With so many engaging brain teasers to choose from, you can encourage your kiddos to better their problem-solving skills both in and out of the math classroom! These puzzling prompts are awesome for sharpening both memory and concentration whilst stimulating creativity. Either assign them in small batches as homework or task your students with answering all 47 over the holidays. Whatever route you decide on, one thing’s for sure- your learners are bound to love this unique twist on learning math!
1. What number do you think we’ll get when we double the number 11?
2. What is half of the double of 22?
3. If you celebrated your 12th birthday last year, how old will you be next year?
4. If your older sister is twice your age and she is 16, can you figure out how old you are?
5. Imagine we have 5 soccer teams, and each team has 11 players. Can you tell me how many players there are in total?
6. You have 20 candies, and you decide to share 5 candies with your friend. How many candies do you think are left?
7. Can you arrange numbers 1-6 at the vertices and mid-points of a triangle so that all sides add up to the same total?
8. If you start with 10 balloons and pop 3, how many balloons are left?
9. What do you think is the result if you add 5 to a number and then subtract 5 from the result?
10. Figure out the next number in this pattern: 2, 4, 6, 8, __?
11. What number comes after 18 when we’re counting by threes?
12. How many years are there in a century?
13. How many days are there in a leap year?
14. How many days are there from Monday to Friday?
15. If it’s 3 o’clock now, what time it will be in 5 hours?
16. If a kilogram of apples and a kilogram of feathers are weighed, which one is heavier?
17. What is the square of 7?
18. What’s the maximum total you can get when you roll two dice?
19. If you need 2 eggs for a cake and you want to make 3 cakes, how many eggs do you need?
20. What’s the smallest 2-digit number?
21. If there are 4 wheels on a car, how many wheels are there on 3 cars?
22. If a pizza is cut into 8 slices and you eat 2, how many slices are left?
23. Which number is greater, 150 or 100+60?
24. If you have 15 pencils and you give away 5, how many are left?
25. If a bag contains 50 marbles and you take out 10, how many marbles remain?
26. If a basket contains 8 apples and 7 oranges, how many fruits are there in total?
27. How many pennies make a dollar?
28. What number do you always get when you multiply any number by 1?
29. What happens when you add zero to any number?
30. What number do you get when you divide any number by itself?
31. What happens when you subtract a number from itself?
32. If a basketball player scores 3 points for a free throw and they score 4 free throws, how many points do they have?
33. If the temperature rises by 2 degrees each hour and it’s currently 10 degrees, what will the temperature be in 5 hours?
34. How many lines of symmetry does a perfect square have?
35. How many minutes make a quarter of an hour?
36. If you run 5 kilometers each day, how far will you have run in a week?
37. If each ice cream cone costs $3, how much would 4 cones cost?
38. If you plant 3 seeds in each pot and you have 5 pots, how many seeds will you plant in total?
39. What is the result of multiplying 6 by 10?
40. If you catch 3 fish every hour, how many fish will you catch in 4 hours?
41. If an ant travels 1 cm per second, how far does it travel in 1 minute?
42. If a snail travels 1 meter per hour, how far would it travel in 5 hours?
43. If a dog has 6 puppies and each puppy has 4 legs, how many puppy legs are there in total?
44. If a frog leaps 2 meters each time and it leaps 5 times, how far does the frog leap?
45. If you find 5 shells each day on the beach, how many shells will you have after 4 days?
46. If a cat has 4 kittens and each kitten has 2 ears, how many kitten ears are there?
47. If you ride 2 km on your bike every day, how far will you ride in a week?