Teaching middle school students about the importance of appreciating and celebrating diversity is as important as ever. By exploring their own uniqueness and developing an understanding of the uniqueness of others, students have the power to become greater advocates for diversity and inclusion.
There are many cultural diversity activities and lesson plans out there to help students develop an appreciation for diversity. Read on to learn more about 30 engaging and impactful diversity activities for middle school students.
1. Diversity Among Us Question Cards
Modeled after the popular video game “Among Us,” this diversity activity is sure to keep the attention of middle school students. With 40 question cards to choose from, this diversity activity is a great way for students to discuss various topics related to diversity and empathy.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
2. Diversity TED Talks
In this diversity activity, students are asked to listen to various TED talks, all of which directly relate to the topic of diversity. This activity is a great way to discuss diversity and help students practice their comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
3. Breaking Down Stereotypes
In this social experiment activity, students are exposed to the injustices that take place in modern-day life. Students are asked to discuss injustices that happen daily, in addition to discussing the importance of educating others about the injustices.
Learn More: English, Oh My!
4. Teaching Tolerance
In this three-part collection of activities, students have the opportunity to explore a variety of topics, such as bystanders, victims, and oppressors. This activity allows students to develop a better understanding of tolerance and acceptance, in addition to discussing the role of stereotypes.
Learn More: English, Oh My!
5. Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes
This activity challenges middle school students to focus on developing compassion and empathy. Students are asked to develop an understanding of someone else’s life and take into consideration what they have experienced and the challenges that they have faced.
Learn More: English, Oh My!
6. Be the Change Pennants
This craft activity is a great way to encourage middle school students to consider what they can do to promote diversity. Students are asked to create a pennant that describes what they can personally do to promote diversity and make a positive impact.
Learn More: Carol Miller Counseling Essentials
7. Celebrate Your Diversity Oral Presentation
In this oral presentation activity, students are asked to observe and discuss various aspects of their everyday lives as well as the lives of others. This activity is a great way to teach students about each dimension of diversity.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
8. Circles of My Multicultural Self Handout
This activity is a great way to create an inclusive classroom environment. Students write and discuss various aspects of their identity and how stereotypes factor into their own lives.
Learn More: Shopify
9. Crafts from Around the World
This craft project idea is a simple way to help students explore a diversity of cultures. The activity is easily adaptable and can be used to cover a variety of cultures. Students may make origami (Japanese), rangoli sand art (Indian), or even paper mache maracas (Caribbean and Latin).
Learn More: Made with Happy
10. New Year Around the World
In this research-based WebQuest, students are tasked with researching the diverse ways in which New Year’s celebrations are held around the world. Through research, students get to explore a diversity of histories, foods, facts, and cultures.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
11. Creating Cultural Awareness: Diversity Quotes and Activity
After reading a set of quotes pertaining to the topic of diversity, each student is given a sheet of paper to create a quote of their own. This activity is a great way to develop students’ understanding of the importance of diversity.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
12. Diversity Puzzle
In this project idea, students are challenged to reflect on a tradition that they celebrate or recall an important memory and write it down on a puzzle piece. This is another excellent way to create an inclusive classroom environment.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
13. “Step Forward If” Diversity Activity
This activity is a great way to get students up and moving. Students stand at one side of the room and step forward every time that a prompt applies to them. There are a variety of prompts included, such as having curly hair or being born outside of the United States.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
14. Diversity Word Search
In this simple, no-prep diversity activity, students search for words such as “acceptance,” “equal,” and “tolerance” in a word search puzzle. This activity is a great way to get middle school students talking about the diverse and ever-changing society that they live in.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
15. Close Reading Activity for Texts About Diversity and Inclusion
This diversity activity begins by having students answer a set of pre-reading questions that activate their prior knowledge. Then, students are tasked with completing a close reading of the selected text and writing a paragraph analysis about how diversity and inclusion are celebrated in the text and in their own lives.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
16. Diversity Poster and Activity
This poster activity is a great way to help students develop an appreciation for diversity. Students look at analyze a poster, engage in a classroom discussion, and answer various prompts about diversity.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
17. Diversity Bingo
This activity is a great way to strength the classroom environment while allowing students to share aspects of their own experiences. All of the prompts listed are also excellent discussion starters, especially when facilitating a discussion on differences among individuals.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
18. Teach Diversity Using Oranges
In this activity, students are given their own orange to observe and analyze. Then, students are challenged to find their orange amongst a pile of other oranges based on the characteristics they identified. This activity is a great starting point for discussing the differences among people that exist.
Learn More: Removing the Stumbling Block
19. Biography Worksheet
This no-prep activity is an excellent way to encourage middle school students to explore diversity through research. After selecting a famous person, students are tasked with researching the importance of that person, identifying their accomplishments, and discovering other interesting facts about them.
Learn More: File Picker
20. Virtual Field Trip
In this culturally rich resource, students have the opportunity to virtually explore a variety of locations, cultures, and experiences. Students may go on a virtual field trip to the Galapagos Island, for example, to explore and discuss the unique languages and cultural foods that they encounter throughout their trip.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teahers
21. PenPal Schools
In this unique diversity activity, students have the opportunity to connect with students from over 150 different countries. With the assistance of an adult, students connect and collaborate with peers from other countries and experience cultural diversity firsthand.
Learn More: Hundred
22. Cultural Diversity and Personal Identity Discussion
In this guided activity, students are asked to discuss the importance of embracing uniqueness and difference among people. Included in this activity are 16 questions that can be discussed in a group or independent setting.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
23. Tolerance & Empathy Activity
In this activity, students are asked to consider 6 different situations in which they would like to practice greater tolerance. Students write down their responses on a sheet of paper and explore why the valuing of diversity is important.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
24. Identity Art Project
This activity allows students to explore the presence of diversity in classroom life. Students create a hand still life art piece that includes various aspects of their identity and cultural customs and explore the hand still life art of their peers.
Learn More: Edutopia
25. Cultural Comparison Worksheet
This worksheet activity is an excellent way to help students explore the differences between the country they live in and other countries. After selecting a country other than their own, students get to research how their chosen country compares to their own country.
Learn More: Twinkl
26. Valuing Diversity Mix ‘n’ Match
In this diversity activity, students are asked to consider how a variety of categories, such as disability, age, and gender, have a positive impact within different environments. This activity is a useful tool for helping students develop an appreciation for diversity.
Learn More: Twinkl
27. We Are All Different Worksheet
In this simple written activity, students are asked to reflect upon various differences between people. Students are asked to list how people differ and what makes people special, among other questions.
Learn More: Twinkl
28. Diversity in STEM
In this activity, students explore the contributions to society that various figures within STEM have made. This activity introduces students to a diversity of notable figures within STEM.
Learn More: Twinkl
29. Understanding Stereotypes Activity
This class discussion-based activity is a great way to challenge middle school students to analyze the role that bias toward people plays in everyday life. Students discuss various stereotypes and analyze how their expectations of people shape how they treat them.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
30. Christmas Around the World
In this Christmas-themed activity resource, students get to engage in a variety of research-based activities to explore how Christmas is celebrated around the world. This activity is a great way to demonstrate the importance of celebrating cultural diversity through the holidays.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers