March 14th (or 3.14) is Pi Day! While it’s typically enjoyed by eating an assortment of circular-shaped foods, we’ve also got plenty of activities to get your students excited in other ways! From dissecting the history behind the “π” symbol to challenging your students to memorize the lengthy number, you won’t know which activity to begin with. So, let’s bring on some fun and get stuck right in!
1. Measure it All!
Find some circular objects at home or around your math class and ask your students to measure the diameter and circumference. Have them divide the circumference by the diameter and see their surprise that the result is always 3.14!
Learn More: Layers of Learning
2. Remembering Pi
Ask your students how many numbers in the sequence of π they can recall. The world record for how many numbers have been memorized for pi is currently held by Rajveer Meena at 70,000! Share this with your students, set a timer, and make it a game to see which team can remember the most numbers in a minute! You can give out little circular foods or candies as a price to the winning team.
Learn More: Teach Pi
3. Pie Party
Ask your students to bring in one piece of pie for Pi Day. You can ask your students to get into groups of 4-5 and try to put their slices of pie together to create a circular pie. They may have to cut and change the shapes of their pieces to do so which is a lesson in angles and diameter, and in the end, you can all eat!
Learn More: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
4. Pi History
Give your students a lesson on the history and origins of pi. Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BC) was the first mathematician to discover and use the calculated sequence, but the symbol “π” was not adopted and used until the 1700s. In 1988, physicist Larry Shaw from an exploratorium in San Francisco decided to celebrate the day with tea and fruit pies, which math lovers thought was a great idea, and since then the day has been an annual celebration. However, it wasn’t until 2009 that Pi Day was declared a national holiday by the U.S. Congress. How fascinating!
Learn More: Exploratorium
5. Life of Pi
Have a movie day and watch the film “Life of Pi”. This movie tackles many relationships and spiritual issues regarding the main character and his struggle. Ask your students to think about Pi and how the character in the movie is connected to the concept of “π” and its calculations in math (Pi was interested in the infinite and unexplainable world).
Learn More: Course Hero
6. Need for Speed
Write a long version of pi on the dry-erase board (at least 50 numbers) and see who can read it aloud without making any mistakes. Set a timer so they feel rushed and have to speak quickly. This is such a fun way for students to giggle and practice learning the sequence of π.
Learn More:
7. Albert Einstein
Share some insight into Pi Day with these fun facts about a scientist that shares his special day with this special symbol.
Learn More: CNET
8. Pi Day Field Trip
There is a list of businesses doing promotions to celebrate Pi Day. You can share this with your students the day before so they can order pizzas from one of these establishments for a pizza party!
Learn More: National Today
9. Get Walking!
Celebrate Pi Day with an active tribute to this magical number. Organize a Pi walk of 3.14 miles or kilometers for the school with circle cookies and other treats waiting at the finish line! There are also some opportunities to give back to charities by participating in a walkathon on March 14th!
Learn More: Friends of Gala
10. Paper Plate Pi
The day before, pass out paper plates to all your students. Give them a digit from π and ask them to go home and write the digit on the plate and decorate it. The following day brings string and hangs the students’ plates up around the room in the order they go in the sequence of π.
Learn More: Teach Pi
11. Musical Chairs
Get your class to move their chairs into a circle pattern and play musical chairs! You can see the circles changing in size as the number of students goes down, and the students who get out can snack on some circle shapes cookies!
Learn More: Little Room Under the Stairs
12. Student Object Measuring Game
Ask your students to bring in some small circular objects from home to measure in class on Pi Day. Tell them to think outside the box and see what goodies they have to measure for some math fun!
Learn More:
13. Pi Song Writing Contest
Have your students in groups of 4-5 and get them humming and rhyming as they try to write songs inspired by π. You can play them an example or two to give them some ideas and get them started! When the groups finish you can hold a mini talent show and let the students show off their Pi appreciation with some singing/rapping skills.
Learn More: Imagine Learning
14. Pi Scavenger Hunt
Make a list of circular objects found in your classroom resources or brought from home. When it is activity time, give one list to each group of 3 students have let them look around the classroom for the items on the list. When they find them they must measure and find the ratio (which always equals π)!
Learn More: Homeschool Share
15. Pi Paper Chain
Arts and crafts are always a fun way to celebrate a holiday, and what better for Pi day than a chain of circles! Get some colorful paper and make these decorative chains with your class this Pi day.
Learn More: Instructables
16. Pi Day = Puzzle Day
For older math classes, here are some fun Pi-related puzzles and sudoku challenges to give your students to test their math skills.
Learn More: Math Geek Mama
17. Bubbling Fun for Math Geeks
Celebrate Pi and all the magic it brings with a bubble-filled day. Make a challenge to see which student can pop the most bubbles! Or even better, see if anyone can catch and measure a bubble (that will definitely get them extra credit!).
Learn More: Math Geek Mama
18. Pi Inspired Jewelry
Pass out different colored beads and some string to your students. Write the first 10 digits of π on the dry-erase board and have the students use the correct number of colored beads to make a Pi-inspired bracelet or necklace to take home or show off to their friends!
Learn More: Stem Supplies Blog
19. Circle Drawing Contest
Give each student a sheet of paper and ask them to draw and cut out a perfect circle without using any assisting tools. Ask them to decorate their circle with Pi-related art and at the end of class, the students can pick the roundest and prettiest circle for a fun math-inspired treat!
