Are you looking for some unique award ideas for your students? A memorable student award program provides recognition for students that boosts self-esteem and brightens their day. Any teacher can give out a candy award and a handshake, but a thoughtful one takes the time to come up with funny student awards that are individualized for each child. Thinking up your own awards can be time-consuming which is why we have developed a list of 80 awards designed to make every student in your class laugh and feel special!
1. Loudest Eater
Is there someone in class who likes to talk or hum while they eat? This is the perfect award for them!
2. Awesome Attitude
Everyone loves to be around those who see the glass as half full. Reward them!
Learn More: Freeology
3. Book Worm
Book awards are easy to give, especially if you have students keep a reading log throughout the year.
Learn More: Etsy
4. Technological Guru Award
Is there a student who consistently helps the teacher with technological issues? This award is for them.
5. Smithsonian Award
Are any history buffs in the classroom? Notice their abundance of knowledge with this award.
6. Sportsmanship Award
Who is never a sore loser and always roots for their classmates? This is the certificate for them!
Learn More: Hoover Web Design
7. School Spirit
The student who consistently dresses up for every school event needs this award!
Learn More: Bethel
8. Astonishing Personality
Who has such a great personality that they simply astonish you?
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
9. Bubbly Personality
Is there someone in your class who is always smiling and constantly happy? They deserve the bubbly personality prize!
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
10. Best Classroom Whiteboard Writer
Writing well on the whiteboard is extremely difficult. Who does this best?
11. Difference-Maker Award
Who is going to change the world someday or makes an effort to uplift their classroom community?
Learn More: The Difference Maker Organization
12. Inquisitive Questioner
The student in your class who keeps you on your toes and asks great questions deserves this one.
Learn More: Teacher Vision
13. Wonderful Writer
Have you had a read-aloud poetry day? Who wowed you?
Learn More: Teacher Vision
14. Best Compliment Giver
Who is the special student who is always brightening everyone’s day with a kind word?
Learn More: Hey Teach
15. Peacemaker
Where is the conflict, and who is ready to mediate?
Learn More: Oak Dome
16. Sensational Storyteller
When you ask students how their weekend was, who gives the most detail?
Learn More: Grade School Giggles
17. Best Smile
Is there someone who brightens the whole classroom by simply flashing their pearly whites?
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
18. Safety Superhero Award
Who ensures everyone is doing what they need to in order to stay safe?
Learn More: Making Friends
19. Hero Award
Is there a student who comes to the rescue every time someone says they need help?
Learn More: Brandon Gaille
20. Above and Beyond
Which student reaches for the moon no matter how hard the task is?
Learn More: Lex Brodies
21. Best Communicator
It can be difficult to understand so many personalities in one classroom. Who voices their needs best?
Learn More: Keep Calms
22. Cutest Pet
Bring in pet pictures to vote on who has the cutest one.
Learn More: AHI
23. Single File Award
Which student is always ready to line everyone up?
Learn More: Fun Awards
24. The 99% Perspiration Award
Is there a super hard worker in your class? Be sure they have a sense of humor before giving them this award.
Learn More: Fun Awards
25. Super Scientist
Who is the next student to work at Pfizer?
Learn More: Laura Candler
26. Most Cheerful
Do you have a student who always seems to have good days no matter what?
Learn More: Oak Dome
27. The Friendship Award
Who are friends with everyone in the class? Give this to the social butterfly.
Learn More: A Teachable Teacher
28. Positive Thinker
Is there someone who doesn’t allow room for negativity?
Learn More: A Teachable Teacher
29. Fast as a Speeding Bullet
Which student finishes their assignments the fastest?
Learn More: The Classroom Creative
30. Master of Recess
Do you have a super eager student to get outside for recess?
Learn More: The Classroom Creative
31. Most Trustworthy
Who does everyone confide in?
Learn More: The Thinker Builder
32. Best Singer
Best vocal cords, anyone? Who can sing the national anthem?
Learn More: Oak Dome
33. Perfect Attendance
Which student is always there, no matter what?
