Trampolines are some of the best outdoor toys for not only playing but also for making memories. These are praised from endless bouncing to water games, all the way to outdoor camping. Trampolines are always a good time. It’s important to take all necessary safety precautions in order to keep everyone safe throughout their entire jumping journey.
Sometimes bouncing alone can get a bit tedious and tiring. Therefore, it’s important to equip your kiddos with some games that they’ll absolutely love. Here is a list of 50 unique and overall fun games that will make any family event, summer day, or evening fun and exciting for all.
1. Popcorn
Popcorn is a classic game that, if you had a trampoline as a kid, you probably know this one. Kids sit in a lying or seated position and tuck in their knees (become a popcorn kernel). The other kids then jump around the trampoline exposure and try to un-pop the popcorn kernels.
Learn More: Instagram
2. Trampoline Basketball
Some trampolines come equipped with their very own basketball hoop, while in other cases, you might just have to wheel your own up to the side. Either way, this simple game will have your kiddos constantly entertained.
Learn More: Instagram
3. Trampoline Learning
There’s no break in learning for your toddlers, especially when it comes to trampoline games for kids. Did you know you can draw on a trampoline with chalk?! It’s true! Draw a hopscotch board on your trampoline and help your kiddos learn their numbers while being challenged.
Learn More: Hands On As We Grow
4. Trampoline Cards
If you’re looking for a bit more structure on the trampoline while also looking to build up some core strengths in your kiddos, then this is the activity for you. Have your kiddos show all the trampoline moves they know, and then provide them with additional moves with these action cards.
Learn More: Hands On As We Grow
5. Sprinkle Trampoline
Water on a trampoline has to be one of the coolest and most engaging sights. Making your kids a trampoline sprinkler will no doubt be talked about for the entire summer season. All the neighborhood kids will be over to enjoy this phenomenal and exciting trampoline surface.
Learn More: Facebook
6. Dead Man, Dead Man, Come Alive
This can sometimes be considered the trampoline version of Marco Polo. The difference is that there are no hints. This is a silent game and the dead man must tag someone else. It’s quite the classic trampoline game and in reality, is tons of fun for the kids and the adults.
Learn More: Facebook
7. Toddlers Can Play Too
There is a trampoline ball game for kiddos of all ages, even toddlers! Those colored balls that just seem to be found everywhere in your house can make for some very good times on the trampoline.
Learn More: Facebook
8. Mississippi
We used to call this one, “one two three, BOUNCE”. I think everyone probably has their own spin on this game. The overall object is to bounce as high as you can in order to steal the bounce from everyone else.
Learn More: A Little Family Fun
9. Trampoline Gaga Ball
Gaga Ball is an all-time favorite in elementary schools and homes throughout the country. Honestly, I’m a teacher, we have a Gaga ball pit and the kids go crazy. So, why not bring it directly into your home! This game can be played with a soccer ball or other related ball.
Learn More: AC everything
10. Dodge Ball
Now, this is the not same Dodge ball you grew up playing. This is the, safer, more fun, trampoline version. It’s simple, and it’s all about avoiding the ball in flight. You can use various ball types including a tennis ball!
Learn More: Kyle Thomas
11. Bubble-Popping Trampoline Fun
Talk about exciting and fun! Instead of letting your child blow bubbles and try to fill up the trampoline, simply invent your very own bubble machine! Your kiddos will absolutely love this bubble pop trampoline trick.
Learn More: YouTube
12. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot
This game is a bit of a twist on the traditional Rock Paper Scissors game that we all know and love. Kiddos must come up with their own special jump for each position! A position for scissors could be something like lying down and opening/closing your legs, etc.
Learn More: Kangaroo Hoppers
13. Trampoline Board
Although this seems like quite the game for adults, your kids will get a kick out of it also. Make your very own trampoline board out of a cardboard box and let your kiddos have the time of their lives trying to master a sequence of tricks.
Learn More: Sam Tabor
14. Hot Potato
Hot potatoes are definitely a well-known game for kids, so there’s no doubt that bringing it onto the trampoline will hype up the excitement by about 100%. It’s almost exactly the same as the original version, just a bit more exciting.
Learn More: YouTube
15. Hoppy Ball Challenge
This is a trampoline favorite in my neighborhood. This trampoline ball game is played with hoppy balls and the main idea is to stay attached to your hoppy ball the entire time. Through all of the trampoline jumping, you must hold onto all of your lives.
