Getting your middle school students to study can be quite a difficult task! Teaching basic study skills to your students sets them up for success both in school and beyond. As no two students are the same, their preferred study methods are probably all totally different too! Luckily, we’ve compiled this list of no less than 34 essential study skills for middle school students! We’re sure you’ll find something for everyone in your class here! Read on to find out more!
1. Skills For Organization
Being organized is a vital skill to study successfully. Help your kids get organized by giving them a place to study, and helping them develop a system to keep track of their work. You could even encourage them to get a planner that they can use to keep track of exams, assignments, and homework.
Learn More: Great Schools
2. Time Management Ideas
Encourage your kiddos to set aside study time every day so that they won’t get overwhelmed right before a test. Have them set a realistic schedule of homework and revision, and set a study timer to remind them to take breaks between long stretches of work.
Learn More: The Learning Center
3. Create Good Study habits
These six golden rules of studying will be your students’ shortcut to success! These skills will help your middle schoolers to develop strong, helpful study habits and study strategies to ensure they are learning something every time they study. Display these in your classroom and give them a copy to put up at home!
Learn More: Ms. Blazer’s Website
4. Set SMART Goals
By setting goals, your kids can be assured that each study session will be successful. Show them how to set small, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (or SMART) goals to help them focus their efforts and make real progress! SMART goals, smarter students!
Learn More: Great Schools
5. Minimize Distractions
If your middle schoolers are easily distracted, you should have them consider their study environment! Research has shown that studying in a clean, quiet space is more productive and effective. The library or a quiet spot outside are good options for them if they can’t study at home.
Learn More: Oxford Learning
6. Good Note-Taking Skills
It’s impossible for your students to write down every single word you say, but they do need to write down all the important points. Teaching them good note-taking and note-making skills is a super way to make sure they’re well-equipped for study sessions and upcoming tests. Make a note to yourself to add this idea to an upcoming lesson!
Learn More: Auburn University
7. Daily Review
Encourage your kiddos to reflect on the day’s learning! A daily review of their notes will reinforce learning and ensure that they understand what they’ve learned that day. If they’ve any questions, encourage them to write them down to ask during the next lesson. This is a super way to clarify learning points and catch any misunderstandings early!
Learn More: Auburn University
8. Work First, Play Later
Craft a win-win deal with your kiddos! Have them finish their study tasks first, then freely enjoy their leisure activities. There will be no more guilt trips during game time or Netflix binges and their study-play balance will become a seamless blend of productivity and enjoyment!
Learn More: Xtreme Ninja
9. Eat Healthy Snacks
Eating healthy and staying hydrated is essential to successful study sessions. Educate your class about how eating food with lots of vitamins and protein is linked to better studying outcomes. Let them know to avoid too much caffeine and sugar and instead keep their water bottle nearby to stay hydrated. They’ll have a healthy body and a healthy mind- it’s a win-win!
Learn More: Girl Gang Strong
10. Get Enough Sleep
Did you know that the amount of sleep a person gets has been found to affect their test scores? Being well-rested and getting enough sleep is very important for your kids to ensure effective studying, concentration, retaining information, and success when taking tests. We’re sure they’ll love this excuse to spend more time in their beds!
Learn More: The Learning Center
11. Identify Your Learning Style
Before your kiddies even attempt to start studying, it’s important to know their individual learning styles. Some students are visual learners, some are auditory learners, and others are kinesthetic learners. Have them take this to determine which style suits them best!
Learn More: Girl Gang Strong
12. Ask Questions
This one sounds simple but in reality, often some kids find it difficult to ask for help! Encourage your class to write down questions if there is anything they don’t understand while they’re learning or studying. You could then take some time at the start of the next class to address these!
Learn More: The Learning Center
13. Make Study Groups
Sometimes working with their peers is a great way to get your kiddos motivated for studying. Studying with other students, working on assignments, and problem-solving together can be very beneficial for them. They’ll be able to ask questions that someone else may know the answer to and problem-solve their way through the material together. There’s strength in numbers!
Learn More: Campus Explorer
14. Study Outside
Take learning into the great outdoors! Challenge your kiddies to change things up by finding different places to study, such as outdoor spaces like parks or in their own yards! Studying outside in fresh air can help them focus a little longer and might even give them a new perspective.
Learn More: Kids Discover
15. Create Concept Maps
This skill is perfect for your visual learners! This concept map idea requires your learned to actively engage with the material in order to construct meaning and make connections. Not only do these maps look great visually, but they also give overviews of topics at a glance, so are the perfect way to revise for a test!
Learn More: The Learning Center
16. Take A Break
And, relax! Study breaks are super important to ensure that your middle schoolers’ bodies and minds get a little break! Taking breaks can help them prevent burnout and stress, and even help maintain focus. When they’re taking a break, you can encourage them to move around by, going for a walk, grabbing a snack, and taking their mind off their work for a few minutes.
Learn More: Girl Gang Strong
17. Debate and Discuss
Why not turn your classroom into a fiery debating chamber? Challenge your kiddies to question theories, and counter viewpoints, and ultimately reach a consensus. Their intellectual exchanges are the perfect way to use their knowledge and connect the dots as they craft their arguments. The floor is open!
