Middle school students will love these social studies-themed interactive activities. History and social studies can both challenge students and make learning fun. Use these activities in the classroom or at home to engage your middle-level learner.
1. Social Studies Journal Prompts
This list of journal prompts can be used in Social Studies or an English classroom for a cross-curricular writing activity. Use them to practice writing skills, or to review history-specific content. These engaging journal prompts will get middle schoolers thinking and help them to make connections.
Learn More: Thrive in Grade Five
2. Learn About Maps
These map skills worksheets include latitude and longitude practice, grid maps, physical maps, map keys, and more! These engaging activities will teach middle school students about map skills that can transfer to other content areas, and provide an authentic learning experience they can use in real life!
Learn More: Sarah Miller Tech
3. Today in History Bellringers
These history-themed bell ringers provide fun historical facts for each day of the year. These fun history lessons make a great beginning of the class activity or anticipatory set and help bring awareness to any time period that can be integrated with any Social Studies unit. Highlighting historical events that happened on the day they are learning about it engages students and makes learning relevant.
Learn More: A Page Out of History
4. Article of the Week
Give students a chance to practice close reading skills while analyzing current events in this Article of the Week activity. Use it as a homework assignment to practice and solidify learning, or integrated it into your classroom activities and prompt discussion among your middle school students.
Learn More: Musings From the Middle School
5. Interactive Notebooks for Social Studies
Interactive notebooks can be integrated into any Social Studies unit. Use these templates to engage students with Social Studies content and help them process new information with a graphic organizer or visual representation. These can be used individually in a guided note setting or can be used more collaboratively by putting students in groups to process new content.
Learn More: Students of History
6. Using Primary Sources to Teach History
Give middle school students a challenge by teaching them how to use primary sources in Social Studies class. Using primary sources teaches students critical thinking and analysis skills, and can be used in the classroom as a whole or small group activity, or can be assigned as independent work. This important Social Studies skill can be a challenge for students, but a good foundation in middle school is important to prepare for the high school level.
Learn More: Social Studies Aloft
7. American Revolution Cloze Passages
These cloze passages help students practice reading skills in the Social Studies classroom. A great opportunity for cross-curricular instruction, this set of passages includes topics such as the French and Indian War, the Boston Tea Party, the Battle of Bunker Hill, and more!
Learn More: Thrive in Grade Five
8. Social Studies Inquiry Circles
Inquiry circles help students to think about topics covered in the content, and provide a platform for meaningful classroom discussion. This is a great activity for the end of a Social Studies unit when students have gained enough knowledge to give meaningful input to a structured discussion.
Learn More: One Stop Teacher Shop
9. Ancient Civilizations Curriculum Map
This is an excellent resource if you are starting a unit on ancient civilizations. There are plans and resources included to cover an entire year of Social Studies instruction and include engaging activity ideas to try with your middle school students.
Learn More: Teachers Pay Teachers
10. Digital Learning Activities for American History
Kids love to use technology both at home and in the classroom. Use this list of learning activities to supplement student learning in American history. These digital activities and interactive notebooks can be modified and assigned through Google Classroom and other learning platforms.
Learn More: Students of History
11. Music Activities for Social Studies
Help students make cross-curricular connections by adding some music activities to your Social Studies classroom. This list of fun songs can make learning fun and memorable for middle school students. From songs about the bill of rights to catchy, informative US history songs, students will enjoy the change of pace in the classroom.
Learn More: Musings of a History Gal
12. Virtual Social Studies Field Trip
Virtual field trips are a great learning activity that engages students in an authentic learning task. Use this 7 Natural Wonders of the World activity for the whole class or as an option for early finisher activities. This can also be a fun family activity if you are looking for a way to connect with your middle schooler at home. Travel to a new place without ever leaving your home or classroom.
Learn More: Strategic Educational Services
13. Social Studies Review Game
This fun activity makes reviewing Social Studies content fun. This hands-on activity requires students to sort information into facts that are true or false, and fix the ones that are wrong. A modified version of this game could make a great exit activity, and the concept can be applied to any Social Studies unit.
Learn More: Stephanies History Store
14. Gallery Walks for Social Studies
Have your middle school students pretend they are at a museum using this engaging gallery walk activity. Students love being up and out of their seats, and in this activity, they will browse images and information about the unit you are covering. Have them take notes, or discuss content with a partner. You can provide an inquiry-based question to frame student thinking and analysis, or let them come up with their own observations.
Learn More: Strategic Educational Services
15. Road Trip Project
This authentic learning project has students plan a road trip using map skills and Geography skills and can be done in the classroom or at home. It practices real-world skills and integrates well with a variety of Geography activities.
Learn More: Social Studies Aloft
16. Unit Plan for Teaching the US Constitution
This resource is an entire unit plan for teaching middle school students about the US constitution. This plan makes vocabulary fun to learn, provides whole group and independent activities, and includes both print and digital resources.
Learn More: Lit in Focus
17. World History Google Classroom Activities
These digital interactive notebook activities are compatible with Google Classroom and make note-taking and content processing accessible for students on a digital platform. Find content for your units from prehistoric times all the way up to the Cold War, and make planning and prep time much easier.
Learn More: Students of History
18. Word Walls for the Social Studies Classroom
Middle schools still benefit from word walls. Create a space in your classroom for a word wall bulletin board, or a place where vocabulary words are visible and accessible. This resource provides some helpful strategies for defining content-specific terms for students and placement ideas for classroom walls.
Learn More: Brainy Apples
19. Mesopotamia Activities for Middle School
This activity is helpful for Ancient Civilizations teachers in a Mesopotamian unit. From bell ringers, free reading passages, station activities, and word wall resources, this comprehensive list makes learning fun, engaging and relevant for middle schoolers.
Learn More: Mr. and Mrs. Social Studies
20. YouTube Channels to Supplement Social Studies Instruction
Students love having the option to watch a video in class. YouTube has tons of videos that can help supplement Social Studies instruction, and this resource highlights five of the best channels to use in your classroom. These channels cover a wide range of history topics, and some teach history through storytelling. Use them in class or assign them for homework!
Learn More: Musings of a History Gal
21. Learning Game Websites for the Social Studies Classroom
Another great way to incorporate technology into your classroom is these learning game website that is aligned with the social studies content area. From practice quizzes to geography bees, your students will love playing these games that help to solidify their learning and content knowledge.
Learn More: Strategic Educational Services
22. Black History Month Activities
This site highlights some great, authentic learning activities to do with students during black history month (or any time!) Having important discussions about civil rights, the fight for equality, and the importance of an accurate representation of American history are all important aspects of a Social Studies curriculum.
Learn More: Celebrate Black History Month with these 15 Insightful Activities
23. Activities for Teaching Historical Perspective
Help middle school students work on their critical thinking skills with these historical perspective activities. Printables will help students to visualize and analyze different sides of history, and evaluate their learning in history class through multiple lenses.
Learn More: Musings of a History Gal