Graphic novels are growing increasingly more popular among the middle grades. These novels are especially wonderful for reluctant readers and enhance their enjoyment of reading.
To help you find some great graphic novels for your middle schoolers, we have completed research and compiled a list of 55 of the best graphic novels your middle schoolers will enjoy reading.
1. All’s Faire in Middle School by Victoria Jamieson
Impy is an eleven-year-old who is beginning public middle school after being homeschooled her entire life. After beginning school, she becomes embarrassed that her parents work for a Renaissance Faire, her small apartment, and her thrift store clothing. Therefore, she does something mean to try to fit in.
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2. Sunny Side Up by Jennifer L. Holm
Sunny Lewin has been forced to go stay with her grandfather for the summer in Florida because her brother is dealing with substance abuse. Unfortunately, the place her grandfather lives is filled with old people. Soon, she meets a boy named Buzz and they begin having lots of fun adventures.
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3. El Deafo by Cece Bell
Cece is struggling at her new school because she has a Phone Ear, a very powerful hearing aid that helps her hear the teacher in class. She soon discovers that she can hear her teacher everywhere. She feels like a superhero with superpowers except she is lonely and desires to have a true friend.
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4. Fake Blood by Whitney Gardner
This middle-grade story is about a middle schooler who ends up going head-to-head with the vampire slayer crush he has had for years. He even dresses up as a vampire to get her attention! This humorous graphic novel is a great read for anyone who has ever felt less than.
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5. Real Friends by Shannon Hale
Shannon and Adrienne have been friends since their first day of school. Adrienne is a popular girl and is in the popular group at school, so Shannon is allowed to hang around them too. Shannon doesn’t like the way the popular group treats one another and wants to leave. Will Adrienne leave too, or will their friendship be ruined?
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6. Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
Astrid and Nicole are best friends until summer camp rolls around. Astrid has decided to go to roller derby camp, and Nicole is going to dance camp. Therefore, the girls begin drifting apart. Astrid decides to toughen up in roller derby in hopes it will help her deal with her fading friendship as well as survive junior high.
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7. Crush by Svetlana Chmakova
This middle-grade story is about Jorge who seems to have it all at his middle school! He is big, so no one ever bothers him, and he is a terrific guy with great friends. However, when he is around a certain girl, he is a little nervous and just not himself.
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8. The Witch Boy by Molly Ostertag
Aster’s family is unique. The girls train to be witches, and the boys train to be shapeshifters. However, Aster also wants to learn witchcraft. A horrible evil threatens his family, and Aster truly hopes he will be able to save them with the spells he has learned.
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9. Smile by Raina Telgemeier
When Raina is in the sixth grade, she trips, and all of a sudden her life becomes filled with embarrassment. She must frequent the dentist, and she gets braces and false teeth. She feels like everyone is constantly staring at her mouth. This graphic novel is a favorite among middle schoolers.
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10. Secret Coders by Gene Luen Yang
This graphic novel is a great way to introduce coding to middle school students. Hopper, Josh, and Eni believe their school’s principal is behind a mystery at their school. To solve the mystery, they must learn to code.
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11. The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O’Neill
Although Greta works as a blacksmith apprentice, she isn’t happy. She soon finds an injured tea dragon, and she begins learning about the dying tradition of raising these unique creatures. Through this experience, she learns that some traditions are worth continuing.
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12. Drama by Rana Telgemeier
Callie absolutely loves theater and becomes the set designer for her middle school play. She wants to create the perfect set, but she has a limited budget. Also, the crew members and actors aren’t getting along and ticket sales are terrible. The offstage drama becomes as bad as the onstage drama, especially when two cute brothers enter the scene.
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13. Chiggers by Hope Larson
Abby is at the camp she visits every summer but everything and everyone is different. The only person she seems to interact with is the new girl Shasta who seems to annoy everyone else.
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14. Just Pretend by Tori Sharp
Tori’s parents are divorced, so her family life is a mess, and her friendships are just not the same. She loves books and writing. The stories she creates in her mind offer her a way to save herself since everything else seems to be falling apart.
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15. Bone by Jeff Smith
Three cousins that are considered misfits are pushed away from Boneville, and they end up being lost in the desert. They do make it to a valley that is inhabited by good and bad creatures. They must do their best to survive!
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16. Big Nate: A Good Old-Fashioned Wedgie by Lincoln Peirce
This 6th-grade graphic novel is about Nate Wright. He is a 6th-grade student and his answer to most situations he finds himself in is a wedgie! Follow Nate and his friends and learn all about their middle school pranks.
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17. Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova
Peppi Torres begins middle school by tripping and falling into a quiet boy named Jaime. This incident draws lots of attention to herself, and the mean kids begin calling her names. She pushes Jaime out of her way and quickly leaves. She feels very badly about her behavior toward Jaime. Things become very awkward between them and only get worse.
