Making masks is a magical and creative role-playing craft activity that can transport your students into a new world where they can be whoever they want to be. From animal masks to those that are Venetian-themed, this article will provide you with all the tools and knowledge you need to create some inspiring masks! Link them to lessons on historical events, and cultural celebrations, or simply use them for a fun day in the classroom! Enjoy!
1. Carnival Masks
Carnivals always display the boldest colors. Create your own eye-catcher with this simple DIY mask craft using materials you can find in any classroom. A4 paper, cards, lolly sticks, scissors, decorative pieces such as ribbons, colored string, and glue or sticky tape will bring this creation to life.
Learn More: Daisies and Pie
2. Elephant Paper Plate Mask
For animal lovers, this easy-to-make mask is a winner! Paint a paper plate, two ear cut-outs, and a trunk. Once dry, cut two holes in the plate for your learners to see through and glue all the elements together. Tape it all together to bring these sweet ellies to life!
Learn More: East Coast Mommy
3. Egg Carton Eye Masks
The egg carton is a staple in any classroom or craft box. Transform it into a quirky eye mask using paints, glitter, and lolly sticks. All you need is two parts of the egg carton to get started. Supervise your learners as they cut out eye holes. They can then decorate as they please and glue on the lolly stick!
Learn More: The Pinterested Parent
4. Mardi Gras Handprint Mask
Students can start by drawing around their hands on colored paper and cutting them out. Add a hole on each hand for the eyes. They can then decorate their hands using any materials they have available. When complete, tape them together and glue them on a straw so that the mask can be held easily.
Learn More: Stockpiling Moms
5. Superhero Masks
Who hasn’t secretly dreamed of being a superhero? Now your students can transform themselves into their favorite superheroes using a paper plate and some paint. They can simply cut out the eyes, paint on the design, wait for it to dry, and their superhero mask is ready!
Learn More: Meaningful Mama
6. Vintage Swimmer Mask
This craft is perfect for those who love a bit of vintage nostalgia. Another super simple design using a paper plate, paper, a card, and some paint. Simply paint on the swim cap design. On paper, draw some big bold flowers to cut and stick to the mask and wait for your design to dry.
Learn More: Pink Stripey Socks
7. Perfect Polar Bears
This mask uses tissue paper to mimic the polar bear’s beautiful white coat. You will also need a yogurt pot or an egg carton to create a snout. Ensure everything is painted white before adding on your scrunched-up tissue paper fur. A large black pom-pom can be added to make the polar bear’s nose.
Learn More: I Heart Crafty Things
8. Nature Masks
What better way to interest kids in nature than by getting them to create a nature-inspired mask. Using the provided templates, encourage your children to explore the environment and gather materials to use on their nature masks.
Learn More: Conscious Craft
9. Super Stormtrooper
Now this one is a little complicated to construct but I promise you that the result is fantastic! Using 2 large milk cartons, carefully cut the pieces shown in the diagrams to construct the Stormtrooper’s iconic mask. Children will have fun adding on the classic design with either spray paint or acrylic paint. This is perfect for a homemade Halloween costume!
Learn More: Filth Wizardry
10. Little Lions
This effortless mask requires a sturdy circle of cards and yellow and orange cardstock. With supervision, they can cut and glue their mane of cardstock around the circle to create a striking mask.
Learn More: Danya Banya
11. Fantastic Mr. Fox
An empty cereal box, downloadable stencils, and orange paint are all you need to create your very own Roald Dahl creation. Perfect for World Book Day, this easy-to-construct mask will transform your children into the cheeky Mr. Fox that we all know and love!
Learn More: Red Ted Art – Kids Crafts
12. Frankenstein’s Face
This mask is a sure win for some spooky fun with your students. Using the trusty paper plate and stencils to cut out a bulbous forehead, add on some cork and pipe cleaners to bring Frankie to life. A splash of green and black paint will finish him off and your children will look the part for Halloween!
Learn More: Creating Creatives
13. Printable Halloween Masks
We’ve all been there; trying to rush to piece together a last-minute costume. But don’t worry! With these printable masks, in both color and black and white, you’ll never be stuck for an eleventh-hour mask. Print on sturdy cards for best results.
Learn More: Mr. Printables
14. Easy Emojis
In today’s world, emojis are everywhere! Let your students turn themselves into an emoji for the day with this effortless mask-making activity. They can trace and cut a large yellow circle, decide on their emoji’s design, and craft away using paper elements to bring their face to life!
