There is so much to learn and explore when it comes to the world of seeds. Children of all ages can observe and perform a variety of seed activities to speed up their learning process in a hands-on way. Hands-on plant activities will teach kids about seeds and make for fantastic fun and learning.
1. Are All The Seeds The Same?
This is one of the easiest activities about seeds, where the students can document their findings about different kinds of seeds in tabular form with columns for size, color, shape, weight, and other characteristics.
You can also help the kids to cut open the seeds and compare the insides. Ask them to make a printable seed journal with photos of different types of seeds.
Learn More: iGameMom
2. Eggshell Seedling
This is one of the best hands-on plant activities. Take an eggshell that is broken in half and clean it with water. Ask the kids to moisten the inside of the shell and add a spoonful of soil. Get different seeds and make them plant 2 to 3 in each shell. Have them observe and compare the speed of growth in different eggshells.
Learn More: Garden Weasel
3. Find Out The Best Medium For Growing Seeds
For this seed experiment, take three jars and add three different mediums—ice, water, and soil. The three mediums represent three “climates”: arctic, deep sea, and ground. Add an equal number of seeds into each jar, and incubate the first one in a refrigerator, the other under a sink (so there is no sunlight), and the last one on a window sill. Leave them for a week and observe growth.
Learn More: From Engineering to Stay at Home Mom
4. Food With Seeds
This is one of the simplest activities for kids and one of the best activities for kindergarten that tests their knowledge and helps them identify seeds in foods. Get some packs of vegetable and fruit seeds. Ask the kids to name vegetables and fruits that have seeds in them.
Learn More: iGameMom
5. Fun With Pumpkin Seeds
Playing with seeds can be fun. Collect a lot of pumpkin seeds, paint them in fun and bright colors, and you are all set. Ask the kids to stick them in patterns, make a collage, and more. You can even turn it into an art competition where kids can design different patterns using the seeds.
Learn More: Fun-A-Day
6. Germinating Seeds In A Bag
This is one of the best science activities where kids can learn about seed germination and observe every stage, as it is visible through the bag. A process that is otherwise hidden by dirt, this experiment is sure to fascinate kids and pique their interest.
Learn More: Life Over C’s
7. Grow Grass Or Cress In A Pot
Both grass and cress grow like hair, so make funny faces on pots and grow grass or cress on them. This makes for a fantastic, fun learning activity. Remember to put grass in mud and cress in cotton. Alternatively, instead of drawing faces, you can stick photographs of kids for one of the most awesome seed science activities.
Learn More: Persil
8. If You Plant A Seed Kindness Activity
This activity is inspired by a book about seeds, If You Plant a Seed by Kadir Nelson. In a jar, collect seeds that you want to plant. Ask the kids to write the acts of kindness they have done on a given day on a piece of paper. Collect them in the seed jar. Now, read the story to the kids and help them relate to the story and plant the seeds.
Learn More: Books and Giggles
9. Kick Off Your Seed Activity With A YouTube Video
Help the kids understand the concept of a seed, seeds in foods, how they grow into plants, and more with the help of a fun video. Many YouTube videos feature activities with seeds; some even show the slow-motion growth of real seeds.
Learn More: SciShow Kids
10. Label The Parts Of A Seed
For this simple seed activity, dissect a seed. Later, provide the kids with a pre-printed picture of a dissected seed. Ask them to label the parts and see if they get it right.
Learn More: Around the Kampfire
11. Learn Seed Formation With Clay
Learn about plant reproduction and the formation of seeds with clay. You can make it more fun by sculpting the different stages of growth on different cardboard sheets and asking the kids to arrange them in proper order.
Learn More: iKITMovie
12. Learning The Parts Of A Seed
Select a large seed like that of lima beans, and soak it in water for 1 to 2 hours before dissection. Ask the students to split open the seed and help them locate the plant embryo, seed coat, and cotyledon. Give them a magnifying glass and see if they can identify the seed’s belly button- the helium.
Learn More: Around the Kampfire
13. Make Inverted Hanging Tomato Planters
One of the simplest seed experiments for older kids, the only hard part is slipping the tomato start through the mouth of the bottle. Plant it and watch a plant grow upside down.
Learn More: Bonzai Aphrodite
14. Make Plantable Seed Paper
This seed activity is a great way to contribute to the environment. Teach them to make recyclable paper using newspapers, toilet paper tubes, envelopes, and even office paper.
Learn More: Alpha Mom
15. Painting Seed Pods
This is an artistic way of introducing seeds to small kids. Ask the kids to pick up seed pods from a nearby garden or give them some. Supply them with paint colors and brushes, and watch as they transform each pod into a piece of art.
Learn More: Mother Natured
16. Planting Seeds With Kids
Collect a number of seeds that are easy to plant and that grow fast and help the kids plant them. This is an exciting activity and your learners will love to see what they have grown. Help them water the plants and teach them how to help the plants grow.
Learn More: Little Bins for Little Hands
17. Printable Seed Activities
Kids can learn to count with seeds and learn about seeds too. Make them stick seeds corresponding to the given number, arrange seeds in increasing numbers, count and write, and so on.
Learn More: The Educators’ Spin On It
18. Read The Tiny Seed By Eric Carle
The book narrates the adventures of a tiny seed and comes with seeded paper which you can use to grow your own flowers. This has to be one of the best books about seeds and is certain to inspire kids to perform seed activities.
Learn More: Amazon
19. Seed Bomb Necklaces
This is a fun art-meets-science experiment. Make the necklaces using compost, seed, and clay. You can color and shape the beads according to your liking and make beautiful necklaces out of them. You can take different seeds like bean seeds, pumpkin seeds, and more to make them more varied.
Learn More: Babble Dabble Do
20. Seed Collecting
Seeds are a part of our everyday lives. Take the kids to a nearby park and collect seeds, or ask the kids to get as many seeds as they can from their garden, neighbors, family, and friends, and have fun counting who got how many.
Learn More: What We Do All Day?
21. Seed Growing Race
This is one of the most fun seed science experiments and can be performed indoors. Collect different seeds and plant them in different pots. Over the next several days, watch as the plant grows and see which one wins the race.
Learn More: What We Do All Day?
22. Sing A Seed Song
Have a fun time singing seed songs. Help the kids memorize the songs and sing them while planting.
Learn More: Mr. Ryan’s Music
23. Sort Sprouted Seeds
Grow a different seed of the same plant for several days and observe the different growth stages. Ask the kids to draw the various stages and ask them to arrange the seeds in ascending order of growth.
Learn More: We Are Teachers
24. Sorting Seeds
Introduce different types of seeds and explain their characteristics like size, shape, and color. Now dump all the seeds in a pile so that all the seeds get mixed. Now invite your preschoolers to sort them.
Learn More: Stay at Home Educator
25. This Is My Favorite Seed
Introduce kids to a variety of seeds. Make them understand that they come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Now ask them to select their favorite and ask them why they chose it. Be ready for some fun answers.
Learn More: Stay at Home Educator