Many students enjoy reading and listening to classic fairy tales. In fact, many students are already familiar with the plot, setting, and main characters of a lot of these stories. You can increase this love of fairy tales by presenting them with fractured fairy tales since they are new and have exciting twists they have never heard of before. Taking stories they know and love and spinning them will foster a love of literacy.
1. Interstellar Cinderella
Check out this huge twist on the original story. The main character is nothing like Cinderella from the traditional story. This Cinderella is quite the mechanic and can even fix rockets! The setting is very different as well.
Learn more: Amazon
2. Super Red Riding Hood
Mix your child's love of superheroes with their love of fairy tales. Check out Ruby as she takes matters into her own hands. This age-old fairy tale takes twists and turns your students will never expect! You will keep them guessing when reading this story.
Learn more: Amazon
3. The Princess and the Pizza
Do you have a family pizza night coming up? Reading this book after you've just had pizza would be fitting! This is a different and hilarious take on this story and it does not end with a prince charming.
Learn more: Amazon
4. Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks
We know the traditional Goldilocks and the three bears story. This story is told from the perspective of the baby bear that is in the bear family. This is a different perspective on Goldilocks being an intruder, but rather awesome instead!
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5. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
It all started with a cup of sugar. Borrowing this cup of sugar turned out to cause a series of events that led to the bad wolf being framed, in his eyes. It turns the whole idea of this particular story on its head and the students will never see it coming.
Learn more: Amazon
6. Little Red Writing
This story is very different from the original. It does include the main protagonist and a creature similar to the big bad wolf approaching little read writing throughout the story. Your children will be begging to see how it ends and what happens next.
Learn more: Amazon
7. Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty?
A fractured tale indeed! Most children are familiar with the Humpty Dumpty rhyme and short story or song, but now we get to find out how Humpty Dumpty got into this position, to begin with. How exactly did he come to have a great fall? Who pushed him?
Learn more: Amazon
8. Goldilocks and Just One Bear
Another Goldilocks spin-off is this one here because it only includes one of the bears she encounters in the original story. The complete story of what happens to these two characters is encapsulated in this book. Add it to your library today!
Learn more: Amazon
9. The Gingerbread Cowboy
This story is reminiscent of the original by featuring a similar chant and setup. However, it is set on a ranch and the gingerbread man must escape some different people than he did in the original tale. This gingerbread cowboy is on the run.
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10. Cinder Edna
Have you ever heard of Cinderella's exceptionally capable neighbor, Cinder Edna? What happens to a girl if there is not a fairy godmother to help her? Find out the answers to these questions and more by reading this story. Your children will have a blast!
Learn more: Amazon
11. Snow White and the Enormous Turnip
This strangely titled book is definitely worth the read. A few of the benefits of this book being on is that you can assign it to your students if you are doing distance learning and that it is free for students to use. Will there be an evil queen?
Learn more: Amazon
12. The Ninjabread Man
Using the template from the actual story, this gingerbread man is a ninja, is running from someone in particular, and must fight anyone who gets in his way. That is just what happens to the ninja bread man as he is running and fighting throughout the story.
Learn more: Amazon
13. The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot
This book has most of the fairy tale segments that the original story had. The fairy tale characters however are extremely different. Can your students tell which story this is supposed to be similar to? They will start making connections!
Learn more: Amazon
14. The Frog Prince
Most students are familiar with the tale The Princess and the Frog, but what do you think will happen when Frog is in charge? In terms of fairy tale tropes, this book breaks the mold by taking a new perspective on an old favorite.
Learn more: Amazon
15. The Three Silly Billies
This book has an epic team-up of many other fairytale characters as well. When these three main characters do not have enough money to pass the troll bridge, they don't know what to do! Check out this fresh take on this old story here.
Learn more: Amazon
16. It's Not Hansel and Gretel
You might think you know the story of Hansel and Gretel but this is NOT Hansel and Gretel. These cartoons are bright, colorful, and engaging. They will hook even your hesitant readers to want to know about how this book is different from the traditional Hansel and Gretel.
Learn more: Amazon
17. Goatilocks and The Three Bears
This book is an absolutely hilarious rendition of the classic story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Books like this being read in a read-aloud style on Youtube are beneficial because students can listen to the text being read anywhere they have WI-FI access.
Learn more: Amazon
18. Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs
You might already have heard of Mo Willems writing other children's books but did you know he wrote this fresh take on Goldilocks and the three bears? What will happen to poor Goldilocks when she encounters three dinosaurs instead?
Learn more: Amazon
19. The Three Billy Goats Fluff
This sweet story is perfect for the young reader in your life who loves fairy tales. Even the cover itself is intriguing. Check it out below on YouTube and you can hear it being read out loud.
Learn more: Amazon
20. Slow White and Nose Red
Rocky and Bullwinkle make an appearance in this fractured fairy tale come to life! Can you guess which story this is meant to resemble?
Learn more: Siresounds