Learn More: Alice and Lois
15. Perfect Paper
Cut out an eye mask shape using any colored card or paper of your choosing. Students can then construct leaf shapes using colored paper- adding glitter and feathers to make them stand out even more. Glue the whole thing together for a show-stopping mask creation.
Learn More: The Joy of Sharing
16. Imaginative Play
If you have a little more time on your hands, why not provide your students with a simple mask cut-out and a wide range of materials to choose from? They can then develop their imagination further by designing their own mask; learning about color, texture, and pattern as they do so.
Learn More: Artful Parent
17. African-Inspired Masks
These magnificent designs will teach children about ceremonies and allow them to make connections between their own cultures and others. It also gives students the opportunities to explore symmetry and texture as they will use a range of materials from pipe cleaners and sequins to beads.
Learn More: Eco Kids Art
18. Delightful Dragons
These masks are perfect for celebrating Chinese New Year. Download and print the dragon templates and cut them out of sturdy cards. Decorate with markers and glitter and construct the dragon using the instruction sheet. Lastly, add a popsicle stick so your students can hold their dragons up proudly!
Learn More: The Inspiration Edit
19. Papier Mache
The oldest form of mask-making! Firstly, blow up a balloon for the face shape. Cover in paper mache mix. To make this you will need wallpaper paste, water, and glue to make a sticky paste. Ensure the balloon is fully covered in the mixture and hardens. Once dry, your students can then decorate their masks with colorful designs.
Learn More: Crafts U Print
20. Fabulous Felt
This DIY mask craft is simply stunning! Using felt to create the mask shape, which is glued onto cardboard for extra stability, the mask is then decorated with a range of watercolor leaves.
Learn More: Imagine Childhood
21. Sugar Skulls
Despite popular belief, sugar skulls are actually a celebration of life. These skull creations can be constructed using shop-bought 3D masks or learners can create their own using papier mache. When dry, learners can paint them white and decorate them with an array of bright colors.
Learn More: Marcie in Mommyland
22. Outstanding Owls
Using just felt, use the templates to cut out the owl shapes. With a needle and thread students can learn how to hand stitch to build their mask. The result is a beautiful owl mask that looks as though it has been professionally made.
Learn More: Craftaholics Anonymous
23. YouTube Tutorial
This fantastic YouTube tutorial provides a step-by-step rundown on how to make a Venetian mask using easy-to-gather craft materials. You will need fabric, lace, glitter glue, and acrylic paints to master this creation.
Learn More: Miss Crafts A Lot
24. No Sew Felt Superhero Mask
For younger children, these fabulous superhero-inspired masks are sure to be a crowd-pleaser! Simply print a template, place it on a piece of felt, trace, and cut! Glue the pieces together before adding decorative elements and attaching a piece of elastic to either side.
Learn More: Positively Splendid
25. Beautiful Butterflies
A great Summer activity for all ages! Cut a butterfly shape or use a template for minimal prep. Decorate using markers, paint, and glitter. This activity also promotes further learning when discussing the life cycle of a butterfly. It’s also great to use when chatting about symmetry.
Learn More: Kids Craft Room
26. Birds of Paradise
These delectable bird masks are full of color and are surprisingly easy to make. Cut a range of different feathers on colored paper and cards. Start with a basic mask template and carefully glue all the feather shapes around the edge; overlapping them to create a nice effect. Lastly, add a few sequins for an extra pop of color.
Learn More: Omiyage Blogs
27. Māori Mask
This activity is great for introducing students to other cultures and covering concepts such as cultural appropriation. Discuss the distinctive Māori tattoos and why they are important using visuals as a prompt. Students can then design their own Māori masks using designs that mean something to them.
Learn More: Activity Village
28. Making Faces
Whilst not a ‘wearable’ mask, these fun egg carton crafts are still fantastic to make and use for décor! They look a little like Easter Island Heads which could be a basis for your lesson whilst creating these. You will need egg cartons, glue, scissors, and paint to decorate!
Learn More: Mini Mad Things
29. Plaster Cloth Faces
Another way to create a hard-wearing mask is to create a mold from plaster cloth and use the layers of fabric to build up the piece. The great thing about this material is you simply need to dip it in water to begin molding!
Learn More: Hands-on Teaching Ideas
30. Loud Luchador’s
Another fun mask idea inspired by Mexican wrestling! Bold and bright colors are a must here. Simply provide your students with a template and let them get to work decorating with bright colors and bold patterns.
Learn More: Free Kids Crafts