I spy is a classic game that kids can enjoy with a partner. This fun activity is a great way to practice speaking and listening skills, as well as review basic, foundational skills. This collection of 50 I Spy activities includes digital download ideas, themed I spy activities, and many other activity sheets and challenging activities. As children look around and spot their items, parents and teachers can reinforce important skills.
1. ABC I Spy List
This activity for kids is a fun twist on the I Spy classic. These sheets list out the alphabet and children can find items beginning with that letter and write it in. The other sheet is a numeral sheet that challenges students to find that number of items.
Learn More: Little Bins for Little Hands
2. Beginning Sounds I Spy
Parents can call out items for the child to “spy” by giving them the clue only in the form of the beginning sound. Children can practice first sound fluency with this activity and there are no supplies needed. It is a quick and easy game to play with your students or your own child.
Learn More: Empowered Parents
3. I Spy: Taste Buds Version
This version of I Spy is food themed. This oral activity is for describing foods and can be used to describe foods by taste or appearance. Take turns guessing and describing. This is good for kids who need to build vocabulary.
Learn More: Empowered Parents
4. I Spy Nature Walk
A themed I Spy game in the form of a nature walk is a fun activity for kids. You can make or print checklists that will be a good guide for students. They can spy with their little eyes on many different things in nature, at the park, on the playground, or even in your own backyard.
Learn More: The Typical Mom
5. Back to School I Spy
One mundane activity at the start of the school year is reviewing school supplies and what each is used for. This activity for children makes that task a bit better. As students find the pictures, they can color them and count them and write the number in.
Learn More: woo! jr.
6. I Spy Teams
To raise the competitive edge in your classroom, have students play this fun classic game in teams. Make it a challenge to see who can guess more items correctly. You could use any theme to help students review topics and improve speaking and listening skills.
Learn More: Learn English Kids
7. Space I Spy and Color Coding
This printable counting activity is a fun one and works on multiple skills. This one printable can be used as multiple resource types. You can work on colors while color coding each item and counting as you determine how many of each item. This is a great resource to use with a science unit about space.
Learn More: This Tiny Blue House
8. I Spy Shapes
This a classic I Spy game but instead of colors, use shapes. This is a great way for young ones to become more familiar with shapes and more comfortable identifying them. This will challenge them to find the shapes in the world around them, encouraging real-life application.
Learn More: PBS Kids
9. Counting I Spy-Themed Sheets
Add these themed I Spy worksheets to your classroom rotation! These are super easy to print off and laminate or make copies. They are ideal for practicing vocabulary identification and counting. These are ideal for morning work or center time!
Learn More: Simple Everyday Mom
10. Rainy Day Coloring I Spy Sheet
This I Spy sheet is in black and white and allows students to color and count. They will have a key at the bottom of the page and must find the items listed, color them in, and count them. They will write the number in too.
Learn More: Mrs. Merry
11. I Spy Quiet Book
Make a quick book out of these printable pages of pets. You can bind them with a binding machine and use this on the go with students who need something to do on the go. You can laminate the sheets for reuse with a dry-erase marker.
Learn More: Special Learning House
12. I Spy All My Letters
This is perfect practice for students when they are learning their letters! Making this I Spy letters video as part of a game is the perfect way to let students have fun while practicing their letters. You could even swap it up and have them spy the letter closest to another letter.
Learn More: Cliengage Family
13. I Spy with Describing Words
This is a fun activity for kids who are a bit older or have more vocabulary or critical thinking skills. Instead of spying on a color, you can describe an object. Use describing words so they must figure out what you are describing. Use words to describe size, shape, color, and other relevant features.
Learn More: WTTW
14. Shape Coloring Sheet
This I Spy worksheet is on paper. This is a great way for students to color each shape a certain color and find them on the sheet. There is more than one of each shape, so be sure to have them count all their findings as well.
Learn More: Homeschool Giveaways
15. I Spy Christmas
This classroom activity is fun for the holiday season and is a great one to put in stations. This is a good option for an early finisher activity. There are many small pictures and students are given a list of how many of each are jumbled above. They must find each one in the puzzle!
Learn More: The Best Ideas for Kids
16. Thanksgiving I Spy
Another holiday activity, this Thanksgiving version is a great I Spy activity. Students will find the objects and count them. Then, they will add the number on the line provided. This is great for centers, independent work, or an indoor activity to replace recess.
