There are so many fantastic school clubs to take part in! Whether they run during break times, lunch times, or after school, there is usually something for everyone. Math clubs are particularly fun and engaging for students because they often learn and get to be with their friends, or students who share their interests, while they do. There are a variety of math activities that you can focus on if you are running or leading a math club at school.
1. Mind Reading Tricks
This is an addictive math game that your students will definitely want to play with their friends and family outside of the math club. They will also be very curious about how this trick works using these numbers. It's a puzzle that kids will enjoy trying to solve!
Learn More: Mei Assets
2. Who's Who?
Mathematical puzzles like this one are a crowd pleaser. This math problem presents a fun challenge for the students. They will read about a network of friends and people who are not friends. They must figure out how these people are connected.
Learn More: Wild Maths
3. Equation Math Bingo
Students love to play bingo. This activity is an all-out challenge because they must solve the equations mentally and quickly before you move on to find out if they can cover their square. You may consider making your own set of cards.
Learn More: Math Seeds
4. Tossing Snowballs
This game gives the kids some more math practice as well. Having them solve the equation and then throw the fake snowballs into the bucket is a mix of math and fun physical games as well. You can definitely switch up the equations cards too.
Learn More: We Are Teachers
5. NumberStax
If you are looking for an app for the students to spend their time on, check out this one called NumberStax. It is similar to Tetris and better than boring math worksheets for sure. It will also encourage some math club fun and competition.
Learn More: Amazon
6. ChessKid
This online game is another excellent one to include in your math club or even your local chess club. There are tons of math education ideas and math skills that can be taught through chess, like a strategy for example. Chess integrates many skills.
Learn More: Commonsense
7. Scavenger Hunt
This activity could become one of the students' favorite math club activities. Math is made even more interesting, fun, and engaging for students when it is hands-on and they can move around while they learn. Math scavenger hunts are rare!
Learn More: Taylor J's Math Materials
8. Hands-on Algebraic Equations
Many students often benefit from visual representations when working with and working through math problems. It helps them understand key math concepts and they can have more fun with math. There are kits you can purchase as well and bring to the math club or math class.
Learn More: Organized Homeschooler
9. Mazes
Math mazes are an excellent challenge to bring into your math club. Your math club students can practice and strengthen their skills in logic, reasoning, planning, and strategy. Middle school students will love to work through complex mazes during math club.
Learn More: Cognitive Cardio Math
10. Alien Power Exponents
This online math game is so fun! Many students are intrigued by aliens. They can play this game for part of the meeting period of the math club. Incorporating topics students are already interested in will make them excited and want to attend the club!
Learn More: EZ School
11. Numbers About Me
This game is a quick get-to-know-you game that can be used on the first day of math club when you have students gather from different grades altogether who might not know each other. They can write down they have 1 sibling, 2 parents, 4 pets, etc.
Learn More: Math Equals Love
12. Math Book Report
Mixing math and literacy might be something you are interested in doing. Blending literacy and math might not be a concept students are familiar with or have done before. There are many read-aloud stories and books that incorporate math too that they could study.
Learn More: Mash Up Math
13. Dropping Eggs
This math word problem will really get your students thinking. You could even follow up this math word problem with a STEM activity either afterward if time allows or at your next math club meeting if you like. Students will love to test out their theories!
Learn More: Wild Maths
14. Find the Missing Number
Missing number problems and equations like these could be utilized as quick activities you can have the students do when they arrive at math club initially or while you are waiting for all of the students to arrive. The problems range from simple to complicated.
Learn More: Mrs. E Teaches Math
15. Star Realms
If you happen to have some money in the budget, purchasing a game like this can be beneficial. Students will have the experience where they feel like they are playing a board game in school! This game will let students practice using negative numbers.
Learn More: Amazon
16. Quadrilaterals Game
If you are teaching the students about the property of shapes, then this game is perfect. They will learn about which shapes have which properties. It also helps them practice quadrilateral shape identification and use their proper names as well.
Learn More: Edu Gov.
17. Math is All Around Us
Students will think about how math is involved in their everyday lives. From telling time to reading recipes to scoring sports games and more. This idea is excellent to include before jumping into a math game. They can draw and write about how they use math every day.
Learn More: On Lemon Lane
18. Mountain Climber Slope Man
Learning about slopes has never been so fun and interactive! To progress through the game, the students must answer questions about slopes and solve the equations. They will be highly encouraged and motivated to solve the equations! They will love helping the character.
Learn More: Mr. Nuss Baum
19. Initials
This game involves everyone. Each student will solve an equation on each math page that looks at different math topics. When they are done, they will sign their initials beside the equation they completed. This will take a little bit of prep on the part of the instructor.
Learn More: Number Dyslexia
20. Math About Me
This is another introductory activity. The students can even pass around their sheets when they are finished and their friends can solve which page belongs to who based on solving the equations given and matching them with a person. Who knows you best?
Learn More: Math Geek Mama
21. Fantastic Problems
Outrageous math problems can be hilarious. The students will be very excited to work on the problem that asks them to find out how much popcorn would it take to fill up the school gym, for example. You can create your own questions as the instructor, too!
Learn More: 2 Peas And A Dog
22. Estimation 180 Tasks
Estimation is also an important skill in mathematics. This website features so many different types of estimation tasks for the students. Your math club participants will have vastly different answers, which will make the big reveal more exciting! Check out these tasks at the link below.
Learn More: Estimation180
23. Pumpkin STEM
If you are looking for a festive task to introduce to your students and for them to work on, have them build, construct, make blueprints and work through the equations necessary to keep pillars up and holding up these pumpkins.
Learn More: Stress Free Math For Kids
24. Two Truths and A Lie Math Edition
You can create two truths and lie equations for your students to solve. Which one is the incorrect equation? This idea will get them to solve at least 3 equations per question you pose to them. Purchasing this book is one option, but it is not necessary.
Learn More: Amazon
25. 3D View of You
A fun math craft like this is perfect. Your math club students will construct a 3D shape- a cube! They will write different pieces of important information about them that they want to share with their other fellow math club participants. Make your own to share with them.
Learn More: Rise Over Run Teacher
26. Number Talks
Computation practice is fundamentally important. Working on a number talk with your students each math club session can have them solving cool problems while strengthening their computation skills as well. Number talks can take up a long time or be quick and simple.
Learn More: Google Docs
27. Which One Doesn't Belong?
Which one doesn't belong activities are great because there is more than one right answer. This website features so many different puzzles for students. They can look at numbers, shapes, or more. You will never run out of choices!
Learn More: WODB
28. Blue Whales
Your math club students can work with interactive data to learn about blue whales. Many students are fascinated by animals and love to learn more information about them. Non-fiction information like this will hook them and they will manipulate data.
Learn More: You Cubed
29. Taxi Cab
This task is very open-ended and you can do a lot with it. You could discuss different possible paths, patterns, or more. You could replace this taxicab on a different sheet and you can plot Santa's path, a bunny or tiger, for example.
Learn More: You Cubed
30. Guess the Weight
Have your math club students gather up 100 of certain items and have them guess the weight.
Learn More: Education