Learning the days of the week is an important skill for preschoolers. Daily repetition is important, as well as engaging activities that will keep them interested in learning. Here you’ll find a range of activities that will tick all the boxes and help your preschoolers learn an important basic concept.
1. Days of the Week Rainbow Spinner
While the spinner is cute on its own, the addition of the colors to the days seems to make all the difference in the days sticking with kids. There are also printables for “today is…, tomorrow will be…, and yesterday was…” included. The concept of yesterday and tomorrow is challenging, so this should help.
Learn More: Nurture Store
2. Days of the Week Song
This simple song is sung to the theme of The Addams Family and it sticks. My son is in second grade and remembers it from preschool. Sing it every day when you have your morning meeting time and your littles will surely recall the order of the days.
Learn More: Erin Lukas
3. Caterpillar Days of the Week
Color, cut, and paste the days in order for this cute activity. Have kids glue them on construction paper and you have an adorable bulletin board. Simple and cute days of the week printable that is sure to please.
Learn More: Worksheets PDF
4. Craft Stick Game
Here’s a simple activity that will reinforce the days of the week. Kids will pull the sticks out of a container and then put them in order. Once they have them laid out, they should recite the days to remind them of the words. The colors are also key here.
Learn More: Powerful Mothering
5. The Singing Walrus Video
Who doesn’t love a good song? Especially one that will help teach the days of the week. Kids will love this cute walrus as it sings about the days. This simple activity will get kids singing, especially if they hear it regularly.
Learn More: The Singing Walrus – English Songs For Kids
6. Cookie’s Week
A cookie is a cat that gets into some mischief throughout the week. Animal lovers will love this adventurous little cat, plus there are lots of fun activities that you can do after. This fun story is a must for preschoolers.
Learn More: Amazon
7. Rocket Worksheet
This day of the week printable is ready to blast off. Use it however you’d like, as it doesn’t come with any directions. It could simply be used as a reference sheet by having your students color it the same colors as the rainbow spinner.
Learn More: Worksheet Fun
8. Flashcards
Flashcards are a great way for kids to practice skills and these will not disappoint. Each day’s card has a cute picture in the background, which can also help kids remember them. Many of the pictures are actions, so it also helps kids learn the days through activities.
Learn More: The Teaching Gaunt
9. Learning Box
We have a smaller box like this one, but it’s for a puzzle set. I love how all the pieces are stored inside and then you open it up to a day-of-the-week activity. It also doubles as motor activity.
Learn More: Angelicscalliwags Homeschool
10. Coloring Practice
Here are the perfect days of the week printable, that will help kids remember the days of the week while making beautiful rainbow flowers. These would also make for an amazing bulletin board as well.
Learn More: Learning Printable
11. Fine Motor Busy Bag
This is another motor activity that will help kids practice the days of the week. They can match the colors as they clip them on and learn to identify the words all at the same time.
Learn More: And Next Comes L
12. Online Activity
While kids get plenty of screen time, this digital activity was too good to pass up. It is on ABCya and your preschoolers will love it, as long as it’s not used on a regular basis. Fun learning activities are essential to education and this one fits the bill.
Learn More: ABCYa
13. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activity
Who doesn’t love The Very Hungry Caterpillar? After reading the book, kids can assemble their very own caterpillar, complete with flaps, that reveal what was eaten each day. What a cute caterpillar activity.
Learn More: A Little Pinch of Perfect
14. Days of the Week Legos
Easy setup and lots of fun, this hands-on activity is a win-win. I would use rainbow-colored blocks, to stick with the pattern they have been seeing if you are following the colors for other activities. Legos are always an exciting activity among preschoolers too.
Learn More: 1+1+1=1
15. Spinner Game
This simple activity will have kids learning the days of the week in no time. Working with a partner, children will take turns spinning and collecting colors until someone gets them all. It is a fun, effective activity that will have kids excited about the days of the week.
Learn More: Powerful Mothering
16. DIY Craft
The video shows you all the steps to make this cute foldable days-of-the-week craft. It is a great activity for calendar skills practice, that kids will have fun making. