Whether you and your family are traveling by plane, car, train, bus, or boat, we’ve got all the most creative, cheap, and portable games to keep your little ones entertained all trip long. Road trips can be exciting and engaging a lot of the time, but on those long stretches of dirt, it’s helpful to have some simple games so your kiddos don’t feel bored and antsy. We’ve looked all over for 33 of the best activities, toys, and games to keep you and your kids smiling through the whole journey.
1. “Who Am I?”
This classic game is the perfect brain teaser to keep the whole car thinking and laughing. It is a discussion game where one person thinks of a person or animal, and the others take turns asking yes/no questions to try and figure out who/what it is!
Learn More: Indie Campers
2. Scavenger Hunt
Here is a fun scavenger hunt game you can print out and bring on your next road trip! This game will provide countless hours of amusement since the objects, signs, and scenery will be found in different locations on your family trip.
Learn More: The Resourceful Mama
3. Story Creation
Time to kick your kids’ imagination into high gear with this awesome word game road trip activity. One person starts off a story with just thre words, then the rest of the car has to try and continue the story with their own three words! The results are sure to keep the boredom away on those long car journeys!
Learn More: CCA
4. Totally Gross: The Game of Science
This favorite boredom buster is the goofiest science trivia game your kids will ever play! You can bring out the card deck and read all sorts of crazy facts while your kids try to guess the correct plants and animals with the grossest habits.
Learn More: Northwest Nature Shop
5. Alphabet Chain
Everyone loves a good alphabet game, there are just enough letters to keep it interesting while not taking too long to go through. The goal of the game is to spot each letter of the alphabet on signs, license plates, and other objects you pass by. You can make it competitive or collective depending on the crowd.
Learn More: Chesapeake Family
6. Magnetic Tic Tac Toe
This classic game with a little twist makes it a convenient toy to bring on any travel adventure. Magnetic games are great for long journeys because game pieces can easily be lost, but with magnets, that’s way less likely.
Learn More: Today’s Creative Life
7. Hedbanz
Now here is a board game that can be an easily modified travel version, whether it be in the car, at your vacation rental, or in the airport lounge. The game comes with headbands with nouns the players wear and take turns guessing to see what their headbands say. Such a silly activity to pass the time!
Learn More: About Learning Press
8. Chinese Checkers
Looking for more magnetic travel games? Well here is the perfect strategy game to keep your kids’ brains thinking and attention engaged. This classic board game can be found in a travel size with magnetic pieces so they won’t be lost.
Learn More: Amazon
9. Bananagrams Duel
Another portable board game to stimulate your kids is Bananagrams. Similar to Scrabble, players have to create words using the letter pieces they have and connect them to the words already played. This set is small and can easily be taken on any trip for mobile fun!
Learn More: Via Travelers
10. Fortunately, Unfortunately
This fast-moving activity is great for kids to use their imagination and creativity to think quickly and respond on the fly. For example, the game starts with the first sentence.
First person: “Unfortunately, it started to rain.”
Second person: “Fortunately, the rain put out a small wildfire.”
Third person: “Unfortunately, a family of squirrels was cooking dinner on the fire.”
Fourth person: “Fortunately, they were also thirsty.”
Learn More: Chesapeake Family
11. Pack My Bags
A chain game to initiate some fun bonding time wherever you’re traveling. Start off with someone stating the sentence, “I’m going on vacation and I packed my AirPods.” The next person will repeat the sentence with the previous person’s item(s) and add their own, making sure their item starts with the next letter of the alphabet “B”.
Learn More: Great Wolf
12. Puppet Play
On the airplane with young ones? Here is a captivating, screen-free option that only needs a pen or marker to create! Every seat on the airplane has a paper bag to use if you get sick. Use your writing tool and imagination to make a fun puppet or two for your kids to play pretend with.
Learn More: Flying With a Baby
13. Travel Arts and Snacks
Stop boredom en route with this edible motor skills activity for toddlers you can do in the car, train, or on airplane tray tables! You can use twizzlers or other licorice types for the string, and cheerios for the beads to make necklaces/bracelets.
Learn More: Flying With a Baby
14. Sing-A-Long Memory Game
This fun game is suitable for kids, adults, and family road trips. Get a playlist going with popular songs. Tell everyone to sing along with the song, and when the person in charge of the music mutes the song, everyone tries to keep singing the next part of the song until it is unmuted. You can see who remembers the words and stayed on beat!
Learn More: Lazy Trips
15. Mad Libs Junior
A portable version of the hilarious game we know and love. Mad libs is a fun option for any journey with elementary-aged kids who need some entertainment. The card game comes with goofy sentences that are missing verbs and nouns your kids must add to create their own silly sentences.
