The 100th day of school usually falls sometime during February; a cold and boring time for most kids. But fret not, as it’s the perfect opportunity to treat them to a little break from the monotony with these super fun classroom activities. We’ve scoured the internet to come up with our collection of the top 50 classroom activities and fun games that your children can enjoy on their 100th day of school celebration!
Math Games
1. Bring 100 of Something to School
Have your kiddos bring 100 of anything to your 100 days of school celebration. On the day of class, ask each of them to share something about what they brought to build a sense of classroom community at the beginning of their day. From paper clips to pencils and pennies to Fruit Loops, the possibilities are endless!
Learn More: JDaniel4″s Mom
2. 100 Legos
This basic counting game is a fantastic opportunity for your children to improve their math skills without even realizing it’s a math lesson. Simply bring a bucket of Legos to class and then ask them to count out 100 pieces each before challenging them to see what they can create with 100 Legos.
Learn More: Days With Grey
3. Mystery Picture Hundreds Chart
This fun-filled color-by-number chart features 100 squares that you’ll invite your kids to color in to reveal a hidden image. On top of the chance to practice their counting skills, these charts are also fantastic for encouraging them to follow directions closely.
Learn More: Made by Teachers
Reading Together
4. 100th Day Worries by Margery Cuyler
Gather your class around for a bit of reading time to celebrate 100 days. 100th Day Worries by Margery Cuyler is a wonderful choice, where your young minds will read about a girl who has anxiety about what 100 things she should bring to school for her 100th-day celebration.
Learn More: Scholastic
5. The 100th Day of School from the Black Lagoon by Mike Thaler
Your little ones will absolutely love this installment in the Black Lagoon Adventures series. It’s chock-full of hilarity and The 100th Day of School from the Black Lagoon is no exception! In this humorous tale, your readers will meet Hubie, a kid who’s stressed out about his upcoming 100th-day-of-school event. But he surprises everyone when he decides to bring something special to school.
Learn More: Scholastic
6. Robin Hill School: One Hundred Days Plus One by Margaret McNamara
This powerful tale deals with the fact that there will inevitably be disappointments in our lives. Your students will enjoy this read from Margaret McNamara that tells the story of Hannah, who gets sick and misses her 100th day of school celebration.
Learn More: Amazon
7. Hello Reader! Level 1: The 100th Day by Grace Maccarone and Alayne Pick
Hello Reader! Level 1: The 100th Day is a delightful pick if you want your learners to read on their own, aloud, or in small groups. This wonderful book uses short, simple sentences and will also teach them about embracing our differences while encouraging them to be accepting of each other.
Learn More: Scholastic
Physical Activities
8. 100 Jumping Jacks
Get your little brainiacs moving with a group exercise! This thrilling activity doesn’t require any prep time or setup as all you’ll do is challenge your class to see who can finish a set of 100 jumping jacks first, in a friendly class competition.
Learn More: Biology of Exercise
9. 100 Balloon Pop
Your littles are guaranteed to have a blast of a day in this action-packed activity. Simply start by laying out 100 inflated balloons around your classroom before inviting your children to see how fast they can find and pop them all. No sharp objects are allowed, so they’ll have to get creative!
Learn More: Kindergarten Lifestyle
10. 100-yard Dash
Here’s a fast-paced activity that’s perfect for getting your kids’ blood pumping for an exciting day in your classroom. Head outside and measure out 100 yards to mark the start and finish of the 100-yard dash. Then, line your little athletes up before prompting them to sprint as fast as they can to see who can make it to the finish line first!
Learn More: Game Rules
11. 100 Bean Bag Toss
A fun and easy game for everyone! Involve your kids in this memorable activity where you’ll encourage them to try and get 100 bean bags in a hole or see who can score 100 points with the least amount of throws.
Learn More: Make The World Cuter
12. 100 One-foot Hops
How long can your little ones hop on one foot? Find out by challenging them to this active game where you’ll see how many of them can hop to 100 on one foot!
Learn More: Firstcry Parenting
Writing Activities
13. Write 100 Words
Put your learners’ vocabulary skills to the test by tasking them with writing 100 words that they know. Have them think of their own words or you can use this handy 100 sight words chart. After they’ve compiled their list of words, you can even invite them to read their list out loud to see which words were chosen most frequently.
Learn More: CM School Supply
14. “If I were 100 years old…”
Time to get your kiddos’ creative juices flowing with a writing activity. Ask them to respond to the writing prompt, “If I were 100 years old…”. It’s a great way to enjoy a quiet, individual class activity if you want to wind things down toward the end of their day.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
15. “If I had 100 dollars…”
If you’ve already been entertained by your kids’ answers to “If I were 100 years old…”, invite them to complete this alternative writing prompt where you’ll have them respond to the statement, “If I had 100 dollars…”.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
16. “100 reasons we love our school…”
These next few writing prompts work better as class activities. Like this heartwarming one, where you’ll have your students create some cool posters by encouraging them to come up with 100 reasons why they love their school.
