Ancient Rome was an epic time in history. If you are teaching your Ancient Rome Unit, be sure to use fun interactive activities that will show your middle schoolers the glory of Rome. We have put together 20 unique and engaging activities that all middle schoolers will love as they travel back in time to explore the Ancient Roman Empire.
1. Make A Roman Legion's Signum or Standard
Romans are known for their soldiers and their battles! Have your students do this hands-on history activity. As they create a Roman legion signum or standard, they will learn more about the symbols of the Romans and they can act out the life of Roman Soldiers.
Learn More: Segedunum Roman Fort
2. Make Edible Roman Pillars
The Roman Empire was an incredible time for architecture. Teach your middle schoolers all about pillars and the Pantheon by creating edible pillars! Then, take this activity even further by having them act as barbarians in the fall of the empire and eat up the pillars!
Learn More: Google
3. Roman Empire From A Carpet View
The Roman Empire was massive! Have your middle schoolers envision how big the roman empire was by drawing a map to put on the floor of your classroom. They can see the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and most importantly, Rome!
Learn More: Google
4. Eat Like A Roman Soldier
Romans had their own way of eating, and one way to teach this to your students is to have a feast! Students can dress up as Romans, and participate in the daily life at the forum, then after, they sit down and feast or the roman soldiers can go out to battle and have their meal on the way!
Learn More: Google
5. Create Mosaics
A great art activity to learn about the ancient civilization of Rome is to build mosaics! Bring Ancient Rome to life by decorating it with student-made mosaics!
Learn More: Rom
6. Dress Like A Roman
Another way to travel back in time is to have your students make their own togas, soldier's capes, helmets, greaves, swords and shields, stolas, tunica exteriors, and bullas! Students will learn all about the different classes of the Roman community as they act to bring the Romans to life!
Learn More: Amazon
7. Create A Sundial
Teach your middle schoolers how the Ancient civilizations told time by creating a sundial! Create it right outside your classroom, so when they ask for the time, they can check the sundial instead of the clock!
Learn More: Youtube
8. Make an Aqueduct
Ancient Romans were incredibly smart. Challenge your middle schoolers to be like the Romans with this Aqueduct stem activity! You can provide a variety of resources and they can build it however they'd like. The only rule is that it has to work!
Learn More: Teach Engineering
9. Create Romans Roads
Ancient Romans created very organized roads. Teach your middle schoolers how the Romans achieved their road system by using rocks, sand, and pebbles. Then you can have a Roman roadway throughout your classroom!
Learn More: The Unlikely Homeschool
10. Create Roman Tablets
Ancient civilizations didn't have paper and pens as we do. Teach your middle schoolers how the ancient Romans wrote using wax and Latin! Take it further and have your students learn the Latin alphabet and write roman sayings!
Learn More: Archive
11. Make Roman Coins
Have a fun day in the Roman Forum by creating roman coins to purchase different items! Middle schoolers will love this interactive activity and they'll learn the Roman Numerals as well!
Learn More: Consortium Education
12. Build the Colosseum
The Colosseum is one of the biggest landmarks in ancient Rome. After a lesson about the ancient uses of the colosseum, have your children interact by using clay or styrofoam bricks until they have completed the full amphitheater.
Learn More: eHow
13. Create Roman Oil Lamps
Ancient civilizations did not have electricity. Teach your middle schoolers the complete history of daily life in Rome with these oil lamps.
Learn More: Archive
14. Latin Writing
Have your middle schoolers get a solid understanding of the language Romans spoke by having them practice Latin! Whether in scrolls, wax tablets, or wall signs, students will enjoy this history class from start to finish!
Learn More: Latin Inscriptions
15. Create a Life-Size Roman Arch
Roman arches are a difficult task to master! Give your middle school students a challenge with this STEM Arch challenge! Not only will they learn about architecture, but they will learn various math concepts in the process of building their arches.
Learn More: Thingiverse
16. Be A Roman Doctor
Have your middle schoolers get a glimpse of the real life of the Romans by having them be doctors! Modern medicine wasn't around in ancient civilizations. Have them research and create their own cures as Roman Doctors with herbs and other plants in this fun history project.
Learn More: Sutori
17. Make A Roman Scroll
This ancient history activity is an excellent way to get your students involved in the classroom. Have them create their own scroll as their way of communicating! They can even write in Latin for an extra challenge.
Learn More: wikiHow
18. Create a Roman Calendar
The Romans had a lot of influence on the names of the months that we follow. Teach your kids the Roman months by having them create these hands-on classroom calendars. All you need is a calendar template; students can decorate them in Latin, roman numerals, and the roman names of the months!
Learn More: Latin Inscriptions
19. Make a Roman Instrument
Music was a massive part of daily life for the Romans. If you are looking for a fun activity for students, or a STEM challenge, have them create their own lyre, lute, or flute! Then, you can act out a Roman Forum day with scenes for students as marketers, musicians, emperors, and gladiators.
Learn More: Square Space
20. Create A Circus Maximus
To sum up your unit in Ancient Rome, bring all of your completed classroom activities together. Head outside to have chariot races, gladiator fights, markets, music, and comedy! Students should come dressed in their homemade costumes, and roman signs, scrolls, and calendars should be posted. With this activity, students will get a glimpse into the day of the life of the Ancient Romans.
Learn More: Orange Works