Liven up your middle schoolers’ day with these ingenious morning activities that will get them greeting, sharing, and interacting with their peers to foster an inclusive classroom community. We’ve compiled a list of fun-filled activities for you to choose from – whether you’re looking to start their day off on a positive note or want to engage them in creative crafts, you’re guaranteed to find a project that’s perfect for your growing young minds!
1. Set Classroom Expectations
Give your students a say in how their day unfolds by involving them in a discussion about classroom expectations. Start by introducing them to your class rules before inviting them to express their thoughts and opinions on what they think could be added to improve your classroom management routine.
Learn More: Pinterest
2. Greetings
This simple morning activity is sure to leave a positive impact on your kiddos! Welcome them to class with these fun greetings by having them wave, fist bump, or hug their peers upon entering. It’s a cheerful way to involve them in your classroom routine while also encouraging them to get to know one another.
Learn More: Mrs Winter’s Bliss
3. Poll of the Day
Here’s a morning activity that’s great for building an enjoyable classroom experience for your kids! Simply engage them in answering a live poll where they’ll be sharing their opinions on current events, current classroom situations, or even their personal preferences.
Learn More: QuestionPro
4. Sticky Note Questions
Thinking of adding a twist to the basic poll idea? Write your morning meeting questions on a board in your classroom or a large paper pad. Then, encourage your learners to record their responses on sticky notes before prompting them to stick their notes under your morning question.
Learn More: VariQuest
5. Interviews
In this activity, you’ll give your class the opportunity to get to know each other on a personal level as you invite them to take part in this interview activity. Provide them with a list of questions that they can ask their partners, such as “What’s your favorite food?” or “What unique talent do you have?” before having them rotate to their next partner after a certain amount of time.
Learn More: Panorama Ed
6. I Wish My Teacher Knew
Reassure your pupils that your classroom is a safe space, where they will always be heard. Invite them to share their thoughts with you by having them craft private notes about a thought or desire that they may be too timid to normally share.
Learn More: The Collaborative Class
7. Student Shout Outs
Your students will love this inclusive activity that’s all about positive reinforcement! Simply print out these awesome shout-out cards or encourage them to come up with original shoutouts that you’ll collect and then share with your class throughout each day.
Learn More: Pinterest
8. Memory Game
Need a short burst of energy to get your kids’ day started? Have them play this imaginative memory game! Start with a sentence prompt such as “Over the weekend I…” and have your students add on a word and then toss a ball to another student. The next player will have to repeat the first sentence and then make up their own. Encourage them to carry on the fun until the ball has made its way around the classroom.
Learn More: Indeed
9. Art Break
Start your pupils’ day off on a creative note with an art activity. Have them create different drawings and artwork using various mediums such as markers, crayons, or paint. You could even play a podcast or audiobook to help them bring their visions to life!
Learn More: Kids Activities Blog
10. Bellringers
Bell Ringers are a fantastic way to get your kids keen for an exciting day of learning! Engage them in meaningful tasks each morning by reviewing work from the previous day or starting off with some words of affirmation.
Learn More: The Hungry Teacher
11. Project-Based Learning
Make your morning routine more valuable by assigning a weekly or monthly project to your students. Allow them to use some time each morning to work on their projects as they learn to work together and apply their critical thinking skills.
Learn More: Getting Smart
12. STEM Challenge
Here’s another long-term activity idea that’s all about STEM! Simply provide your kids with a STEM challenge that they can complete over a number of days. You’ll inspire the next generation of STEM by having them design engineering marvels or introducing them to the basics of physics with household items.
Learn More: Homeschool Momgineer
13. Choice Reading
Usher in a relaxing day of learning with a morning reading activity! Invite your pupils to grab their favorite book as you have them dive in and take advantage of free reading time. It’s also a sneaky way to keep your class distracted if you need some time to check their homework.
Learn More: Teachers Scholastic
14. First Chapter Friday
Build your students’ excitement to end off a fun-filled week of learning by introducing them to First Chapter Friday! Help them fall in love with reading by presenting them with one chapter from a captivating book each week. You can make this a daily or weekly activity, adding a new book each time to grow their reading options.
Learn More: Write on with Miss G
15. Morning Trivia Questions
Kickstart your kids’ day with a competitive twist! Simply challenge them to answer interesting trivia questions each morning by encouraging them to try their best or even tempting them with a mystery class reward.
Learn More: Mom Junction
16. Minute To Win It
This take on the popular game show provides you with an exciting opportunity to start your kiddos’ morning off with a bang! You’ll task them with completing a new game every morning that they’ll have to complete in under a minute. From pom pom races to cup stacking, it’s a foolproof way to give them the energy they need to get through the day.
Learn More: Simply Kinder
17. Game Time
Get your middle schoolers gaming with Kahoot! You’ll invite them to download this popular app onto their phones and then engage them in this quiz-based game that’s loads of fun and much more entertaining than traditional quizzes. All they have to do is answer a series of questions that you’ll pose to them before the time runs out.
Learn More: Emerging Ed Tech
18. To-Do List
Have your learners prioritize their time by having them craft a weekly to-do list! Simply provide them with templates that they can fill in as you prompt them to allocate days and times where they’ll plan to complete their homework or work on exciting school projects.
Learn More: Everyday Chaos and Calm
19. Friday Feels
With the end of the week approaching, your class is probably experiencing a multitude of emotions. So why not invite them to participate in a weekly check-in where they’ll share their emotions with you and how they feel about their weekly goals?
Learn More: TPT
20. Motivational Speeches
What better way to motivate your kids than having them listen to some inspirational voices? Encourage them to soak up life-changing lessons by showing them videos of motivational speeches that are sure to get them pumped for the day ahead.
