The school theater program is constantly trying to enhance itself and give novice actors a place to express themselves. Middle schoolers can be reluctant performers who ultimately do it because it's something they truly love. Being a drama teacher can be a bit of a daunting task, considering there is kind of a lot on your shoulders.
Thankfully, we've composed a list of 15 musicals filled with beloved music, musical scripts, and strong interaction between characters. Enjoy this list of 15 musicals for middle schoolers!
1. Hook
Hook is an ideal musical filled with so many different morals and teachings. This fantastic musical will have passionate students spreading positivity throughout your entire school. Not only with students but also with parents!
Throughout this musical, we see different aspects of jealousy, self-rediscovery, and the most obvious fact that more than one leader can be very beneficial. These are all situations our students will find themselves in the modern school setting.
Learn more: J Stage
2. Singin' in the Rain
An ideal musical that teaches your students themes that they will carry with them throughout their entire middle and high school experience. This adorable musical is filled with modern music that your students will love singing and showing off their dancing skills.
Focused on the different aspects of the movie business, Singin' in the Rain will have your middle school students feeling like serious drama students. Taking on this musical is a big deal, but using your drama teacher's knowledge, spread the love and education that can be found throughout this entire musical to your students.
Learn more: J Stage
3. The Greatest Show
Traveling shows are undoubtedly a thing of the past, but they have become increasingly popular in contemporary musicals. Your drama students will love this spinoff the Greatest Showman. A new story is introduced, but the same lighthearted story that your students will love to tell.
With production resources provided, this play is perfect for first-time actors. This will become one of those popular musicals that students in years to come with be begging to perform!
Learn more: Musicline
4. We'll Meet Again
Middle school musicals are a special place for education, providing students with a different way to view their cultures, history, and much more. This is the perfect musical to teach students about war and the different aspects of how it can affect people of all ages.
We'll Meet Again will help students to visualize a totally different part of the world than they're used to. This is one of those junior musicals that will touch your heart and keep you on your seat throughout the entire show.
Learn more: Musicline
5. Once on this Island Jr.
Once on this Island Jr. is a beautiful and perfect musical to send messages that are essential to teaching our students in this modern age. School students will be enthusiastic to teach the message in this musical to their peers.
Providing students at this age with leading roles will help them with the development of a variety of different skills. Using a play like this to teach not only middle school students but also your elementary school students about the importance and value placed on how we treat people of different races. Use this performance by students to your advantage for a great lesson.
Learn more: Lancaster Central School District (NY)
6. Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast is one of those classic musicals that students of all generations can learn to appreciate. This is the ideal musical for middle schoolers who are beginning to change and grow into themselves.
By using musicals for students that will teach the importance of inward characteristics rather than outward beauty, you're building a strong foundation for their view of the world. An age-old story that you'll never regret integrating into your school theatre department.
Learn more: WEA-TV 11
7. Mary Poppins Jr.
Mary Poppins has been a crowd-pleasing production since the beginning of time. Bringing this into your next middle school productions will have both students and parents raving for more. Classic musicals like this are not only easy to build props for, but also will have your students studying their lines over and over.
As middle schoolers develop, it's important to constantly remind them of the importance of positivity. Our dear Mary Poppins is the perfect musical to spread positivity to all, showing that there is something good to be found in every situation.
Learn more: Arlington Community Media Inc.
8. Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical
Middle schoolers can sometimes be difficult to relate to and engage in a drama class. Use school musicals that they will love to engage in and laugh about. Finding something that interests all of your students is important. Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical is the perfect musical for engagement and fun with your students.
Learn more: Rhett & Link
9. Guys and Dolls
With strong female roles, this musical theatre production will provide your students with a different view of a romantic comedy. Following a puritanical female who falls for a gambling guy, we see the different aspects of love, life, and commitment. Follow your students through their journey of ambition, savvy, and self-made luck.
Learn more: G-Dog
10. The Addams Family
One of those school musicals that all grade levels will enjoy watching and acting in. An ideal musical for any theatre program. Middle school students will love performing this fun, kooky musical for their peers. Use props from students to spread the special message of self-acceptance and love of your weird, spooky, or just all-around ooky selves.
Learn more: Atlsteve 3000
11. Moana Jr.
The development of patience for our middle school students is just as important as their academics. Let your theatre program spread different knowledge and morals through the episodic story of Moana. Your students will not only love to sing along with all of the songs, but they'll also enjoy the kid-friendly scripts that they can bond with.
With fantastic settings that will be both fun to make and even more pleasing to the eye on opening night, you can't go wrong with this play. This is the perfect musical for a school that has a theatre program filled with gifted students who love to sing and dance.
Learn more: Wilson Middle School Lethbridge Wolverine Productions
12. Stuart Little
Drama students will absolutely love to act out one of their favorite childhood movies. If they've never seen the movie, it'll be a great intro to getting them excited about performing this musical. With a variety of age-appropriate roles, this musical theatre piece is great for both a comical script and a heartwarming performance.
Stuart Little is a perfect musical to be used to teach about tolerance and acceptance. Preparing your passionate students for their futures as well as helping them learn to love musical theater.
Learn more: Mustang Media
13. This is a Test
This is a Test is an easily propped and budget-friendly adorable musical that your passionate students will love. Whether your theatre program budget is a bit low this year or you just want to cut costs, you won't be disappointed with this accessible story.
Learn more: Northwest Theatre Press
14. Holka Polka
Holka Polka is a fun and engaging broadway junior play that your drama students will love. Using literary characters that your students know and love take your audience on a journey with this Fairy Tale mystery. Whether your students are first-time actors or seasons pro, this adorable musical has a spot for everyone.
Learn more: Free Drama
15. Snow White and the Seven Kachus
A simple twist on Snow White that your grades K-9 students will be totally engaged with. Being able to connect with the story but still see some different cute animal roles will be very alluring. A musical filled with delightful music and iconic characters it will soon become one of your and your students' favorite musicals.
Learn more: Free Drama