Learn More: Positive Promotions
34. Honor Roll
Who hands in all their assignments on time, every time?
Learn More: Positive Promotions
35. Cursive King
Learning cursive is hard. Who mastered it the best?
Learn More: Bright Hub Education
36. Best Negotiator
Which student barters for extra recess or more time on an assignment?
Learn More: The Negotiator
37. Outstanding Character
Does someone in your class have a personality that blows you away?
Learn More: It’s Elementary
38. Academic Excellence
Who will grow up to be the valedictorian of their high school?
Learn More: It’s Elementary
39. Full of Thought
Is there someone in class who takes an extra moment to think before speaking?
40. Duct Tape Award
Which student can fix anything this is broken?
Learn More: Pinterest
41. Most Helpful
Who passes out papers and helps clean up without hesitation?
Learn More: Shull Elementary
42. Calmer of Storms
The student who is able to calm others down should receive this award.
Learn More: Engrave Awards
43. High Five Award
This goes out to the one who makes everyone else feel good.
Learn More: Engrave Awards
44. Handwriting Hero
And the word’s best calligrapher goes to…
Learn More: Twinkl
45. Aspiring Author
Who is going to write their own book someday?
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
46. Most Unforgettable
Out of the hundreds of students each teacher has over their career, who will you remember and why?
47. Most Changed
From the beginning of the year to the end, who has changed the most?
Learn More: Template Roller
48. Always Content
Who has that happy attitude no matter what?
Learn More: A Teachable Teacher
49. Terminally Geeky
Being a nerd has never been so cool in the new technological age.
50. Best Artist
Is this for beautiful artwork or a bored doodler?
Learn More: Jack Draws Anything
51. Worker Bee
Busy, busy, busy, and always productive!
Learn More: Mission Health
52. Most Social
Which student loves to hear about everyone else’s day?
Learn More: Pinterest
53. Chit Chatter
Do you have a student who loves to talk, even when you are?
54. Puzzle Genius
Who can finish a puzzle in record time?
55. Chore Champ
Does each student in your classroom have a chore? Who is always on the ball when it comes to completing theirs?
56. Outstanding Organized
Pens, markers, paper, and books are all in order!
57. Best Chef
Have you done any cooking activities this year?
58. Most Acrobatic
Which student can bend their body in abnormal ways?
59. Best Decorator
Who has drawings on their binder and keeps the classroom looking nice?
60. The Mathematician
Have you memorized your time’s tables yet?
Learn More: Amazon
61. Most Creative
Is there a student who can come up with something new at the drop of a hat?
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
62. Most Gullible
No matter what you say, they will believe it!
Learn More: Jabs Coffee Adventures
63. Most Laid Back
Who has that “go with the flow” attitude?
Learn More: Slide Share
64. Thoroughly Thoughtful
Always thinking, all the time, no matter what!
Learn More: Make Way for Tech
65. Smarty Pants
Not just academically intelligent, but street smart too!
Learn More: Pinterest
66. Most Dependable
Which student can you count on no matter what?
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
67. Mr. Thank You
The most polite student in your class deserves this award, please!
68. Above and Beyond
Who doesn’t just do what is asked of them, but goes the extra mile?
Learn More: Smart Draw
69. The Prankster
The silly kid in the back of the classroom needs this award.
70. Always Optimistic
This student brings positivity to everyone’s day.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
71. Fastest Typer
Mavis Beacon anyone? Who has been practicing at home?
Learn More: Pinterest
72. Best Hair
We all have bad hair days. Who does that never apply to?
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
73. Cutest Clothes
Most fashionable and consistently well dressed.
74. Carefully Clever
Which intelligent student picks up on things quickly?
75. Bravest Kid
Did something scary happen that allowed a particular student to shine?
Learn More: Examples
76. Bear Hugger
Who is ready to wrap their arms around you?
77. Always Humming
What’s that sound coming from the back of the class?
78. Tastiest Snacks
Is there a student who always has fresh, gourmet snacks?
79. Most Courageous
Do you have a daring student in your class?
80. Leader of the Pack
Which student is always ready to lead?
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers