In this well-known Bible parable, Jesus tells his disciples that if they have faith as small as a mustard seed, they can move mountains. The parable teaches that even the smallest seed of faith can grow into something beautiful with patience, perseverance, and belief. This list of 16 activities includes inventive crafts, fun songs, puzzles, engaging videos, and literacy-based lessons that will engage children’s minds and hearts while helping them connect deeply with the meaningful message of the story.
1. Mustard Seed Parable Sequencing Cards
These colorful and detailed sequencing cards are a fantastic way to deepen understanding of the parable while enhancing an understanding of narrative structure. Retelling the story aloud can be a simple extension activity that can improve vocabulary while developing oral language skills.
Learn More: Twinkl
2. Try a Slideshow Lesson For Kids
This engaging slideshow is packed full of colorful images; making it easy for kids to visualize the different parts of the story. It also includes interactive worksheets that make for an easy extension activity and provides kids with a writing opportunity to demonstrate their learning.
Learn More: Twinkl
3. Try a Word Search
This fun and interactive word search is a great way to keep kids interested and focused on the key themes of the parable. Apart from building vocabulary and improving spelling, it can support logical thinking skills as they search to find hidden words.
Learn More: Living Water Bible Games
4. Answer Questions About a Reading Passage
This lesson includes a summary of the story, along with meaningful discussion questions and a true and false quiz for students to use in order to clarify their understanding. Combining reading with comprehension questions helps them develop critical listening skills while encouraging class participation and encouraging an inclusive learning environment.
Learn More: Sunday School Sources
5. Make a Mustard Tree Out of Colored Paper
After using letter-size paper to print the trunk, branch, and bird pieces, cut and glue them together to create this adorable 3D craft.
Learn More: A Sketch of Faith
6. Try Coloring Pages Featuring Jesus Christ
Apart from serving as a calming and grounding activity, these coloring pages encourage kids to express their creativity and choose their own colors and materials to bring their unique creations to life.
Learn More: My Wonder Studio
7. Sing a Song Inspired by the Memory Verse
This fun and catchy song features actions that invite children to dance along with the lyrics. Singing is a terrific way to build a community of faith while getting the class up and moving!
Learn More: Heart and Soul-Centered Astrology
8. Watch a Video
This animated video develops a positive message of faith, hope, and community through captivating, visual storytelling that will help kids grasp the core message of the parable.
Learn More: The Holy Tales: Bible
9. Build a Huge Tree With a Lego Challenge
This hands-on Lego challenge invites kids to express their creativity and understanding of the parable in their own way while encouraging problem-solving skills. Learners will simply build a Lego tree before adding decorative elements that tie in with the parable.
Learn More: Proverbial Homemaker
10. Read About A Grain of Mustard Seed
This charming and uplifting picture book tells the story of a young boy who plants a mustard seed in his garden and learns some powerful lessons about faith and hope while watching it grow.
Learn More: Amazon
11. Solve a Crossword
This challenging crossword is a stimulating way to encourage problem-solving skills while reinforcing the key themes of this meaningful parable. Why not turn it into a fun competition by offering prizes for the first few students to complete it correctly?
Learn More: Word Mint
12. Plant Seeds
Apart from supporting the environment, making a mustard-seed bomb is a wonderful way to connect with the power of the parable through hands-on learning. Kids will be delighted to plant them in a school garden or nearby park and watch them grow and change over time.
Learn More: Simple Living Mama
13. Make a Printable Booklet
This no-prep, printable book can be cut and assembled with staples to create a keepsake that kids can enjoy reading again and again! Coloring the accompanying pictures and retelling the story in their words are other easy extension activities that you could try.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
14. Wide-Age Group Friendly Craft
This unique craft features a foldable hand that opens to reveal a tiny mustard seed. It can be created by cutting out and coloring the printable sheet before attaching the hand cut-out. Why not display them on a classroom bulletin board for the entire school to appreciate?
Learn More: 10 Minutes of Quality Time
15. Try a Drama Skit
Acting out this classic parable can help kids fully engage with the story and be more attentive to its message. Theatrical expression is also a wonderful way to encourage social skills while building classroom community.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
16. Make a Keepsake Craft
After placing the cut-out Bible verse and mustard seed into a mini jar, encourage kids to keep it somewhere where they can see it frequently to serve as a reminder of the message of faith.
Learn More: Hunt and Host