A 5-letter word list can teach kids strong vocabulary skills. A strong vocabulary is a must-have for kids all over the world. Developing children’s language skills takes time and lots of patience. Children absorb and understand unfamiliar words faster than adults. Starting simple with games like bingo is a great strategy to learn words since it makes memorizing them simpler. Here’s a list of words to help you out!
What Types of Five-Letter Words are there?
There are many types of five-letter words in the English Language. Each part of speech has a number of five-letter words in them. There are five-letter words with different suffixes and prefixes, others are parts of speech like nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions. Even Interjections have five-letter words!
5-Letter Words According to Parts Of Speech
1. 5-Letter Nouns
- Plane
- Peter
- Power
- Alert
- Asset
- Cream
- Chest
- Class
- Abuse
- Award
- World
- House
- Place
- Group
- Party
- Money
2. Pronouns
- There
- Where
- Which
- Whose
- Whoso
- Yours
3. Verbs
- Admit
- Adopt
- Agree
- Allow
- Alter
- Apply
- Argue
- Arise
4. Adjectives
- Above
- Acute
- Alive
- Alone
- Angry
- Aware
- Awful
- Basic
5. Adverbs
- Aback
- About
- Above
- Accel
- Afoot
6. Conjunctions
- Slash
- After
- While
- Since
- Until
7. Prepositions
- Along
- Under
- Among
- Above
- Below
- Until
- After
- About
- Cross
8. Interjections
- Ditto
- Avast
- Aloha
- Aargh
- Hello
- Quiet
- Wacko
- Tough
- Kapow
- Hullo
Other 5-Letter Words
Other five-letter words to teach vocabulary are:
1. Ending in “it”
- Fruit
- Merit
- Limit
- Armpit
- Legit
- Orbit
- Digit
- Debit
- Habit
- Await
- Cubit
- Await
- Befit
- Admit
- Audit
- Plait
- Petit
- Visit
- Unfit
- Refit
2. Starting with “a”
- Acorns
- Acres
- Again
- Adorn
- Afore
- Agaze
- Agile
- Adopt
- Adage
- Along
- Alone
- Aloud
- Alpha
- Ample
- Amuse
- Altar
- Among
- Aloft
- Avert
- Apple
- Actor
- Alive
- Agent
- Adapt
- After
- Alarm
- Aloha
- Abuse
- About
- Above
- Avoid
- Awake
- Award
- Aware
- Awoke
- Amaze
3. Starting with “i”
- Idaho
- Ichor
- Icing
- Idiom
- Idler
- Index
- Icons
- Image
- Imbue
- Intel
- Intro
- Irony
- Iroko
- Issue
- Ivory
- Items
- Itchy
- Input
- Igloo
- Iliac
- Idols
- Ideal
- Ionic
- Imply
- Italy
- Idyll
- Inked
- Inlay
- Ingot
- Inner
- Iodin
- Irate
- Irked
4. Starting with “o”
- Oasis
- Obama
- Obese
- Ocean
- Occur
- Oddly
- Odesa
- Olive
- Oinks
- Ogres
- Oiled
- Okras
- Older
- Omega
- Often
- Offer
- Optic
- Otter
- Other
- Ozone
- Owner
- Order
- Oliva
- Oleum
- Onion
- Opals
- Opera
5. Starting with “u”
- Uncle
- Ulcer
- Urine
- Ultra
- Undid
- Unfed
- Unzip
- Unbox
- Unify
- Unpeg
- Unpin
- Uplift
- Urban
- Unity
- Under
- Usage
- Utter
- Union
- Unite
- Uplift
- Usher
- Upset
- Usurp
- Units
6. Starting with “vi”
- Vibes
- Vials
- Villa
- Vimeo
- Viola
- Vinyl
- Vivid
- Viral
- Virus
- Vicar
- Visit