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18. Knights of the Lunch Table: The Dodgeball Chronicles by Frank Cammuso
All Artie King wants is to fit in at Camelot Middle School which is his new school. He has new lunch buddies and his science teacher is pretty awesome. But then there’s Principal Dagger who is scary and a group of bullies who seem to rule the entire school.
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19. Babymouse: Queen of the World! by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm
Babymouse wants excitement! She doesn’t want the same thing every day. She wants to be one of those people with incredible lives. She hears about Felicia Furrypaw’s slumber party, and she is determined to get invited. She is certain it will be the most exciting thing she has ever gotten to do!
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20. Brave by Svetlana Chmakova
Jensen is extremely worried about sunspots, and he wants everybody to be cautious. He even asks the school newspaper to spread the message and save countless lives. Jenny and Akilah from the newspaper find out that the bullies at school are after Jensen, and they decide to use the newspaper to educate everyone about bullying.
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21. Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir by Stan Lee
In this graphic novel memoir, learn all about the true story of Stan Lee, the legendary and creative person behind the Marvel comics. Middle school students will love this wonderfully illustrated graphic memoir.
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22. Aphrodite: Goddess of Love by George O’Connor
This story of Aphrodite includes her dramatic birth detailing how she emerged from sea foams well as her infamous role in the Trojan War. The artwork in this graphic novel is very vivid and well-illustrated.
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23. To Dance: A Ballerina’s Graphic Novel by Siena Cherson Siegel
Siena was only six when she began dreaming of dance. This book details her journey from her home in Puerto Rico to her dance class in Boston. It also includes her debut dance performance with the New York City Ballet.
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24. Shirley and Jamila Save Their Summer by Gillian Goerz
This graphic novel for middle grades is about Jamila and Shirley, who save one another’s summer as they use their detective skills to solve their neighborhood’s largest mysteries. They learn what true friendship means.
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25. The Lunch Witch by Deb Lucke
Grunhilda’s family has stirred up trouble for many years in a black pot. She inherits her ancestors’ recipes and their cauldron. Unfortunately, no one seems to believe in magic anymore. She finds herself working as a lunch lady. Discover how this new job changes her and the kids she encounters.
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26. Class Act by Jerry Craft
Jordan’s eighth-grade friend Drew takes center stage in this humorous graphic novel that tells the important story of being a kid of color in Riverdale Academy Day School, a prestigious private school.
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27. Measuring Up by Lily LaMotte
Cici, a twelve-year-old, just moved from Taiwan to Seattle. She looks forward to fitting in at her new school and celebrating her grandmother’s seventieth birthday with her. To visit her grandmother, she must win a cooking contest. Will she be able to create a winning recipe?
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28. New Kid by Jerry Craft
This middle-grade story is about Jordan Banks, a seventh grader, who loves drawing cartoons about his life. He wants to go to art school, but his parents enroll him in a private school popular for academics. Jordan is one of very few students of color. Will he learn to fit in?
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29. Stargazing by Jen Wang
Moon is not like anyone Christine has ever known. They become best friends, and Moon tells Christine her deepest secret. Soon, Moon ends up in the hospital and has to fight for her life. Will Christine be able to be the friend that Moon needs?
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30. Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Powell
This humorous story focuses on two teenagers, Deja and Josiah, who work at a pumpkin patch together every fall. They learn what it means to leave a place and a person behind without regrets.
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31. Hey Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
This graphic memoir is about Jarrett, a boy who grows up in a family struggling with addiction. He lives with his grandparents. Jarrett struggles to piece together his family’s puzzle.
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32. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
This book will bring readers through the adventures and dangers of a normal young boy named Bod, who lives in a graveyard and is actually taught by ghosts. If Bod ever leaves the graveyard, he will be in danger from the man who killed his family.
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33. Noise by Kathleen Raymundo
Based on a true story, this graphic novel tells the story of an introverted girl who just wants to be left alone. This story will teach us how to find joy in the most unexpected places.
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34. Guts by Raina Telgemeier
This book tells the story of Raina who develops an upset stomach only to learn that it is caused by anxiety. She struggles with anxiety about school, food, and friendships. Middle schoolers will learn how to face and conquer challenging middle school experiences.
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35. Allergic by Megan Wagner Lloyd and Michelle Mee Nutter
This middle-grade graphic novel features a young girl whose parents are getting ready for a new baby. She has severe allergies and desires to find the perfect pet!
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36. Friends Forever by Shannon Hale
Shannon is an 8th-grade student, and her life has become more complicated than ever. Everything has changed! She must work through her insecurities and her depression that is undiagnosed.
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37. The Okay Witch and the Hungry Shadow by Emma Steinkellner
Moth Hush is becoming adjusted to her witch heritage and powers; however, life at school increasingly gets worse. Her mom even starts dating the weirdest teacher at school! Learn what happens when Moth gets a mysterious charm that unleashes another version of herself.
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38. Twins by Varian Johnson
Maureen and Francine are not only twins but also best friends. They are in the same clubs, like the same foods, and are always partners on school projects. When they start sixth grade, they begin growing apart. Will middle school change everything between them forever?
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39. Witches of Brooklyn: What the Hex?! by Sophie Escabasse
Effie is so excited to meet a number of witches! She is no longer the new kid at school. All of her friends are excited to grow their friend group, but Effie isn’t very sure about it. Also, learning magic is very hard. She wants to enjoy being a witch, but her life is about to change!
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40. Seance Tea Party by Reimena Yea
Growing up seems terrible to Nora. She wants to enjoy life and have fun. Soon, she rediscovers Alexa, her old imaginary friend that is actually a ghost that haunts her house, and they become best friends!
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41. Just Jaime by Terri Libenson
On the last day of seventh grade, Jaime has been left wondering who her true friends are. Her best friend Maya seems annoyed by her because she thinks she is immature. Are their days as best friends numbered?
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42. Pawcasso by Remy Lai
Pawcasso, a dog, quickly makes human friends with Jo, a lonely girl. All of the kids think Jo is Pawcasso’s owner. Animal control becomes involved because they have had complaints of an unleashed dog roaming around. What will she do?
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43. Dungeon Critters by Natalie Riess
The dungeon critters are a squad of quirky animal friends that are on an adventure to investigate a sinister botanical conspiracy taking place among furry nobility. They will end up risking their lives and becoming closer friends.
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44. Long Distance by Whitney Gardner
Vega’s summer vacation is going badly. She has to move to a new city and leave her best friend. Her parents send her to a summer camp to make friends, but all she wants is to get her old life back!
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45. Beetle and the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne
In the strange town of ‘Allows’, some of the people are allowed to be magical sorceresses. Unfortunately, the other people are forced to have their spirits trapped in a mall for all eternity. Learn what happens to Beetle, a 12-year-old goblin witch.
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46. Sylvie by Sylvie Kantorovitz
Sylvie lives and goes to a prestigious school in France, and her father is the principal, and her home is an apartment at the end of a hallway of classrooms. They are also the only Jewish family in the town. In this graphic memoir, Sylvie Kantorovitz traces her beginnings as a teacher and an artist.
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47. All Together Now by Hope Larson
Bina, a middle-schooler, enjoys playing in a band with her friends. The band and her friendships with Darcy and Enzo start to crumble when Darcy and Enzo decide to start dating one another. Bina feels like a third wheel.
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48. Sisters by Raina Telgemeier
In Raina Telgemeier’s Sisters, Raina is looking forward to being a big sister. However, when Amara is born, things are totally different than she imagined. When they become older and a new baby enters their family, they realize that they have to figure out how they are going to get along.
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49. All Summer Long by Hope Larson
Bina, a 13-year-old, has a very long and lonely summer ahead of her. Her best friend, Austin, leaves for summer camp, so she must figure out how to have fun on her own. She soon becomes friends with Austin’s older sister. When Austin returns from summer camp, they must figure out how to fix their friendship. This story is a heartwarming and humorous coming-of-age story.
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50. Ever After by Olivia Vieweg
Vivi and Eva are stranded between safe zones. They must work together to stay alive. They will encounter zombie hordes, heat, and their own inner struggles as they search for life in the land of the dead.
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51. The Crossover: Graphic Novel by Kwame Alexander
Josh Bell is twelve years old, he also likes to rap, and he and his twin brother, Jordan, have athletic skills and are kings on the basketball court. Soon, Josh and Jordan’s winning season will unfold, and their world will begin to change as they encounter many middle school experiences.
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52. This Was Our Pact by Ryan Andrews
On the night of the Autumn Equinox Festival, an annual event, the town gathers together to send paper lanterns floating down the river. According to the legend, once the lanterns drift out of sight, they soar off to the Milky Way where they turn into bright stars. Is this really true? Ben and his friends are determined to find out what really happens to the lanterns.
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53. Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol
Vera just wants to fit in, but fitting in is definitely not easy for a Russian girl living in the suburbs. All of her friends live in fancy houses, and they go to the best summer camps. Vera’s mother is single and cannot afford the fancy summer camps, but she can afford a Russian summer camp. She thinks she will fit in here, but it is definitely not what she imagined.
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54. Stepping Stones by Lucy Knisley
This middle-grade graphic novel is about Jen. She has to leave the city, move to the country, and to make matters worse, she is gaining two stepsisters. She hates all of her new farm chores, and she struggles to figure out where she fits in with her new family.
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55. One Year at Ellsmere by Faith Erin Hicks
Juniper, a studious thirteen-year-old, earns a scholarship to the prestigious boarding school Ellsmere Academy. She is expecting a scholastic utopia, but she is struggling with one of the bullies at the fancy boarding school, and to make matters worse, there is a rumor that a mythical beast roams around the forest near the school. Boarding school was not supposed to be like this!
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