Multiplying decimals can be a challenging skill for students to master but fortunately, they can get effective practice with these 20 activities to help them approach and achieve mastery! Help your learners build a strong foundation for more complex math skills and increase their confidence in solving sums that apply decimal multiplication.
1. Dominoes Puzzle
Build decimal math knowledge by printing out this paper puzzle board and using dominoes to solve it. Each number on the domino represents a decimal point (3 = .3 and 2 = .2). Children will work to solve the puzzle by laying down the correct dominoes.
Learn More: Games 4 Gains
2. Multiplying Decimals Codebreaker Puzzle
Use this codebreaker puzzle for spiral review, homework, or seatwork. As students solve decimal multiplication problems, they will match their answers to the key to solve the random code solution. There are no riddles to guess like other codebreakers so the problems must be done correctly!
Learn More: Math Teachers’ Resources
3. Multiplying Decimals Digital Math Mystery Reveal
Implement this digital resource to get your students digitally practicing how to multiply decimals. Assign these problems via Google Classroom or elsewhere to get students to solve problems and the correct answers slowly reveal a fun mystery picture.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
4. Decimal Dash: Decimal Multiplication Game
Use the game, Decimal Dash for a fun math challenge. As students navigate the game board, they will flip over the game cards to answer decimal multiplication questions. They can only move through the rest of the board after they answer the questions correctly.
Learn More: Middle School Math Man
5. Multiplying Decimals with Base-10 Blocks
Use these base-10 blocks to multiply to the hundredths. This can help 5th-grade students tackle the difficulties of the hundredth-place multiplication by asking them to build models starting with 2×3 for demonstration and then slowly working to incorporate decimal multiplication into the models.
Learn More: Math Coach’s Corner
6. Video Time
Use this informative and engaging video to help reinforce decimal multiplication with your students. This will cover the distinct steps on how to multiply whole numbers by decimals. This is great for whole class review or additional practice with exposure to decimal multiplication.
Learn More: Math with Mr. J
7. Multiplying Decimals Notes Example
Model these simple math notes in an interactive notebook or on chart paper to demonstrate the steps of multiplying decimals and whole numbers. Children can recreate these notes independently or be walked through them step-by-step until they understand.
Learn More: Dandelions Dragonflies
8. Multiplying Decimals Anchor Chart
Get your learners to use chart paper to create this multiplying decimals anchor chart. Display the anchor chart to demonstrate algorithms that students can use when multiplying decimals.
Learn More: One-Stop Teacher Shop
9. Multiplying Decimals Brain Pop Activity
Share this Brain Pop on multiplying decimals with your students. This digital resource includes an online game, a decimal worksheet, and more. Link this directly to your Google Classroom to get students to utilize this interactive math lesson to practice decimal multiplication.
Learn More: Brain Pop
10. Connect Four Multiplying Decimals Math Game
This resource is perfect for 6th-grade math classrooms or decimal math centers. Played in groups of 2-6, students will work to solve decimal multiplication problems that they flip over on their way to connect four spaces on the blank gameboard.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
11. Multiplying Decimals with Visual Models
Model the multiplication of decimals using the standard algorithm, an area model, and a visual model using hundredths grids. These informative models are effective in reinforcing this math concept for 5th graders.
Learn More: Terry’s Teaching Tidbits
12. Deep Decimal Thinking
Use this decimals activity to reinforce the understanding of basic math skills related to decimals. Students will place the provided decimal cards in the order of a specific sequence from highest to lowest and vice versa. With these provided resources, students will talk, write, and think about decimals.
Learn More: The Teacher Studio
13. Multiplying Decimals with Models
Utilize sheet protectors, two different colored Expo markers, and Kleenex in this hands-on decimals math activity. Students will use markers to shade models while practicing multiplication with the second color.
Learn More: Where Ms. Green’s Math Grows
14. Multiplying Decimals Bingo
Play a fun game of Bingo with students to reinforce multiplying decimals to the hundredth place. Students will follow along as you give them a problem to work out and then cross out the correct answer on their Bingo cards.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
15. Decimal Multiplication Math Game
Assign this decimal multiplication math game to your mathematicians to give them some digital practice. Students will work through a variety of decimal multiplication problems. Based on their answers, they’ll be given feedback and shown what they did correctly or incorrectly.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
16. In the Box Decimal Multiplication
Create an effective decimal multiplication game with just three boxes and playing cards. Label each box with a 1, .1, or .01. Students will toss cards to earn the highest score. For example, a 3 card thrown into the .01 box would be .03 because 3 x .01 = .03.
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17. Multiplying Decimals Song
Use this multiplying decimals song to reinforce decimal multiplication. This song targets TEKS and Common Core learning standards from both 5th and 6th grade.
Learn More: Numberock
18. Christmas Decimal Operations
Incorporate real-world math using decimal operations as students calculate what it will cost for a family to purchase a Christmas tree and decorations. Students will also factor in the sales tax, apply coupons, and calculate the total cost of the tree.
Learn More: Terry’s Teaching Tidbits
19. Digital Multiplying Decimals Basketball Game
Ask students to answer decimal multiplication questions while playing a fun and interactive digital game. After questions are answered correctly, students will compete to earn the most points in a head-to-head matchup.
Learn More: Math Play
20. Multiplying Decimals with Foldable Wheels
Use this resource in an interactive decimal notebook. Students will create the foldable wheels using paper to demonstrate three areas 1. steps, 2. examples, and 3. your turn; where they will work through a sample question.
Learn More: Common Core Material