STEM challenges are fun classroom activities that challenge children to use their problem-solving skills. In these activities, children come up with creative solutions that help them complete the assigned task.
Teachers simply provide the needed materials and give their students a 1 or 2 sentence command. The students work alone or in teams to complete the challenges.
STEM challenges are a fun way to help children's intellectual development. Since there is no right or wrong way to use the materials, STEM challenges also boost children's self-confidence.
Here are 30 fourth grade STEM challenges that are a blast for kids and easy for teachers to set up!
1. Make a miniature soccer goal from tulle, straws, and craft sticks.
2. Make a chain reaction with dominoes and 4 other items.
- dominoes
- 4 items of the child's choosing
3. Build a bridge spanning desk to desk using straws and tape.
4. Try to make an exact copy of a classmate's paper snowflake.
5. Design a working zipline for a plastic toy out of string and drinking straws.
6. Design a marble maze using cardstock and tape.
7. Make a bridge for miniature animals using craft sticks and binder clips.
8. Build a tower as tall as you using only index cards and tape.
9. Build a car using a plastic bottle, wooden skewers, straws, and rubber bands and power it with a balloon.
- plastic bottle caps
- wooden skewers
- plastic bottle
- straws
- balloons
- rubber bands
- tape
- scissors
10. Build a structure with the same amount of Lego bricks as 3 times your age.
11. Build a catapult that can launch a pebble using any outdoor materials you can find.
12. Make a marshmallow catapult using pencils, rubber bands, a milk jug cap, pipe cleaners, and a tissue box.
- empty tissue box
- scissors
- hole punch
- pushpin
- rubber bands
- unsharpened pencils
- pipe cleaner
- plastic milk jug cap
13. Filter dirty water using sand, gravel, and coffee filters until it is clear.
- 2 clear glass jars
- Solo cup
- sand
- gravel
- coffee filters
- hobby knife (for adult use)
14. Make a paper rocket and launch it using vinegar and baking soda.
- plastic film canister with a lid
- baking soda
- measuring spoons
- bowl
- spoon
- water
- vinegar
- construction paper
- transparent tape
- scissors
15. Make a trampoline using a colander, rubber bands, binder clips, toothpicks, and stretchy material.
16. Design a flier from only a cone paper cup. Lay a box fan on the floor to make it fly.
17. Make a tower strong enough to hold a basketball using only newspaper and tape.
- newspaper
- tape
- basketball
18. Design a raft out of straws and paper that can hold a cup of marbles.
19. Build a tent for a Lego man from pencils and tissue paper.
20. Build a tower as tall as you using only construction paper and tape.
21. Build a raft using corks, cardboard, and string.
22. Recreate the 8 land and water formations using Legos.
23. Make a tree that stands up using only playdough.
24. Make a hollow cube using only sticks and twine.
- sticks
- twine
25. Make 5 shakers that have different sounds using beans and plastic bottles.
- plastic bottles
- dry black beans
26. Design a bungee cord for a doll using rubber bands.
- rubber bands
- doll
27. Make a ball and cup toy out of a toilet paper roll, yarn, and a wooden bead.
- empty toilet paper rolls
- yarn
- scissors
- markers
- 1 1/2" wooden beads