Learn More: Newsweek
18. Utilize School Resources
Turn your kids into educational explorers! Encourage them to utilize every resource the school offers, from libraries to tutors and technology to learn as much as they can about a specific topic. Putting the learning in their hands lets them navigate a topic in a way that ultimately makes sense to them, as they follow lines of inquiry and make connections organically.
Learn More: Emerging Education Technologies
19. Self-Testing Techniques
There are a range of self-testing techniques out there, you just need to figure out which ones will work best for your kids. This method encourages them to review a topic and gives them instant feedback on parts that they need a bit more practice with. From flashcards to textbook questions to online quizzes, there are lots of options that your learners will find useful, and maybe even fun!
Learn More: KQED
20. Skimming and Scanning
Show your middle schoolers how to scan through pages like they’re searching for clues! Have them come up with a list of key phrases and terms, then they can search for these in their reading materials. This strategy isn’t just for fun; it helps them quickly get the gist of the material. Detect the keywords and crack the code to this time-saving studying skill!
Learn More: YouTube
21. Memory Mnemonics
Turn your kiddies into curators of their own mental museums! Show them how to use catchy acronyms or vivid images to remember key concepts. It’s like a secret code that only they can crack and before long they’ll realize that everything they’ve been studying has stuck!
Learn More: YouTube
22. The Two-Minute Rule
How productive could your learners be in just 120 seconds? If a task takes two minutes or less, have them do it right away to get it out of the way- it could be organizing their weekly study schedule or completing one or two revision questions. A small effort now makes a big difference later! Their future selves will thank them.
Learn More: Timely
23. The Power of Music
Why not set the stage for your kiddos’ study sessions with a personalized playlist? Their chosen tunes will help them to relax into their studying and offer a way to block out any surrounding distractions. Not only that, but music can help them concentrate, elevate their mood, and, who knows? Maybe it’ll even make studying enjoyable for them!
Learn More: Music Notes
24. Active Listening Skills
Active listening may not come completely naturally to your middle schoolers! Teaching active listening skills such as nodding, eye contact, and jotting down summary notes or questions is a great way to get them engaged with the subject matter. Practicing this skill turns them from passive listeners to active participants. With their active listening, lessons become less of a monologue and more of a dialogue!
Learn More: YouTube
25. Positive Affirmations
Have your kids become their own biggest cheerleaders! Teach your class about the power of positivity by having them come up with some positive affirmations that they can say each day to themselves to build confidence and boost self-esteem! Phrases like “You can ace this test” or “You’re mastering this material” can work wonders! Their self-affirmations will set a positive tone for the entire study session.
Learn More: Psych Central
26. The Feynman Technique
Flip the script and let your kiddies become the teachers! Whether it’s family, friends, or even a stuffed animal, this technique suggests that by teaching someone else, they’ll reinforce their own understanding of a topic or concept. Encourage them to prepare a mini-lesson to break down complex topics into simpler terms. If they can teach it, they’ve definitely learned it well.
Learn More: Todoist
27. Storytelling Technique
Have your class’ transform their study materials into grand sagas! Encourage them to weave stories around dry facts or complex concepts, making the information come alive. Each story they come up with will become a new chapter in their learning adventure. Who says studying can’t have plot twists?!
Learn More: SlideShare
28. Color-Coding Notes
This study skill is a dream come true for the stationary-lovers of your class! Encourage them to assign specific colors to subjects or topics to color-code their notes. Their notebooks will become a rainbow of information, which is super easy to navigate and review at a glance.
Learn More: Absolutely Studying
29. Technology Detox
Contrary to what they may believe, your middle schoolers can actually survive without their phones for a few hours! Encourage them to imagine their study zone as a serene, tech-free oasis! They’ll be surprised at how focused they can be just by turning off their notifications and distractions- is like giving their brains a mini-vacation! Embrace this approach, and they’ll watch their productivity soar!
Learn More: Verywell Mind
30. Cornell Note-Taking System
Why not introduce your learners to the Cornell method of note-taking? Encourage them to structure their notes with headings, bullet points, and brief summaries to make their notes uniform and simple to navigate. By creating keywords and summaries, they’re consolidating their learning and making it easy to review and revise later.
Learn More: Exam Study Expert
31. The Pomodoro Technique
Help your kiddos to manage their study time like pro athletes! Have them work intensely for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break to cool off and relax! Each Pomodoro cycle is a sprint towards academic success! Think of it as interval training for their brains, keeping them sharp and focused.
Learn More: YouTube
32. Annotate Texts
Grab the sticky notes for this next fantastic idea! Encourage your students to annotate their study materials by adding their own notes, questions, or reminders as they read. Their annotations will serve as a personalized study guide, ready to assist when it’s review time.
Learn More: Study
33. Create Summary Sheets
Let your kids craft their personalized study guides! Have them summarize their notes into a one-stop-shop one-page summary sheets featuring key points and essential diagrams. It’s like creating their own cheat sheets, but ones that they can proudly use! They could even display it somewhere that they’ll see every day so that they can regularly look over it in the lead-up to a test!
Learn More: YouTube
34. Stay Hydrated
Teach your kiddos to consider their water bottles their essential study buddies! Tell them about how keeping hydrated during study sessions can really boost their focus and energy levels. They’ll be amazed that something so simple could have such a big impact on their learning!
Learn More: Wel Dun