Learn More: LifeHack
21. Goal-Setting Session
Start your learners’ day off with a plan for success! Task them with jotting down three achievable goals that they’d like to accomplish throughout the day. Then, engage them in a discussion on how they can achieve their desired outcomes through perseverance and determination.
Learn More: Teach Create Motivate
22. News Review
Transform your classroom into a junior newsroom! Simply select a news piece that ties into the current curriculum before inviting your kids to debate, discuss, and analyze the piece. You’ll have them dissecting these interesting pieces while also engaging their critical thinking skills.
Learn More: Twinkl
23. Word of the Day
Looking for a way to get your pupils interested in vocabulary? Invite them to take part in “Word of the Day” where you’ll create fun challenges for them to complete – such as using the word in sentences, weaving it into casual chats, or including it in an entertaining skit.
Learn More: Teach123
24. Inspirational Quotes
Inspire your class with a touch of morning positivity! Engage them in these positive affirmations by starting their day off with an inspirational quote. Allow them to ponder your quote before encouraging them to reflect on its themes and what it means to them.
Learn More: Pinterest
25. Themed Days
Build the anticipation for an exciting day with these captivating themes! Using props, trivia, or jokes – you’ll involve your students in this delightful experience as you transform your classroom into a vibrant space, full of shared interest and learning.
Learn More: TPT
26. Mindfulness Meditation
Calm the classroom chaos by inviting your kiddos into a realm of tranquility. Start their day off by guiding them through a brief meditation session to calm their minds and sharpen their senses. It’s a great way to encourage them to center themselves before embarking on the day’s educational adventures.
Learn More: Kirsten’s Kaboodle
27. Healthy Living Discussion
Get your students thinking about wholesome habits with this healthy living discussion! Engage them in sharing their thoughts on what practices they think would nourish their bodies and minds to create a more holistic experience in their classroom.
Learn More: John Hopkins Medicine
28. Current Events Quiz
Challenge your class to tackle the complexities of our world! Simply task them with examining global events, policies, and trending issues by having them complete this intriguing quiz that’s all about the world around them.
Learn More: ProProfs
29. Brain Teasers
Inspire your kids’ curiosity with these tricky brain teasers. Provide them with a range of complex riddles and puzzles before prompting them to put on their thinking caps and get solving!
Learn More: Reader’s Digest
30. Team Building Activities
Build key connections among your class in this team-building activity! Start by dividing them into small groups before challenging them to complete a variety of captivating tasks. For instance, have them work together to create a tower of cups by encouraging them to strategize the best method for success.
Learn More: Beakers and Ink
31. Student-Led Teaching
Here’s a twist on learning that your learners are sure to love. Simply select a few learners who will lead their class in a topic of their choosing, as they become teachers for the day! It’s a fantastic method that you can use to review topics and it’s also guaranteed to evoke some giggles around your classroom.
Learn More: The Learning Accelerator
32. Gratitude Practice
Focus on nurturing your pupils’ emotional intelligence by having them practice gratitude. Prompt them to fill in daily gratitude worksheets by having them write down what they’re thankful for each day.
Learn More: Twinkl
33. Creative Writing Prompt
Here’s a morning activity that’s perfect for your budding writers. Simply provide them with a variety of writing prompts before encouraging them to get creative with their words as they show off their literary talent!
Learn More: Journal Buddies
34. Role-Playing Scenarios
Have your kiddos take center stage in this imaginative morning activity! Invite them to dive into the complexity of human decisions by having them role-play different life dilemmas and act out the solutions for each situation. It’s a great way to engage them in thinking about how their actions can affect others, placing ethics at the center of their thought process.
Learn More: Understood
35. Morning Yoga
Welcome a sense of relaxation into your classroom with a yoga session. Guide your learners in carrying out a series of poses that help stretch both body and mind, to help them tune into a higher frequency of focus and wellbeing.
Learn More: YouTube
36. Peer Compliments
Turn your classroom into a safe haven, filled with positive thought! Encourage your kids to share compliments with their friends by using words of kindness and affirmation to create a classroom atmosphere that’s loaded with positivity.
Learn More: Mrs. Beers
37. Weather Report
Who needs meteorologists when your class can tell you the weather? Assign one day each to your students where you’ll task them with delivering a weather report, complete with temperature highs and lows or even a chance of precipitation.
Learn More: Super Teacher Worksheets
38. Drama Warm-ups
Gear up for a vibrant day of learning with these drama warm-ups! Simply invite your students to partake in an array of activities such as tongue twisters, charades, or quick improv games to loosen them up for the day’s theme.
Learn More: Tes
39. Discuss a Picture
Introduce your class to unique perspectives as you start their day with an art discussion! Begin by choosing a picture and inviting them to observe its intricacies. Then, encourage them to share their insights and interpretations by prompting them to discuss certain aspects of the artwork.
Learn More: Art Class Curator
40. Mystery Object
Exercise your kiddos’ deductive reasoning with this mystery activity. You’ll start by filling a bag with secret objects before allowing them to feel the objects and provide you with their best guesses of what’s inside.
Learn More: Foxwell Forest
41. Show and Tell
Open up the floor as you invite your pupils to a captivating session of show and tell! Task them with bringing along an object from home and then invite them to tell their peers about it and why it’s so special to them.
Learn More: 4 Kinder Teachers
42. Pledge of the Day
Bind your kiddos in classroom values by starting their day off with a pledge. Prompt them to stand up tall as they recite an inspirational paragraph that’s guaranteed to motivate them before they engage in a fun-filled day of learning.
Learn More: Pinterest