In most cases, there is an activity for everyone in terms of dominoes. From adults to Preschoolers, dominoes can always be engaging and exciting. They’re also great for building on various skills throughout childhood. These skills are far and few between, but a few to mention are; patience, motor skills, critical thinking, teamwork, and even friendly competition.
If you’ve decided to purchase a bin of dominos for the summer holiday, then you’ve probably also been searching for games to play. Well, look no further! Here is a list of 21 ideas for activities that your kiddos will absolutely love.
1. Domino Train
Domino train is the ideal game for family game night and those pesky indoor recess months. It’s quite a versatile game that can be played throughout various classrooms or homes. Using domino tiles, you must build a Mexican train throughout each round.
Learn more: Local Pines
2. Number Games
Matching pairs of tiles with numbers on the paper will help your kiddos learn from home. Kiddos will love the idea of random domino tiles and how they can match them. As a parent or teacher, you will love watching your kiddos match up the numbers.
Learn more: Isla and Esme’s Teacher Mummy
3. Math Fluency
This quick game can be used throughout math class to review number understanding and quick comprehension. Simply show students a number and see who can grab the domino with that number first.
Pro tip: The large dominos help younger students with motor skills, but as students age, this game can be used with smaller dominos and different math operations.
Learn more: Holly Hacks Math
4. Domino Homes
Dominos homes are such a cute dominos set game. Your kiddos will love both creating homes and matching up their dominos. This fun game is simple and will spark creative sides throughout your home or classroom.
Learn more: Mrs. Mummy School
5. Loose Caboose
Are you looking for a game of dominoes to help your kiddos with their addition skills? Well, look no further! Use domino tiles to help kids add the numbers and line up their addition blocks. This can also be used with multiplication and subtraction.
Learn more: Mme Marissa
7. Domino Castle
Dominos players will love the twist on the traditional domino games. Building a domino castle is hard, but it can be unique with commitment. Using multiple boxes of dominos castles like this can really outweigh any expected outcomes.
Learn more: Laura Clamdo
8. Standard Layout Games
The standard domino game can be understood by even our youngest kiddies. This is a game of turn-taking, patience, and working together. Popular games like this will keep little minds busy throughout the day until their layout is big enough to finally push down the domino.
Learn more: Good Kids Growing
9. Typical Dominos Games
It can be challenging to teach your kiddos how to play Dominos. It’s not the easiest game to understand, but with simple instructions like this, they’ll quickly catch on and learn to love this game.
Learn more: Faiz Djam We Vlog
10. Domino Golf
This is a great game for learning different math vocabulary. Domino-like games like this are perfect for at home and in the classroom. It’s also very engaging because students will love asking questions and trying to figure out which domino their opponent has.
Learn more: Michael Minas
11. Guess Who
Turning traditional, fun classroom games into dominoes games is such a special thing. Primarily because a dominos set game is quite a bit cheaper than buying the traditional board game. Therefore, playing guess who with dominos is the perfect activity for game time as well as math time.
Learn more: Talkin’ Chalk
12. Domino Snap
Card game concentration is huge when it comes to both development and motor skills. Snap is already quite the fun card game, but it will dominoes it quickly turns into a math game. This one should be a top choice if you’re looking for educational games.
Learn more: Devan Weber
13. Domino Memory
This memory game is based primarily on the idea of any traditional memory game. The only difference is that it can be added to your domino games list. Domino-like card games are so great because they can easily be incorporated into any day-to-day activity.
Learn more: Teacher 112
14. Animal Dominos
There are various dominos set games that can be created by teachers and parents alike. This set has been transformed into animal dominos! This can be easily created, and the game itself is even more exciting and fun.
Learn more: Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse
15. Domino Train
This domino train will help your kiddos create their own dominos masterpieces! Although laying dominos out is great for motor skills, sometimes it’s challenging for little hands. BUT, the domino train will allow your kiddos to easily place the dominoes in any pattern they like.
Learn more: Aleks Toys
16. Dinosaur Dominos
The perfect game for grade school students who are excited about the addition. Play this game with adults or by yourself, and watch as your kids understand how addition actually works. Typical domino games like this can now be played online.
Learn more: K5 Hidden Peak Education
17. Domino Challenge
This modern game is the perfect option for building their competition, teamwork, and motor skills if you have older kids. Games with tiles are challenging and engaging for kids of all ages. Create a challenge throughout school or camp and watch your kids go.
Learn more: Thought Bulb
18. Domino Stacking Challenge
Stacking additional tiles on top of an already standing tower is challenging but very exciting. Work with friends or other kids in the classroom to try to build the largest tower. This is great for indoor recess or game time at home.
Learn more: H5 Domino Community
19. The Domino Tower
If your kiddos are bogged down in video games during this summer vacation, it’s time to give them quite the challenge. Whether they play against siblings, parents, or friends, this challenge is apt to keep your kiddos busy for quite a while.
Learn more: All Around Audrey
20. 3D Domino Pyramid
When it comes to Dominos, there’s much more to experience than just playing games. These square tiles are also all about teaching motor skills and patience. This can be a solo activity or an activity done with family members. Either way, your kiddos will be fully engaged.
Learn more: H5 Domino Community
21. Can You Build This?
As we’ve been home for summer vacation, my kids have loved working on these dominoes builds. They are both challenges and fun for domino players and nonplayers. Your kids will quickly fall in love with each build’s challenge.
Learn more: Block Party!