Nurturing our own personal progress is a form of self-care that too many people fail to acknowledge. By being mindful of what we need to make good progress, we can make huge strides by implementing just a few small changes. We may need to overcome challenges, ask for more support, or develop a new skill to really flourish at home and work. Here, we’ve broken down 20 easy ways to see your personal progress grow in ways that will work for you.
1. Write a Letter to Your Future Self
A powerful self-development activity. Where do you see yourself in the future and what goals do you hope to achieve? Writing a letter to yourself is a great way to connect with your inner child and think about what you want from life.
2. Study Journal
Devote extra time in the evening to keeping a study journal so you can keep track of your studies; recording what works well and what doesn’t. Plenty of people find that this works really well and helps to keep you self-motivated.
Learn More: Masha Plans
3. “I Am”
A popular activity for kids but works really well for adults too! It’s hard to feel productive when you are suffering from low self-esteem. Devote some time to these simple activities to give yourself a confidence boost.
4. Personal Progress Jars
These sweet jars can be filled with activities you would like to accomplish. Simply write them down on strips of paper and add them to the jar with some candy. Once a week pick out an activity from your jar, along with some candy, and give it a go!
Learn More: Determined To Love Mondays
5. Practice Affirmation
Having a positive outlook on life is invaluable when it comes to developing good communication skills and building relationships with others. By incorporating simple affirmation work into your daily routine you are setting yourself up for success.
Learn More: Pinterest
6. Passport to Progress
Keeping track of your progress is key. By keeping a log of your successes and struggles you will develop a good understanding of what works well for you and what you could develop.
Learn More: Pinterest
7. Develop Your Metacognitive Skills
Metacognition is the awareness of your own actions and their effects, including creating mental maps, pictures, and plans. Developing these skills has been shown to massively aid personal progress. By understanding how these skills can work for you, you are setting yourself up for success.
Learn More: Pinterest
8. Learn a New Skill
Keeping your skill set fresh and developed is important for personal progress and for developing good professional skills. Whether it’s a new language or a new skill to complement your career, a new focus can give you a necessary push out of your comfort zone!
Learn More: Pinterest
9. Keep a Progress Notebook
Computers are great for tracking progress. However, sometimes, putting pen to paper is a great comfort and is a great way to manage and assess your progress. It’s great for organizational skills and for keeping your social life organized too!
Learn More: Amazon
10. Consider Questions For Personal Growth
Sometimes we need to ask ourselves hard questions in order to progress. “Is this serving me right now?” or “What could I improve on here?” are great examples. This is all a part of healthy personal growth and is something that’s important to work through in order to develop good personal skills.
Learn More: Lauraconteuse
11. Challenge Yourself
Challenging yourself is an important part of self-improvement. Quite often we can find ourselves stuck in a rut- not knowing what to try next or how to progress. Adding some simple challenges to our routine can give us the kickstart that is needed.
Learn More: Vishaka Blone
12. Become a Mindfulness Master
Practicing mindfulness is fast becoming one of the top cool skills to have. This practice is both calming and grounding; leading to us being more able to make good decisions. Definitely worth trying out!
Learn More: Lovely Holistic Living
13. Meet Like-Minded People
Meeting new people with similar goals and interests is great for developing interpersonal skills, keeping us encouraged with our own goals, and becoming invested in the individual lives of others.
Learn More: Your Tango
14. Create Monthly Goals
Breaking goals down into monthly tasks can be a great way to track any self-development activities that you set yourself. This is crucial for smashing those all-important life goals!
Learn More: Growing the Givens
15. Learn a New Language
Learning a language is a great skill to have and is a well-known way to boost your CV. Many life coaches suggest learning a language as a way to develop important personal skills and it’s great for a mental challenge too.
Learn More: The Intrepid Guide
16. Try a New Hobby
Sometimes it’s too easy to get stuck in the same routine. By pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone we learn personal life skills and enhance our quality of life.
Learn More: Pinterest
17. Read Every Day
By challenging yourself to read every day you are truly setting yourself up for success. Reading will boost your professional life as well as be a calming personal development activity.
Learn More: The Creative Muggle
18. Give Your Room a Makeover
Pop on some uplifting music and have a quick clean around your workspace. Get rid of any clutter and freshen up your stationery and work area. A clean, organized space is always best for smashing those progress goals!
Learn More: Pennies Into Pearls
19. Create a Handy Goal Tracker
Save precious time by using this free goal tracker to help you achieve your dreams! Tracking goals is an excellent habit to get into, and this handy tracker is sure to keep you motivated.
Learn More: Landeelu
20. Wake Up Early
Kris Jenner, the mother, and manager to 3 Billionaires, wakes up at 4 am and so should you! Reports say the most successful people wake up early; achieving goals before most people have even opened their eyes! Join them and see your progress skyrocket.
Learn More: She Dreams All Day