Learn More: Williamston Community Schools
17. “100 things we learned this year…”
A little more difficult, but a lot more education-focused, this prompt will really get your little ones thinking! Simply invite them to think of 100 things that they’ve learned this year so far. “I learned how to write my name” and “I learned how to add 5+5” are great answers that can then be added to a giant poster in your classroom.
Learn More: Cara Carroll
18. 100 Words That Describe Our School
This creative activity is perfect for your kids who are still developing basic vocabulary skills. Simply ask them to think of 100 words that describe their school. Afterward, use these words to fill in a shape or use them to build a poster.
Learn More: Learning English with Africa
Arts and Crafts
19. Cut 100 Shapes
This colorful cutting project is super beneficial for exercising those little hands. Simple task your pupils with cutting out 100 shapes from colored pieces of paper. Once they’re done, surprise them with poster board before allowing them to make their own shapes by gluing the shapes into a design.
Learn More: In The Bag Kids’ Crafts
20. 100 Legs Centipede
With just a few simple supplies, your young minds will be able to create this charming centipede. Start by having them paint six styrofoam balls in different colors before assisting them to glue 100 legs on their centipede that they’ll make using pipe cleaners.
Learn More: Pinterest
21. 100 Days Gumball Machine Posters
This fuzzy 100 days gumball craft is guaranteed to be a hit in your classroom. Simply start by cutting out this handy template before inviting your class to stick 100 pom-poms onto the template to create this sweet and colorful craft.
Learn More: Tip Junkie
22. 100 Hearts or Snowflakes
If your 100th day of school event falls on or near Valentine’s Day, we’ve got the perfect activity for you and your kiddos. Have them design these snazzy 100 days t-shirts where you’ll invite them to stick 100 foam hearts onto their shirts.
Learn More: Viva Veltoro
23. 100 Fingers Poster
Here’s a collaborative art project that our whole class can get involved in! Arm them with a variety of paints before allowing them to paint their hands and press them down onto a large poster. Keep on going until they’ve splotched down 100 fingers altogether.
Learn More: Pinterest
24. 100 Googly Eyes School T-shirts
Your little ones will absolutely adore this quirky project. Provide them with one t-shirt each and then encourage them to let their imagination run wild as you have them paint a monster on their shirt. Then, let them go to town as you invite them to fill their little monster with 100 googly eyes.
Learn More: Bright Kid Fun
25. 100th Day Glasses
These 100th-Day glasses are simple to create and will prove to be a delightful keepsake that your kids can always look back on. Simply print and hand out a bunch of templates to your class and then allow them to decorate their glasses with things like pom-poms, sequins, rhinestones, and more. They’ll be proudly wearing their creations all day long!
Learn More: Scholastic Teachables
26. Dress up as a 100-Year-Old
This adorable activity is guaranteed to have your whole class in stitches! Let their imaginations run wild as you invite them to show up to class dressed up as a 100-year-old. Not only will they have a laugh, but we’re pretty sure you’ll get the giggles too when you see the ideas that they come up with.
Learn More: Instagram
27. Crack the 100th Day Code
Celebrate 100 days of school by challenging your little brainiacs to crack these free printable worksheets. They’ll need to decipher what letter each image represents to reveal the hidden message. Once they’ve figured it out, you can even invite them to get creative and color in the pictures.
Learn More: Kara Creates
28. Plant 100 Seeds
Indulge those little green fingers in your class with this gardening project. Have your kiddos plant 100 seeds or bulbs for your 100 Days celebration to teach them all about seeds and how to look after plants. It’s an awesome, hands-on activity that’ll last over their full year and that can also be incorporated into many classes.
Learn More: Spring Valley Green Schoolyard
29. 100 Butterflies on a Wreath
With a little preparation, your little ones will turn a bunch of dull wreaths into fluttering decor. Allow them to color in butterfly templates, draw their own from scratch, or print out a bunch of colorful designs before prompting your class to fill their wreaths with these vibrant critters.
Learn More: Hopscotch Mom
30. 100 Days Cereal Necklace
An exciting activity and a snack, what could be better? Simply task your littles with threading their choice of 100 colorful Fruit Loops onto twine to create these delicious and wearable snacks!
Learn More: Kid-Friendly Things to Do
31. 100 Days Bookmark
These gorgeous bookmarks will make the ideal accompaniment to your wondrous 100 Days celebrations. Begin by handing out templates to your students and then allow them to go wild with pens, pencils, or paints to adorn their bookmarks in a multitude of colors.
Learn More: Artsy Fartsy Mama
32. Self-Portraits for the 100th Day of School
Here’s another hilarious project to involve your pupils in. Inspire their creative side by encouraging them to draw a self-portrait and then try their hand at drawing a self-portrait of themselves 100 years on. You’ll be delighted to see what features they add to their future selves and their classmates are sure to have a giggle when they see the end result!
Learn More: Teach Kids Art
33. Mix 100 Colors!
Teach your little artists all about color mixing with this radiant activity. Allow them to explore how colors work by having them fill a grid of squares with swatches of their concoctions. They’ll absolutely love discovering new colors and you’ll have a great piece of art to hang on your classroom wall once they’re finished.