Learn More: Bubba Tex
16. Beach Ball Trampoline Game
The main idea here is to have fun! You can make this game more or less intense by adding different rules in. Some rules could be that you can’t touch certain beach balls. Another fun spin is to write names on the beach balls and try to kick each other off of the bouncy trampoline. The last one standing wins.
Learn More: Newland Chronicles
17. Tricks
Learning how to do different tricks on a trampoline is super exciting. There are tips and tricks to every current trick sequence. Therefore, if you’re looking to learn a new sequence of shapes to mend your body into, then this is the video for you.
Learn More: Owen Smith
18. Water Balloon Fun
There aren’t many things more fun than jumping on a trampoline with water balloons. Try to put as many water balloons inside the trampoline enclosure as possible. This is the perfect game for those hot summer days.
Learn More: What Lylah Does
19. Homemade Twister Mat
Making your very own chalk twister mat will be so much fun for everyone in the family. On top of there are tons of games outside of traditional twister that can be played with the colorful twister circles.
Learn More: The Crafty Shark
20. Don’t Crack the Egg
Are you afraid of getting messy? If you answered no to that, then will become an extremely popular game in your household. Kids absolutely love getting messy. Therefore, instead of avoiding colorful balls on your trampoline, try not to crack the egg!!
Learn More: Sam and Nia
21. Wrestling Match
If your kid loves wrestling, then this will soon become one of the most awesome trampoline games in their corner. A tag team trampoline wrestling match will not only be fun, but also it’s much safer than wrestling on the hard ground.
Learn More: Chazicus
22. The Royal Rumble
Another wrestling match that is perfect for the trampoline is the Royal Rumble. There’s no doubt that if you’re a wrestling fan, you know the royal rumble. The rules are simple, if you leave the trampoline enclosure, you’re out. This one can get dangerous, therefore, it’s important to continue to practice all trampoline safety tips.
Learn More: Chazicus
23. Create Your Own!
This one is definitely a mix of parents and children but will surely keep you and your kiddos busy for the whole week. If you want to attempt to create your own trampoline using silver duct tape or colored duct tape, then this video will help you get there!
Learn More: Dudesons
24. Magic Tracks
Setting up your very own racing track using Magic tracks on the trampoline will make for a challenge and plenty of excitement. If you already have a ton of these tracks laying around, then there’s no doubt that setting them up on the trampoline is an obvious summer activity.
Learn More: Carl the Crusher
25. At-Home Obstacle Course
If you have a trampoline in your backyard, then creating an obstacle course should be at the top of your list. Whether you’re practicing gymnastics or just trying to keep your kiddos entertained throughout the summer, this is a great option for every trampoline player.
Learn More: TC2
26. Trampoline Dance Off
Give your kids the space to show off their amazing dance moves. Whether you’re the judge or it’s a dance battle for the whole family, the kids will love the competition. Dance concerts on the trampoline are so much more fun than on solid ground.
Learn More: Trampoline tricks
27. Trampoline Memory Game
This is sort of a version of bounce memory. It’s pretty simple and your kiddos will end up playing for hours. The main idea is to copy the correct sequence of moves that the person before you completed. Failure to complete that sequence will result in a loss.
Learn More: Biker Boy
28. Minute to Win It
Bounce time says it all! This trampoline version of Minute to Win It will be fun for all the kiddos. So if you’re looking for a challenge to keep all the kiddos busy at your next family picnic, then this might be the exact thing you’ve been searching for.
Learn More: The mega girls
29. Sit & Play
Trampolines can be very intimidating to newly walking kiddos. It’s important to give them a space that encourages their development and balance. A trampoline is a great way to work on motor skills but make sure to set the environment up to be welcoming and fun.
Learn More: Instagram
30. Trampoline Movies
Although this may not be a game, it’s definitely the perfect summer trampoline activity. Some of the best backyard childhood memories take place on the neighborhood trampoline. Set up your very own movie night out under the stars!
Pro Tip: Invest in a projector and hang a sheet on the trampoline as a screen
Learn More: Happy Haven
31. Snazzball
Bringing Snazzball into your backyard will surely spark some trampoline fun. Kiddos can get pretty competitive when it comes to games like this. You can even make this yourself with a board, some paint, and a ball.
Learn More: Instagram
32. Jump and Land
Kids love to do things that seem dangerous. The key is to set them up so that they don’t actually pose any threats to your kids. Like using a pillow to soften the landing and having a net around the trampoline. Other than that let your kids find the best places to jump off of, under your supervision.
Learn More: Instagram
33. Trampoline Meditation
Meditation can be super helpful for kiddos in various areas of their lives. One, in particular, is to center themselves around gratitude and peace. Trampolines will help to give your kiddos a comfortable and peaceful place to practice meditation.
Learn More: Instagram
34. Trampoline Puppet Show
The long days of summer can certainly bring out the creative side of any kiddo. The trampoline is home to creating some of the most wonderful memories. Help your kiddos create their own puppet show this summer.
Learn More: Instagram
35. Donut Jump
This one looks like a very exciting game to play at a birthday party or family get-together. You could tie the donuts onto a string and have teams work together. One can stand outside the netting, while the other is inside trying to eat the donut.
Learn More: Instagram
36. Jump In The Hoops
Finding a game for your younger jumpers can be challenging. Especially a game that will keep them safe and engaged. Filling the trampoline with little hoops is a great way to get kiddos to hop around, safely and carefully.
Learn More: Marina Foddis
37. Mini Trampoline Fun
Bringing a mini trampoline into the living could be about the only thing that will get you through those cold winter days and evenings. It can be challenging to tire kiddos out during these times. But not with an indoor trampoline!
Learn More: Instagram
38. Baby Pool
Surprise your kiddos today with a baby pool for the trampoline! It can be so much fun to jump in and out of the baby pool. Your kids will have so much fun and will also cool down very quickly.
Learn More: Minnesota Cold
39. Bounce and Toss
Help your kiddos create their very own Bird’s nest using a laundry basket. Throw the balls into the basket while bouncing. Make this more challenging by having a blindfolded person throw the balls into the basket, while the other tries to catch them.
Learn More: Instagram
40. Jump to the Parts
Combining learning and fun is a parent’s dream. By drawing insects on the trampoline, kiddos can easily learn to recognize the different parts of these insects. Call out a body part and have the child jump to that body part.
Learn More: Instagram
41. Bunny Hop
This bunny hop game is designed to knock the sugar rush right out of your kiddos. This is kind of like hot potatoes but instead of an actual potato, one will simply use eggs (real or fake). The kids have to believe that the eggs are poison and hop away at all costs.
Learn More: Instagram
42. Throwing Balls
This game can really be adapted to fit your family. The object is to hit the kids on the trampoline. Once you hit someone it’s your turn on the trampoline. Ultimately it’s a circling game of jumping, dodging, and throwing.
Learn More: Instagram
43. Sensory Beads
This is something that I’d absolutely love to try! Filling your trampoline with little sensory water beads could be one of the main reasons children in your neighborhood are constantly coming over.
Learn More: Instagram
44. Jump Battle
This can easily be played with a mini trampoline inside, or with an iPad, Projector, or Cell Phone outside. Simply play the video and watch as your kiddos take on the challenge of jumping over all the obstacles.
Learn More: Coach Corey Martin
45. Trampoline Bop It
This is great because it can literally be done only through listening. You can even yell out different Bop It moves for your children to do on the trampoline. Making it into a competition is even more simple because whoever does the wrong move is out.
Learn More: Fitness Hustle TV
46. Red Light, Green Light, Dance Party
Alright, in order to use this fun activity on the trampoline, you can either somehow set up this video near your trampoline OR use presentation cards to indicate which move your kids should do.
Learn More: Coach EzFit
47. Solar Lights
If your kids are always wanting to get some jump in throughout the night, then this is the perfect investment. You can do so many different activities with these solar attachable lights! Games like light freeze jump or just a disco dance party!
Learn More: Amazon
48. Step Up Your Sprinkler Game
Before we mentioned that you could simply put a garden sprinkler under the trampoline. Well, if your kiddos have gotten a bit bored of that with age, then this is the answer you’re looking for.
Learn More: Amazon
49. Bean Bag Toss
Bean Bag toss on the trampoline is a whole new level of excitement. Family rules can be changed and manipulated to fit the exact game you’re going for. Whether it’s a solo game or a game including a bunch of people, it’s bound to be a great time.
Learn More: Amazon
50. Bounce and Stick
These velcro outfits are a perfect addition to any backyard game, but they make an exceptionally amazing addition to a trampoline. It’s easier to dodge when you can jump and dive safely. Kids will also be confined to one space making it even more exciting.
Learn More: Amazon