Learn More: Pi Day
20. Pi Card Game
For this activity get a few decks of cards and take out all the face cards (aces represent 1). Give each student 7 cards and put the deck face down in the middle of the circle. The players must put down the cards in the order of π so first 3, then 1, followed by 4…etc. If the player does not have the required number they pick up a card and it’s the next player’s turn. Someone either plays all of their cards or the deck runs out and the players with the least cards in their hand wins!
Learn More: Math Geek Mama
21. Taking Our Pi Outside
Bring your students outside into the schoolyard and put them in small groups to run around and find circular things at the school to measure. Give each group a measuring tape and see which team measures the most outdoor items!
Learn More: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
22. Real-Life Pi
There are many useful Pi resources showing how this sequence is important in a variety of occupations and situations. Find some interesting and inspiring videos to get your students excited about the possibilities of π.
Learn More: Amazing Archimedes
23. Ready. Set. Think!
Set a timer and have your students write down as many circular things they can think of on a piece of paper. After the time is up (1-2 minutes should do), collect the papers and see who could think of the most!
Learn More: Edutopia
24. The “Joy of Pi”
Set a timer and have your students write down as many circular things they can think of on a piece of paper. After the time is up (1-2 minutes should do), collect the papers and see who could think of the most!
Learn More: Joy of Pi
25. Pi Poetry
Ask your students to write a poem with each line using the number of words that correspond with the sequence of π. This can bring a lot of creativity to the class and encourage your students to write in a special, expressive way!
Learn More: Mensa for Kids
26. Proving Pi
Play around with some simple and explanatory equations using the diameter, circumference, area, radius, and other calculations. Math is a great way to celebrate Pi Day!
Learn More: Math Goodies
27. Trees are Pi-eautiful!
Bring your class outside and find some trees of different sizes. Bring some measuring tape and send your students to measure the circumference of the trees to calculate the width of the trunk. You can coordinate with teachers of older grades so the students can measure the trees every year and see if the trees grow and the trunk gets bigger!
Learn More: Imagine Learning
28. Pi in the Sky
On NASA’s website, they have a list of π inspired math equations focused on STEM and space exploration. Visit their website and choose a few problems to give your students in older or more advanced math courses.
Learn More: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
29. Balls and Hoops
For especially young students, Pi Day can be a day of playing with circles and understanding how round objects move. Get some rubber balls and hoops and see how they move and can be used. Play some simple games with the ball going through the hoops, rolling the balls on the ground, or jumping through the hoops!
Learn More: Scholastic
30. An Apple a Day
Think of all the fruits in circular shapes! Celebrate Pi Day by having your students bring in their favorite circular-shaped fruit and asking them to measure it. Some may not be perfect circles, but others are close, and afterward, you can make a delicious fruit salad! *You can also do this with circular vegetables too!
Learn More: Mind Research Blog
31. Exploring Pi in Music
Music is full of rhythms and patterns, just like pi. Ask your students to create a musical piece where the length of the notes follows the digits of pi. For example, a digit of 3 could be a triplet, a 1 could be a single beat, and so forth.
Learn More: Scientific American
32. Pi Jokes and Puns
Who doesn’t love a good laugh from time to time? Encourage your learners to come up with their own Pi-related jokes or puns. They could either perform these for the class or submit them anonymously for a good class laugh!
Learn More: Mashup Math
33. Pi Mosaic
Time for a bit of arts and crafts fun! Provide your kiddos with circular stickers or cut-out paper circles of various colors. They can then arrange these on a piece of poster board in the shape of the pi symbol.
Learn More: Our Family Code
34. Pi Day Fashion Show
Calling all fashionistas to relish in a project of creative flair! Have your learners create and model clothing that incorporates the concept of pi or circular designs. Reward the most creative design with a prize.
Learn More: Pinterest
35. Recite Pi in Different Languages
Pi is an international concept. Have your students learn to say “pi equals 3.14159” in as many languages as they can. Give them a month to do so and then host a competition!
Learn More: Miss Panda Chinese
36. Pi Graphing
Using the digits of pi, your students can create a bar graph that displays how often each digit, from 0 to 9, appears in the first 100 digits of pi. This activity is awesome for the practical application of both mathematics and statistics.
Learn More: Craft Knife
37. Circular Art
Have your littles create art inspired by circles. They can use different types of circular objects as stencils or create their own freehand designs. Adorn your classroom walls with the finished pieces to really echo the concept of Pi all week long.
Learn More: NEISD Blogs
38. Pi Day Drama
Got any history lovers? This one’s for them! For your budding historians create a short timeline about the history of pi, its applications, or the people who have made significant contributions to our understanding of pi.
Learn More: Slide Player
39. The Circles of Life Discussion
Discuss the importance of the circle in both life and nature. Engage your class by asking questions about the Earth, the moon, the sun, the life cycle, and how these relate to pi.
Learn More: Research Gate
40. Circular Snack Time
Treat your littles to a circular sweet treat on Pi Day! A few good ideas include donuts, crackers, cookies, and cut-up fruits.
Learn More: Pinterest
41. Human Pi Graph
Take learning outside and make things fun! Using the school playground, get your kiddos to make a giant human pi symbol. See if you can break the Guinness World Record by getting more than 1170 people into the frame.
Learn More: BBC
42. Sports Day with Pi
Sports fanatics will love celebrating Pi Day this way! Organize a sports day that only involves sports with circular equipment. A few varied ideas include basketball, discus throw, and a hula hoop competition.
Learn More: Amazon