2022 is coming to an end and we are all ready for a fresh start! A new year calls for new resolutions and goals for us to complete in 2023! Have your students get reflective and start the new year the right way; by completing some of these 19 new years resolution activities!
New Years Resolution Activities for Primary School
1. Resolution Door Knob
If you are looking for a meaningful activity that encourages students to meet their goals, create a new year resolution door knob! Students can write a few of their goals on strips of paper and then hang them on a door in their house to ensure they are reminded of them every day.
Learn More: Crayola
2. Resolution Jars
If you and your family have a lot of resolutions and goals for the new year, write them down and put them into a special jar! Kids can decorate their box or jar however they want and be reminded of their goals by putting it in a visible spot.
Learn More: JaaackJack
3. Resolution Mobiles
Looking for a reflective activity for the new year that can be displayed in the classroom and serve as a reminder? Use this printable template for a resolution mobile! Students will write their goals and resolutions and be reminded every time they walk into the classroom.
Learn More: On Lemon Lane
4. Folding Resolution Reminder
Humans tend to set goals but then lose track of time. With this budget-friendly craft, you can have your family and students create their resolutions and a foldable reminder!
Learn More: Danielle’s Place
5. Resolutions Wreath
Making a resolution wreath is a great writing activity for children in first or second grade. They will practice their fine motor skills as they trace and cut out their colored paper hands and set goals for their future.
Learn More: Activity Village
6. Resolutions Magnet
Resolution magnets are great for kindergarten or preschool students trying to set small goals for themselves. Have each student trace and cut out their hand on the foam before gluing a small whiteboard to the palm to write a goal. Place a magnet on the back and hang it up on the refrigerator for a daily reminder.
Learn More: Activity Village
7. Time Capsules
Making time capsules is an extremely reflective activity that is perfect for the new year! Students will fill a jar with their memorable moments and can be challenged to write their goals for the next five years.
Learn More: Meaningful Mama
8. Balloon Writing
Balloon writing provides excellent writing prompts. Students will set meaningful goals and be reminded of each goal once the teacher adds it to the beautiful bulletin board display!
Learn More: Life Between Summers
New Years Resolution Activities for Secondary School
9. Collage or Dream Board
Setting goals and keeping them can be a hard task. Have your middle or high school students create a visual representation of their resolutions by creating a dream or vision board! This craft activity is great if you’re looking to recycle and use up old magazines!
Learn More: Crystal Washington
10. Me Tree
The Me Tree is an excellent growth mindset activity that promotes positive thinking and growth. Students will use their critical thinking and self-reflection skills to write down all that they are grateful for and what they need to keep growing.
Learn More: Action For Healthy Kids
11. Goal Setting and Reflections
This digital activity bundle is perfect for distance learning. Students will be asked creative prompts and challenged to create meaningful goals for themselves for the new year.
Learn More: The Daring English Teacher
12. Bullet Journals
Bullet journals are the perfect activity for self-reflection and setting new years resolutions! Students will be asked to put their creativity to the test as they map out their goals in life and all the steps they need to complete in order to achieve them!
Learn More: Little Coffee Fox
13. Wheel of Life
The wheel of life is a great graphic organizer to help students plan their goals for the future. It is a meaningful goal-setting activity in which students must analyze the different aspects of their life and think about how they can grow.
Learn More: American Professional Martial Arts
14. Goal Treasure Map
This is a wonderfully engaging, no-prep activity that asks students to map out their goals and the steps they need to take to achieve them. It challenges them to think deeper than other self-reflection activities; providing writing prompts about the barriers they may encounter when trying to accomplish their goals.
Learn More: Love to Know
15. Motivation Journal
The new years’ workbook provides interactive notebook activities that prompt older students to set goals for various situations; such as their academics, relationships, and more!
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
16. Goal Ladders
Similar to the Goal Treasure Map the ladder goal-setting activity is easy to complete. Students will draw various steps and label each one as a small goal to reach their dreams- making their dreams achievable, extremely personal, and meaningful.
Learn More: Big Life Journal
17. Mad Libs
New Year’s resolution mad libs are a super engaging activity that will prompt students to fill in the blanks about their goals and memories. Students should be encouraged to fill in the worksheet with truthful answers rather than silly ones.
Learn More: The Idea Room
18. One Word Goal Setting
The bestselling one-word resolution activity is perfect for a new years classroom activity. The pre-made digital activity will provide students with prompts for new learning goals and the new school year!
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
19. Picture This
A fun way to teach different sorts of resolutions is to play picture this! It is similar to Pictionary, in which all students write two or three goals for the new year on a piece of paper and put them into a jar with the rest of the class. Then one student will pick a piece of paper and draw it on the board while the other students have to guess it!
Learn More: Busy Teacher