For most students, the 6th grade marks the beginning of middle school. For students to be successful in middle school and beyond, they must be able to read fluently and understand what they have read. Teachers and parents must supply these students with the knowledge and the practice that is needed to improve their fluency and comprehension.
By the end of 6th grade, students should be able to fluently and correctly read approximately 160 words per minute. Again, this takes practice. Therefore, we are providing you with 10 fluency practice passages that will aid you in helping your students be successful.
1. Reading Fluency: Rubrics and Assessments
Use these 6th-8th grade level passages to assess your students’ reading fluency and for documentation of students’ yearly fluency growth. You will receive directions, assessment rubrics, and yearly progress tracking forms. You will also receive 2 sample reading passages for each grade in the 6th-8th grade level which also assist you with differentiation. Students will be assessed in word recognition, reading rate, and reading expression. Progress monitoring is crucial for reading fluency, and this is a great resource for helping you complete this task.
Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers
2. 6th Grade Reading Comprehension Spiral Review
Strengthen students’ fluency and reading comprehension skills with this terrific 6th grade resource! It is perfect to implement for homework, classwork, or center work. It is also great for differentiation among reading levels. The 33 weeks of activities include daily reading review sheets, reading quizzes, constructed response practice, graphs to track student progress, and answer keys. Students use the same passage for an entire week which promotes reading fluency.
Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers
3. 6th Grade Cloze Reading Fluency Passages
These passages will help increase the reading fluency of students. Students can use this awesome resource through Google Classroom or Google Drive. They will read the words located beside each passage, choose the correct word, and drag it into the correct spot. Students must read through the passage an additional time to make sure that the passage makes sense and is understandable. Use this resource to improve your students' fluency and comprehension.
Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers
4. Reading Intervention - Bowling Basics
Choose a 6th grade level passage from this set of fluency passages to use with your students today! This resource contains a teacher copy and copies that can be reproduced for the students, so they can record their progress. Use the hot read, warm read, and cold read strategies for this activity.
Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers
Help your students improve their reading comprehension and fluency with these 32 passages that are great for middle school students! These passages are also differentiated which assists in helping at-risk students. Use one passage per week for 32 weeks to make this a year-long fluency intervention and improvement resource.
Learn more: Wife Teacher Mommy
6. 6th Grade Fluency and Comprehension Passages
This inexpensive reading fluency and comprehension passages are created for 5th, 6th, and 7th grade levels. This resource includes 32 total passages, and each passage includes a set of comprehension questions to check for students' understanding of what they have read. Improve student fluency by having them practice with these passages today!
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7. 3-Minute Reading Assessments
This is an amazing resource that can be used with the entire class or an individual student. It is filled with leveled passages for differentiation, rubrics, and quick assessments for fluency, word recognition, and comprehension. Use this resource for progress monitoring, so you can track the growth of your students easily and accurately!
Learn more: Amazon
8. Daily Reading Comprehension
This amazing 6th grade reading comprehension workbook can boost students' fluency and comprehension skills. It includes 120 pages that are filled with confidence-boosting reading activities, graphic organizers, and assessment rubrics. These reproducible activities can be used for whole group instruction, literacy centers, or homework. Purchase this affordable workbook today!
Learn more: Creative Teaching
9. Fortnite Dances Reading Intervention
This is a trendy resource for improving the reading fluency of your 6th grade students! This learning tool contains 5 fluency passages that have comprehension activities included with them. Each passage is on a 6th grade reading level and describes a different popular dance move from Fortnite which is extremely popular among today's culture. Students will have a blast as they interact with these engaging fluency and comprehension activities.
Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers
10. Sixth Grade Fluency & Comprehension Set Bundle
Purchase this inexpensive bundle of 6th grade fluency and comprehension passages. The bundle includes 8 fluency activities with 25 reading fluency passages. Each passage is written on a 6th grade reading level and includes a teacher copy, student copy, and 2-3 extension activities with comprehension questions to check for understanding of what has been read by the student. Complete the hot read, warm read, and cold read strategies with these passages to improve student fluency.
Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers