Road trips are among life’s greatest memory makers and are powerful learning opportunities for students. These journeys remove young people from the day-to-day monotony of classroom life and grant them a unique opportunity to observe evolving landscapes, cultures, and more! So, why not prompt your students to process all of their experiences, revelations, and impactful relationships by recording them in a journal? Peruse our collection of 37 inspiring prompts for ideas on where to begin.
1. Write about your favorite sight during the road trip.
2. Describe the car or vehicle you are traveling in.
3. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about a family member during this road trip?
4. How did the landscapes change during your journey?
5. Describe the best meal you’ve had so far on your trip.
6. Write about a place you visited that exceeded your expectations.
7. How does the weather affect your road trip experience?
8. Describe the most beautiful sunset or sunrise you’ve seen during the trip.
9. Who are the people you’ve met on the road? Share a story about one of them.
10. Write about an unexpected detour or stopover.
11. What was your favorite town or city you passed through?
12. Did anything go wrong during the trip? How did you handle it?
13. How has the trip changed your relationship with your travel companions?
14. Describe a moment from the road trip that you wish you could relive.
15. What is the soundtrack of your road trip? Describe how certain songs or tunes resonate with your experiences.
16. Write about an interesting souvenir you picked up along the way.
17. How have you entertained yourself during the long stretches of the journey?
18. Describe a moment when you felt truly free during this trip.
19. What were your expectations before the road trip and have they been met?
20. Write about a wildlife encounter during the trip.
21. Describe a scenic location that took your breath away.
22. What was the most challenging part of the trip?
23. Write about a historical landmark you visited and what you learned.
24. What was the most unusual thing you saw on your journey?
25. Did you discover any new hobbies or interests during the road trip?
26. Write about the funniest incident that happened on the road.
27. How have you coped with the confinement of the vehicle?
28. Write about the most relaxing spot you’ve found during the trip.
29. What have you learned about yourself during this trip?
30. Write about the oddest road sign you’ve seen.
31. Describe a new food or drink you tried on your road trip.
32. Write about an interesting conversation you had during a meal stop.
33. How did you help plan or navigate during the trip?
34. Write about a moment of quiet reflection during your journey.
35. Describe the most physically demanding part of the trip.
36. What advice would you give someone going on a similar road trip?
37. If you could go back in time to the start of your trip, what would you do differently?