allowed three times.
Learn More: Pinterest
19. Cup Stacking Reading
This carousel activity encourages interaction and engagement among children while allowing them to practice their reading skills. It essentially requires children to make structures using cups as they gain reading fluency.
Learn More: Pinterest
20. Sight Words Ball Toss
Encouraging young children to learn and memorize sight words is a typical practice starting from kindergarten. This activity gives children a fun way to learn sight words. This motor game involves children tossing balls and reading sight words repeatedly.
Learn More: Forward with Fun