Learn More: Pjs and Paint
17. I Spy With My Phone
Most kids love to take pictures! Play I Spy but instead of just finding the items and moving on, kiddos can take a photo of the object. This is a fun twist on this classic game and can be an outdoor or indoor activity idea.
Learn More: Tinkergarten
18. I Am Thankful For- I Spy List
This is a great holiday activity for students to use as an independent activity or in pairs or small groups. You can use the alphabet or make an acrostic poem when playing I Spy in this format. This pre-made digital activity is easily printable.
Learn More: Pjs and Paint
19. I Spy Moving Activity
I Spy using movement is a great activity. This is a fun game for PE classes and the teacher can do the spying so the students get to do the moving. Call out many different types of movement so students can have the opportunity to get all their wiggles out.
Learn More: Appetite to Play
20. I Spy Sounds
Perfect for elementary students and learning phonics skills, this printable I Spy is great for finding objects that have a certain sound. You can print it in black and white and have students color in the objects or print it in color and have them circle the items.
Learn More: 1SpecialPlace
21. I Spy Shapes Book
This I Spy activity is in the form of a busy book. You can make your own or use this one as a basis and bind it together. Students can work on matching the word and the picture. This is a great way to quietly work on foundational skills and concepts.
Learn More: Parenting Chaos
22. Summer Themed I Spy and Counting Activity
These summer-friendly items are great for back to school or for the end of the year. Students will enjoy hunting for summer objects. This worksheet for students is great for a brain break or station activity.
Learn More: Friday Were in Love
23. I Spy Tray
I Spy trays are great sensory activities. Students can practice I Spy games in the form of matching or identifying objects or simply practicing the names of objects. This is a great activity to also practice communication skills.
Learn More: Kids Play Hub
24. Vegetable I Spy
These vegetable sheets are perfect practice for students to play I Spy and find different types of vegetables. Students can count each type of vegetable and add it to the sheet. There is even a sheet with a tens frame to help count the number of each veggie!
Learn More: Parenting Chaos
25. School Items I Spy
If students need practice with learning more about school objects, this I Spy activity is ideal. This easy-to-print worksheet is designed to help students find the objects, count them, and write the number for each object.
Learn More: Gift of Curiosity
26. Numbers Version
Use this game to practice numbers. You can do it in two different ways. You could play I Spy by asking them to find a certain number of the same objects, like 3 lunchboxes. Or you can play I Spy by having them find the actual number like I spy the number three.
Learn More: Homeschool Preschool
27. I Spy Bottles
Small, round bottles are perfect for this DIY I Spy bottle! Fill them with rice and add tiny objects to them. Make a printable list of all the objects inside and students can spend plenty of time shaking up the bottle and looking for the objects. You can really make it fun by doing a theme.
Learn More: Kids Activities
28. I Spy Actions Game
While birds may be quiet critters, you can watch them and try to spot certain behaviors and actions. Give students a list of actions. Add some squirrels and other animals to the list and have them look for certain actions. Add some binoculars to the mix for more fun!
Learn More: The Inspired Treehouse
29. I Spy Mats
I Spy mats would be ideal for young learners. This would also be ideal for ESL students. This is a great way to reinforce new vocabulary. You can describe an item and let the student pick it from the mat. Try to remember to be detailed and specific.
Learn More: How We Montessori
30. I Spy Roll & Find
This one is really fun! Roll the dice for color and find as many things possible that are that color. You can also have them roll the dice for numbers and have them find the number of items in that color. They can keep up with it on this chart.
Learn More: Teach Beside Me
31. Vocabulary Builders
Ideal for ESL students, this I Spy activity can be used for building vocabulary. This can be played in a similar way to bingo. Students should be looking for the item you describe.
Learn More: Preschool Printable Activities
32. I Spot Things On A Farm
This farm activity is a fun I Spy for young learners. This is a perfect addition to your farm unit. Have students cut out the pictures and glue them over the same object in the big picture. They will match the items they find.
Learn More: Preschool Printable Activities
33. I Spy Matching
The perfect time for the New Years I Spy activity is around the beginning or the end of the year. This activity page has objects that relate to New Year’s. It is a fun celebration type of activity that will help students learn more about the holiday.
