As educators, we want our students to find purpose and meaning in their lives. One powerful way to help them do that is to encourage them to find their “why” – their reason for being. When students have a clear sense of purpose, they are more motivated, focused, and engaged in their learning. Let’s jump right in and explore 23 engaging activities that can help students discover their “why”!
1. Values Exploration
Encourage students to identify their core values and discuss why these values are important to them. Once we better acquaint our littles with their personal values, they’re able to get a better sense of who they are and what they stand for; also helping them to form bonds with like-minded people.
Learn More: Play At Tune
2. Dream Board
Have students create a visual representation of their goals and aspirations using images and text. This activity will not only prompt them to fish out various aspects of their current personality but also discover more about how they wish to expand in terms of their hopes and dreams.
Learn More: Develop Good Habits
3. Positive Affirmations
This is the perfect morning task as it allows students an opportunity to foster self-belief and passion! Ask students to write down positive affirmations about themselves; focusing on their strengths and abilities.
Learn More: Gratefulness
4. Personal Mission Statement
Have students write a personal mission statement that reflects their values and goals. Their work can then be kept and reflected upon during difficult and deflating times.
Learn More: Pinterest
5. Life Map
Ask students to create a visual timeline of their life; highlighting key events and experiences that have shaped their identity and values. This allows them to reflect on how far they’ve come and set a course for where they wish to go!
Learn More: K12.Thoughtful Learning
6. “Why” Letter
Have students write a letter to themselves. They should focus on explaining why their passions and values matter to them. If they feel comfortable enough, they can share their work with a trusted friend or even take it home to show their caregivers.
7. Goal Setting
Encourage students to set short-term and long-term goals; focusing on areas of their lives that align with their values and passions. SMART goals help our students specify their intentions, determine what terms they can use to measure their achievement, and ascertain whether their goal is attainable, realistic, and timely.
Learn More: What I Have Learned Teaching
8. Interest Inventories
Have students take an interest inventory assessment to identify potential career paths and hobbies that align with their interests. This will help them be more directional in their approach to indulgences outside of the classroom.
Learn More: Pinterest
9. Passion Project
Encourage students to pursue a passion project that aligns with their values and interests. These projects often prompt our kiddos to delve deeper into their passions and may even reveal their greater purpose.
Learn More: Teach With Ashley
10. Strengths Inventory
Similar to the interest inventory listed above, you can invite your students to take a strengths inventory assessment to identify their unique strengths and talents. This will then allow them to pursue their purpose in a more holistic manner.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
11. Mind Mapping
Encourage students to create a mind map of their passions and values; connecting them to potential career paths and life goals. They should be encouraged to use bright colors and unique fonts, and even add doodles along the way to connect their ideas.
Learn More: Mind Meister
12. Journaling
Ask students to keep a journal to reflect on their experiences and explore their passions and values as they change and develop over time.
Learn More: Crockett’s Classroom
13. Inspirational Quotes
Have students find and share inspirational quotes that resonate with their values and goals. In doing so, they’ll be continually inspired and can then hopefully share some of that innovation with their peers.
Learn More: Southern Living
14. Community Involvement
Encourage students to get involved in their local community and volunteer for causes that align with their values. After all, what bad can come from giving back and uplifting the local neighborhood?
Learn More: Getting Smart
15. Personality Assessments
Have students take personality assessments to better understand their personality traits and how they can contribute to their life goals. This 5-minute test is a great place to start!
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
16. Personal Reflection
Ask students to reflect on their past experiences and how they have shaped their passions and values. This activity is perfect for helping your students to identify personal development areas.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
17. Elevator Pitch
This activity is perfect for high school learners who will shortly be entering the workforce and need to identify what standards they’re prepared to adhere to. Encourage students to practice an elevator pitch for their career aspirations; focusing on how their values and passions align with their goals.
18. Guest Speakers
Invite guest speakers who have pursued their careers or passions to speak to and inspire your students.
19. Personal Branding
This activity can easily be incorporated into a business studies unit and creates the perfect opportunity for your learners to reflect on their mission. Have students create a personal branding statement that reflects their values and personal brand.
Learn More: Campus to Career Crossroads
20. Social Media Audit
Encourage students to audit their social media accounts and make sure their online presence aligns with their values and goals. This is crucial in the modern world of work!
21. Role Models
Encourage students to identify role models who embody their values and goals. Motivate them to get in touch with their inspirational person and ask them a series of questions to learn more about how they can pursue their own passions.
Learn More: The Asian School
22. TED Talks
Have students watch TED Talks related to their interests and passions; reflecting on how they align with their values and goals.
Learn More: Ed Ted
23. Mentorship Program
Establish a mentorship program where students can connect with mentors who share their values and can provide guidance on pursuing their passions and goals.