There’s no time quite as magical as Christmas- especially for children! This list of 65 Christmas-themed journal prompts invites your kiddos to explore this enchanting season in a creative and thought-provoking way. If you’re ready to unleash a flurry of holiday cheer and keep young minds engaged during the holiday break, dive right in!
1. If you were a snowman, what games would you play?
2. Imagine a reindeer could grant one wish. What would you wish for?
3. If you could give a present to a friend, what would it be?
4. Write a story about a day in the life of Frosty the Snowman.
5. What would you do if you were Santa for a day?
6. Draw and describe your dream gingerbread house.
7. If you were an elf, what would you invent to help Santa?
8. What’s your favorite part about the holiday season?
9. If you could be any character in Santa’s team, who would you be and why?
10. What kind of meal would you prepare for Santa on Christmas Eve?
11. What would make this holiday season the best one ever?
12. Write a story about your favorite holiday memory with your family.
13. If you could start a new winter tradition, what would it be?
14. If you could secretly give someone a gift, who would it be and what would you give?
15. What’s your favorite sound during the festive season?
16. What’s your favorite thing to do with your family during the winter season?
17. Write a story about an adventure Santa’s Hat might have had.
18. Draw and describe the most beautiful holiday lights you’ve ever seen.
19. If you could spend a day in the North Pole, what would you do?
20. Draw three things you wish for in the New Year.
21. What do you think a holiday on the Moon would be like?
22. How do you think kids in other countries celebrate the holiday season?
23. Imagine you’re going on a sleigh ride, what do you see?
24. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received and why?
25. Write a story about a mysterious present under the tree.
26. What’s your favorite dish during the festive dinner?
27. If you were a Christmas tree ornament, what would you see?
28. Write a story about a winter party for penguins.
29. Write a story about a magical mistletoe.
30. What would a snow angel come to life look like?
31. What’s the funniest thing that has happened during the festive season?
32. What would you say if you met Santa Claus?
33. What’s your favorite type of weather during the holidays?
34. Describe what you think Santa’s toy workshop looks like.
35. Write a new verse for your favorite holiday carol.
36. What is the best act of kindness you can do during the holiday season?
37. Describe the perfect snowflake.
38. What’s your favorite smell during the holidays?
39. If you could create a new holiday treat, what would it be?
40. If you could give Santa advice, what would it be?
41. Write about an adventure with a winter animal.
42. Where should Santa go on vacation after Christmas?
43. Who’s your holiday hero and why?
44. If you could design a new tree topper, what would it look like?
45. Draw and write about what makes you feel happy during the holidays.
46. If you could make three wishes come true this winter, what would they be?
47. What’s your favorite thing about Santa’s magic sleigh?
48. What is your dream gift this holiday season?
49. If you could be anyone’s Secret Santa, who would it be and why?
50. Write a story about the biggest snowball battle in the world.
51. Write a short story to be read by the fireplace.
52. If you could create a new decoration, what would it look like?
53. Write about a mitten’s adventure through the snow.
54. Draw and describe the ultimate festive sweater.
55. Write about your experience going caroling with your family.
56. Write a story about a very special elf.
57. Describe the first time you saw snow.
58. If you could introduce Santa to one of your friends, who would it be?
59. What’s your favorite winter sport and why?
60. Write about a snowy morning.
61. If you could travel anywhere for the holidays, where would it be?
62. Write a story about a Boxing Day adventure.
63. Write about your favorite holiday carol.
64. If you could be one of Santa’s helpers, what would you want to do?
65. What’s your favorite memory of past holiday seasons?