Learn More: Teach Kids Art
34. What Would Cars Look Like in 100 Years?
Bring STEM into your 100 days of school activities by challenging your young minds to design a car from the future. This informative video will give them a few tips and tricks on how to build their perfect car, which they can then use to bring their unique creations to life.
Learn More: YouTube
35. A Rainbow of Skittles!
What 100 days of school celebration would be complete without some sweet treats? Involve your kiddos in creating this fabulous rainbow by having them separate and count out 100 Skittles. If your children are full up on snacks, you could swap out the Skittles for 100 pom-poms or fingerprints.
Learn More: Classy Mommy
36. 100 Days of School Certificate
This adorable keepsake will make a wonderful addition to a memory book. To reward your children for making it to the 100th-day mark, invite them to create their very own 100 Days certificate. Encourage them to fill it with color before adding their names and the date.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
37. 100 Days Smarter Crown
Every child needs their own crown! Brighten up your learners’ day by having them design their own crown or hat that they can wear on their 100th day of school. Encourage them to fill each dot with a color of their choice to give their crown a personal touch.
Learn More: Mrs Black’s Bees
38. 100 Day Scavenger Hunt
Entertain your little explorers with this adventurous scavenger hunt. Send them off on a hunt around your classroom where they’ll need to find items on their scavenger hunt sheet and cross them off once discovered.
Learn More: Joyful Learning in KC
39. Race to 100 Board Game
Have your children challenge their classmates to a race to 100 with this entertaining board game. All you need is a few counters and dice before you prompt your kiddos to get rolling to see who makes it 100 first. It’s a fantastic way to reinforce their number skills and they’ll also learn how taking turns and following instructions can result in a fun-filled experience.
Learn More: Liz’s Early Learning Spot
40. Things I’ve Been Told 100 Times
Put together this hilarious class book where your pupils will be the authors. Task them with filling their pages with pictures and comments that refer to things that they’ve been told 100 times! It’s another absorbing activity that’s sure to produce some giggle-worthy content.
Learn More: Around The Kampfire
41. On This Day 100 Years Ago
This innovative activity is more suited to your older students and will provide them with an absorbing way to explore how the world has changed over time. Task them with researching what was happening in the world 100 years ago. You can choose a specific day or let them explore the events that took place a century ago.
Learn More: On This Day
42. 100 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Puzzles are always a hit with kids of all ages, which is why this activity has found its place on our fabulous list of 100th-day-of-school activities. Simply bring a few 100-piece puzzles to your classroom and then invite your kids to pick their favorite and get to work on piecing together the picture.
Learn More: Orchard Toys
43. 100th Day Trail Mix
Here’s another delicious activity that your learners can get involved in during their 100th-Day celebrations. Have them bring different small snacks to school or bring a bunch of your own. After you’ve provided them with bags, invite them to fill them with 10 of each item to create their very own version of trail mix.
Learn More: The Bender Bunch
44. 100 Reasons to Be Grateful
There are so many amazing activities that you can do with your class that center around gratitude. Like this gratitude jar project, where you’ll encourage each of your kids to add something that they’re grateful for to a jar that you can then read together on their 100 days of school celebration.
Learn More: Lesson Pix
45. Bingo!
You can’t go wrong with a classic game of Bingo! This fabulous math activity can be played in a number of ways where you can incorporate the number 100 into the mix. Simply hand out the Bingo cards to your pupils and draw the numbers from a jar for your kids to check off, or give them an equation so that they need to work out the answer first.
Learn More: Printabulls
46. Learn to say ‘Hello’ in 100 Different Languages
Bonjour, Ciao, Hello! This is what you’ll hear around your classroom as you invite your kiddos to learn how to say “hello” in 100 different languages. Assign a few languages to each of them or turn it into a collaborative class effort by prompting them to repeat each greeting after you.
Learn More: Amazing Talker
47. 100 Days of School Balloon Printable
You and your young minds are in for a whole lot of fun with this interactive activity! Start by capturing photos of them jumping in the air before printing them out and prompting them to cut out their figures. Then, provide them with these free printouts where you’ll have them color in the balloons before attaching their best jumping photograph to their designs.
Learn More: Tried and True Creative
48. Color By Numbers
This awesome color-by-numbers printout is the perfect way to add a pop of color to your children’s 100th-Day celebration. They’ll have a ball as you prompt them to pick up the correct crayons to fill their page with color, all while working on their number and color recognition skills.
Learn More: Persia Lou
49. Roll to 100 Dice Game
Who says math can’t be fun? This count-to-100 tally game is simple enough for your younger kids to play and it requires an even simpler set of tools. Give each of them a copy of this roll to 100 worksheet and then encourage them to roll their dice, tally up the total, and keep on rolling until they reach 100!
Learn More: Brooklyn Berry Designs
50. 100 Days of School Treats
End your kiddos’ 100th Day celebration off on a sweet note with these scrumptious snacks. Here you’ll find a long list of ideas for snacks that you can make that will fit into their 100th day activities. From number-shaped treats to smaller nibbles that they can count, it’s the perfect way to finish off their festive day.
Learn More: Laugh Eat Learn