Following basic directions can be difficult, but it is an essential skill that children will need throughout their lives. Teachers and parents can teach children how to follow directions by playing fun games and completing engaging activities using directional language as well as direction phrases and procedures. Children will need to learn these skills for use within both the academic sphere and everyday life. These 10 engaging activities will encourage students to follow directions inside and outside of the classroom.
1. Two-Step Direction Game
You will give students a set of two-step tasks for this classroom activity. Two-step directions are effective for learning directions vocabulary. Teaching basic language skills such as “and” or “then” will teach children how to accomplish specific tasks.
Learn more: Home Speech Home
2. Grid Game
This grid game is beneficial for teaching directions. You will walk along the floor, marking off every 6 steps. Then, you will tape down yarn to form a grid. The child will start at the first square and walk through the grid by following directions.
Learn more: Kids Activities
3. DIY Compass Rose & Map
This activity will teach children about cardinal directions. Children will make a compass rose to navigate using the correct direction to find a hidden treasure. The first child to get to the correct location can win a special prize.
Learn more: Kids Activities
4. Daily Schedule
Visual daily schedules help children learn basic life skills, such as making a bed and brushing their teeth. You can create this chart with the printable cards with the directions provided and add them to a pocket chart in the order they are to be completed.
Learn more: The Military Wife and Mom
5. Obstacle Course
Obstacle courses are an effective directions activity. Students in the same grade level can partner up to complete challenges and help give one another direction along the way. You can use interconnected pipes or common objects such as tires and ropes.
Learn more: Tomvad
6. Directions Worksheet
This directions worksheet is a great way for students to practice following directions using colors. Students will learn to follow directions, ordinal numbers, and count all at the same time. Students will need to color in the ice cream scoops based on the directions to complete this fun activity.
Learn more: Worksheet Place
7. Mystery Pictures
This directions activity is fun for the family! First, you will draw a secret picture. Then, you will walk your child through drawing the same picture without showing them. Lastly, compare the pictures and see how well they followed directions.
Learn more: Engage the Brain
8. Sticker Directions
This directions activity is great for all grade levels. You will guide students on which sticker to place on their piece of paper, such as “place the red sticker in the center”. The first child to put them all in the correct order wins!
Learn more: Engage the Brain
9. You Repeat, They Repeat
Repetition is one of the most important dimensions of teaching. For this activity, repeat the directions to the class once and ask your students to repeat the directions back to you. It is helpful to have students write directions in their elementary school journals or notebook.
Learn more: The Owl Teacher
10. Visual Cues
Incorporating visual cues is very helpful for students, especially second-language English learners. You can do this by using flashcards, flipcharts, or directional signs to teach cardinal directions. You can also provide printed assignment directions for students.
Learn more: The Owl Teacher