- Vista
- Viper
- Vigor
- Vixen
- Visas
- Views
- Vines
- Vicar
- Visor
- Virga
- Virgo
- Vital
7. Ending with “art”
- Smart
- Peart
- Quart
- Lyart
- Scart
- Slart
- Tuart
- Heart
- Chart
- Apart
- Start
- Boart
8. Ending with “are”
- Clare
- Glare
- Aware
- Share
- Flare
- Scare
- Snare
- Stare
- Blare
- Soare
- Spare
- Whare
- Chare
- Phare
- Urare
- Quare
9. Ending with “er”
- Amber
- Dryer
- Eager
- Dozer
- Eater
- Biker
- Boxer
- Buyer
- Caper
- Enter
- Gayer
- Gazer
- Homer
- Fiber
- Cyber
- Cover
- Cower
- Fever
- Power
- Poser
- Hyper
- Rover
- Ruler
- Voter
- Tyler
- Ulcer
- Water
- Utter
- Viper
- After
- Baker
- Bower
- Gamer
- Flier
- Laser
- Paper
- Queer
- Poker
- Upper
10. Ending with “al”
- Arial
- Canal
- Coral
- Equal
- Ethal
- Fatal
- Feral
- Final
- Focal
- Ideal
- Medal
- Loyal
- Metal
- Petal
- Trial
- Vital
- Vocal
- Offal
- Zonal
- Local
- Fecal
- Wheal
- Mural
- Viral
- Moral
- Cabal
- Petal
- Legal
- Loral
- Dedal
11. Ending With “alm”
- Realm
- Psalm
- Dwalm
- Qualm
- Yealm
- Shalm
12. Ending With “id”
- Avoid
- Acrid
- David
- Cupid
- Droid
- Fluid
- Livid
- Lipid
- Lucid
- Rabid
- Humid
- Solid
- Squid
- Timid
- Ranid
- Valid
- Plaid
- Zooid
- Equid
- Braid
- Rapid
- Murid
- Druid
- Rigid
13. Ending With “ic”
- Topic
- Toxic
- Civic
- Cubic
- Comic
- Mimic
- Folic
- Music
- Tonic
- Panic
- Ethic
- Relic
- Stoic
- Lyric
- Logic
- Ionic
- Sonic
- Cynic
- Manic
- Basic
- Optic
- Antic
- Pubic
- Agric
14. Ending With “el”
- Bagel
- Kneel
- Bowel
- Angel
- Ariel
- Camel
- Cruel
- Babel
- Duvel
- Eisel
- Eifel
- Expel
- Gavel
- Excel
- Gazel
- Hazel
- Gruel
- Hotel
- Intel
- Panel
- Navel
- Steel
- Repel
- Model
- Label
- Level
- Pixel
- Jewel
- Intel
- Vowel
- Cruel
- Easel
- Hovel
15. Starting With “flu”
- Flute
- Flunk
- Flush
- Fluff
- Fluid
- Flung
- Flume
- Flubs
- Fluky
- Flubs
- Flump
- Fluyt
- Fluty
- Fluor
16. Starting with “tea”
- Teach
- Tears
- Teams
- Teary
- Teals
- Teats
- Teare
- Teaks
- Tease
17. Starting With “be”
- Beans
- Beach
- Beady
- Beast
- Beard
- Beams
- Beech
- Befit
- Began
- Begin
- Beget
- Begun
- Bench
- Being
- Belle
- Below
- Besot
- Beige
- Berry
- Betty
- Benny
- Beryl
- Belch
- Beefs
18. Starting with “bee”
- Beers
- Beems
- Beets
- Beefs
- Beech
- Beeve
- Beefy
- Beene
- Beeps
- Beebs
- Beery
- Bees
19. Starting with “glo”
- Glove
- Glory
- Globe
- Gloss
- Gloom
- Glows
- Gloat
- Glowy
- Glost
- Glosa
- Glogg
- Globs
- Gloak
20. Ending in “eat”
- Wheat
- Bleat
- Sweat
- Feat
- Exeat
- Sceat
- Great
- Beat
- Treat
- Cheat
- Pleat
- Cleat
- Sheat
- Exeat
21. Starting with ‘e’
- Easy
- Eager
- Early
- Eagle
- Earth
- Eaten
- Ebony
- Ebook
- Ebola
- Eject
- Emoji
- Enjoy
- Equal
- Excel
- Expel
- Exam
- Eject
- Elbow
- Elder
- Elect
- Envoy
- Erase
- Erica
- Event
- Evict
- Every
- Exile
- Extra
- Ethic
- Enemy
- Erupt
- Enrol
- Essay
- Enter
- Elves
- Equip
- Equal
- Euros
- Entry