Learn More: Teach Beside Me
34. I Spy Measurement Version
Some students struggle with measurement concepts. You can play this I Spy game anywhere, even in the car. Play I Spy but use terms of measurement to describe objects. Use words like long or short and heavy or light.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
35. Harry Potter I Spy Sheets
Harry Potter fans will love this I Spy activity! They will find the characters at the top of the puzzle. Then count them and write the number for each one at the bottom. This is a fun activity that can be used for quiet time or independent work time.
Learn More: Rock Your Homeschool
36. Shark Themed I Spy Sheet
The perfect I Spy for all the shark lovers, this one is perfect for a busy time at their seats. Students can count each picture in the puzzle. There is a space for them to write how many of each picture they see. This is great for practicing counting and writing numbers.
Learn More: Twinkl
37. Pets I Spy
A perfect pet I spy, this worksheet is a great one for children to explore animals. There are animals of different sizes and numbers. Students can count each animal and write the number for each one.
Learn More: All About Baby Blog
38. Transportation I Spy
Transportation describes how people can get from place to place. This themed I Spy sheet is a great way for students to practice their knowledge of this topic by finding the objects, counting them, and writing how many of each!
Learn More: All About Baby Blog
39. Create Your Own I Spy Game
Creating your own I Spy game will be a lot of fun! Students can cut their own photos from magazines and make a collage. Then, they can form a checklist of things for other students to find!
Learn More: Education.com
40. Fall-themed I Spy
This is a themed fall, I Spy search and find worksheet is a great one to use with little ones. They will learn more about things they see in the season of fall and they can color and count the items as they find them. After they count them up, remind them to write the number at the top.
Learn More: Printables Fairy
41. Lego I Spy
This I Spy game needs building blocks. You can prepare a sensory box and bury pre-built creations in it. Students can choose a pre-made card and try to find the matching block. They will need to find and match the various pictures and block sets.
Learn More: Toddler Approved
42. Snowflake I Spy
This is a great school activity for helping students pay attention to detail. Let them play I Spy with these snowflake printables. They will need to carefully look at each snowflake. They are finding others like it and keeping a total of each design.
Learn More: The Natural Homeschool
43. Front Yard I Spy
Front yard I Spy is fun and requires almost no prep! Simply make a list of things you know can be spotted in your yard. Let students explore the yard and find these items. For an added twist of fun, let them take pictures of their findings.
Learn More: The Vintage Modern Wife
44. I Spy In The Dark
I Spy is a fun classic but playing in the dark would make it even better! You can provide a list of things for them to find and give them a flashlight for added fun! You can even use a headlamp. This is a great kindergarten activity.
Learn More: The Vintage Modern Wife
45. Find 5 I Spy Printables
This “find 5” printable is fun because it involves a lot of choices. This I Spy activity is actually a whole collection of activities. Students can pick 5 objects to play I Spy with and find these objects in real life or on the printable pages.
Learn More: 3 Boys and a Dog
46. Winter Themed I Spy Activity
This is a fun activity for winter. This printable is winter themed and has objects hidden for students to try to find. As they find them, they will count them and keep up with the number. You can laminate the counting sheets for reusing again and again for a fun wintertime activity.
Learn More: Kindergarten Worksheets and Games
47. Road Trip Scavenger Hunt
Take it to the road! This road trip scavenger hunt is great for a long car ride. There are many road signs, businesses, and even animals listed. As they ride along, children can look for the items and when they see them, check them off the list. See how many they can find by the time you reach your destination.
Learn More: 1SpecialPlace
48. Halloween I Spy
Halloween-themed I Spy activities, like this one, are a great way to pass some time and practice some basic skills, like color recognition and counting. This colorful printable allows a small box for students to write in the number of each item found.
Learn More: Homeschool Preschool
49. I Spy Posters
I Spy games are the perfect resource for any unit. You can add these little printable pages as an around-the-room activity. You can have students play I spy with 2D shapes and hunt for them around the room or even around the school.
Learn More: Life Over C’s
50. Themed I Spy Printable Sheets
Adorable for the holiday of love, this Valentine’s Day I spy can be printed in color and will provide a great I Spy game for little ones. This would be ideal for morning work in the classroom or as a transition activity as students finish up work.
Learn More: Life Over C’s