In a world that presents both challenges and opportunities, nurturing grit and resilience in children is essential! This collection of 19 grit activities is designed to help teachers foster determination, perseverance, and a growth mindset in their young learners. From engaging in problem-solving tasks to embracing failures as learning opportunities, these activities encourage children to develop resilience, overcome obstacles, and embrace the power of perseverance. Follow along as we unpack classroom resilience-building in a new light!
1. The Resilient Tower Challenge
Challenge your students to team up and build the tallest tower using only index cards and tape. When the towers inevitably fall, prompt them to reflect on what they learned from the experience and challenge them to try again; fostering resilience and determination as they get stuck in for round 2!
Learn More: Anderson Teaches
2. The Persistence Puzzle
Put your students’ grit to the test by tasking them with piecing together a stimulating puzzle. As they encounter difficulties and setbacks, remind them to persevere, try different strategies, and celebrate small victories along the way.
Learn More: Empowered Parents
3. The Growth Mindset Garden
Guide your kiddos in planting seeds and how to best care for a mini-garden. Teach them about the importance of patience, effort, and resilience as they nurture their plants; emphasizing the growth mindset and the idea that success comes through perseverance.
Learn More: PBS
4. The Obstacle Course Adventure
Set up an obstacle course in your classroom or playground and have your learners compete to navigate through it as quickly as possible. Emphasize the importance of pushing through challenges, reattempting things after failures, and celebrating progress.
Learn More: Playtivities
5. Role Model Research Project
To inspire your students to become more resilient, have them research a character from a story or historical event who is well-known for their grit and determination. Afterward, learners can present their stories to the class and inspire their peers to develop their own perseverance.
Learn More: Erasmus Me To We
6. The Reflection Journal
Provide your students with personal reflection journals and prompt them to write about the challenges they’ve faced and how they persevered through the trying times. To foster a supportive and resilient classroom community, encourage everyone to share their stories with their peers.
Learn More: Twinkl
7. The Positive Affirmations Wall
Design a classroom wall dedicated to positive affirmations. Have your students write affirmations that inspire perseverance, such as “I can overcome challenges” or “I am resilient.” Prompt them to regularly revisit the wall to reinforce a growth mindset and build a spirit of resilience.
Learn More: Merakey
8. The Collaborative Art Project
Divide your class into groups and assign each group a large art project that requires perseverance and teamwork. Encourage them to work together and overcome obstacles throughout their crafting process.
Learn More: Creating Really Awesome Fun Things
9. The Reflective Art Exhibition
Unlike the activity above, here learners have the opportunity to create artwork that represents their personal journey of perseverance and resilience. Organize an exhibition where students can showcase their art and share their stories of grit with their peers and the wider community.
Learn More: Access Art
10. The Gratitude Jar
Encourage your students to create gratitude jars where they can write and collect notes about things they are grateful for. Emphasize that practicing gratitude helps build resilience and a positive mindset; allowing them to face challenges with strength and determination.
Learn More: The Savvy Sparrow
11. The Goal-Setting Challenge
Guide students in setting realistic and meaningful goals for themselves. Encourage them to break down their goals into smaller tasks and more manageable steps to track their progress and pay homage to their determined nature along the way.
Learn More: Very Special Tales
12. The Inspirational Storytelling
Invite guest speakers or community members to share their personal stories of overcoming challenges and developing grit. Then, engage students in reflective discussions and encourage them to take inspiration from these stories.
Learn More: Teach Hub
13. The Mindfulness and Breathing Exercise
Introduce your kiddos to mindfulness and deep breathing exercises to use as tools for building resilience. Guide them in practicing mindful breathing and teach them how to use these techniques during challenging moments; helping them develop focus and perseverance.
Learn More: Real Simple
14. The Problem-Solving Scenarios
Present your pupils with real-life scenarios that require problem-solving and perseverance in doing so. Encourage them to brainstorm solutions, consider different perspectives, and work through the challenges in a systematic manner; fostering critical thinking skills and resilience.
Learn More: Home Speech Home
15. The Creative Grit Collage
Provide magazines, scissors, and glue, and task your students with creating collages that represent the concept of grit. Prompt them to find images and words that inspire determination, perseverance, and resilience.
Learn More: Research Gate
16. The Strengths and Challenges Reflection
Guide your learners through a reflective lesson during which they should be prompted to ponder their personal strengths and challenges. Afterward, encourage them to consider strategies they can use to overcome their challenges.
Learn More: IPL
17. The Mindset Mantra
Introduce your students to positive affirmations and mindset mantras. Implore them to create their own mantras that promote grit and resilience; repeating them daily as a reminder of their inner strength and determination.
Learn More: Big Life Journal
18. The Growth Mindset Book Club
Select books that promote a growth mindset and resilience and host a book club where students can read and discuss them; sharing insights, lessons, and personal connections to the characters’ journeys.
Learn More: Book Club
19. The Gratitude Circle
Gather the class in a circle and have members take turns expressing gratitude for the challenges they’ve faced and overcome. Encourage them to share the lessons they’ve learned from these experiences and consider the resilience they’ve built over the years.
Learn More: Dalai Lama Center