Learn More: Amazon
16. License Plate Game
Another classic game for kids that encourages them to look outside their window and appreciate the road. Refresh their little minds on the different states in the U.S.A. and make it easier by printing out a colorable map they can fill in when they see a license plate from that state.
Learn More: Raising Whasians
17. Travel Spirograph
On the move? We’ve got toys for kids to keep their hands and minds busy on the journey. Spirographs are one of those awesome travel games kids can create designs with and erase with no mess or missing pieces.
Learn More: Amazon
18. Alexa Voice Audio
Now we know there are a lot of options for entertainment using technology these days. Alexa is a great resource that has tons of games and settings your kids will love messing around with. Alexa can play twenty questions, crystal ball, would you rather, and more!
Learn More: My Life and Kids
19. Guess That Movie!
A perfect travel game for movie buffs! When it’s your turn, say the first letter of each word in the movie title and see who can guess that movie. Or why not make it even more challenging and see if anyone can guess the movie just from the opening line?
Learn More: Her
20. Sensory Sticks
Got some restless hands in the car or plane? These sensory sticks are one of those toys for kids that have many uses and benefits. Their colors and movements are sensorily stimulating, and playing with them can help kids with attention deficit disorder and other neuroatypical tendencies.
Learn More: Insider
21. Traffic Jam

This problem-solving toy for travel is portable and great practice for young kids to learn the beginning skills of logic. You can pack the travel version of this toy easily and bring it out during an airport delay, in the car, or wherever your kids may get antsy.
Learn More: Amazon
22. Story Cubes
Now here is a dice game to ignite your little one’s inner creative storyteller! Take turns rolling the dice with images of different objects and use these as prompts to develop a story. Of course, this will bring about brilliant and ridiculous tales, increase your kiddo’s vocabulary, and promote teamwork.
Learn More: Childhood 101
23. Khan Academy: Khan Kids App
We know these days it can be a lot easier to entertain your kids with a tablet or phone than remembering to bring cards or other games/toys. Here is an app you can download for free and use in airplane mode or offline. This is an educational app focusing on different developmental skills and is designed to not be addictive.
Learn More: Tech Wellness
24. Infinity Loop
This free offline app is better suited for older kids (10+), and is perfect for puzzle-lovers! The purpose of the game is to find and create patterns using the designs you’re given. Your kids can develop for hours and build connections they can be proud of.
Learn More: Apple Store
25. Impressions
This classic favorite for the family is best played when everyone can see each other, so maybe a long train ride? The idea is to take turns doing impressions of famous people in popular movies, tv show actors, music stars, or any other characters your family/friends all would recognize, and see who can guess first!
Learn More: Mummy Pages
26. Forbidden Words
A built-in activity you can begin at the start of your journey and can last all the way to the destination! Have the lead person choose a few words that are from that point, forbidden. For example, the words can be “car”, “bathroom”, and “sign”. Whoever says one of these words loses and is out of the game.
Learn More: Renfe SNCF
27. Activity Pad
This activity book is full of different games, coloring pages, fun facts, puzzles, and entertaining images for you and your kids to work through on a long trip!
Learn More: Amazon
28. Leaf Threading
Here is a fun activity to set up on your camping table and do with your whole family. The concept is simple, collect some leaves, and with a small twig and some hemp string, tread them together! You can also make a variation with flowers that everyone will love wearing on their head or around their neck.
Learn More: Kids Craft Room
29. Pterodactyl
Fun for adults and kids, this “try-not-to-laugh” game can be played on any journey when the group is feeling bored and needs a chuckle. No supplies are needed, just your mouth! The point is to go around the group and say the word “pterodactyl” with your lips covering your teeth. No one can laugh, and whoever does is out!
Learn More: Jarr Chimo
30. DIY Clipping Toy
We have a fidget game lifesaver for parents who have kids with restless hands. You can make these simple strap toys using plastic buckles, fabric bands, and a sewing kit. Once they are made, your kids can spend hours buckling and unbuckling the straps around different objects in different patterns for sensory stimulation.
Learn More: Kids Activities Blog
31. I Spy DIY Shaker Bottles
This creative idea will make the next long car ride a piece of cake! Your kiddos can help you make your DIY shakers at home before the trip. Get a plastic bottle and fill it with different small objects to float around in your solution of dish soap and food coloring. You can also make a rice shaker with colorful rice and small items as well.
Learn More: Kids Activities Blog
32. Road Trip Word Search
A fun word search game you can print out and bring on your next long car ride. Find one with words/objects they will definitely see on the road like signs, traffic, seat belt, and more.
Learn More: Artsy Fartsy Mama
33. Road Trip Bingo
You might think bingo isn’t the easiest game to play while traveling, but all you need is something to mark the spaces. Get creative! Print out some free travel-inspired bingo sheets online and use ripped pieces of paper, snacks, or anything lying around to mark your spaces as you see them!
Learn More: Crazy Little Projects