Win-win thinking is often affiliated with The Best Leader in Me curriculum. Win-win solutions are not just important for students to use in developing their social-emotional vocabularies but are used in business, politics, and other areas of life as well. To best prepare your middle- and high school students for the future, check out our list of 7 thought-provoking activities!
1. ABCD of Problem Solving
This graphic organizer serves as a reminder for walking through a think win-win negotiation. The question starters get students started and they can use these steps to ensure a win when they encounter a problem in the future.
Learn More: Confessions of a School Counselor
2. Think Win-Win song
Help the think win-win concept stick with this simple song! This song could be used as part of your morning routine or during transitions throughout the day.
Learn More: Purple Papercuts
3. Think Win-Win Posters
Begin introducing think win-win into various environments at an early age with this simple graphic. As you help students think through a situation, you can show them how each solution works out.
Learn More: Preschool Curriculums
4. Film Your Own Think Win-Win Situation
This is a great prototype of a think win-win assignment for students. Students learn about the think win-win mindset and then write their own skits. Not only do students have to implement think win-win in executing the skit, but they will also have to demonstrate how well they understand the concept.
Learn More: Lesley Hayman
5. Win-Win Resolution PowerPoint
This great interactive PowerPoint is full of pre-made digital activities to explore win-win mindsets. Comprehension questions and activities check for understanding throughout. Divide the class into groups of 5-8 students to complete the activities.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
6. Block Center Time
A block center is one of the spaces where students can explore win-win mindsets in real time. Creative activities include dividing blocks up so that students need to negotiate for certain pieces or limiting them in other ways.
Learn More: UEN
7. Make a Fist
This is one of the classic brain teaser tasks used in business seminars. Participants are partnered up, and one partner makes a fist. The other partner has to figure out how to get them to open their fist in a win-win way.
Learn More: Chandler Unified School District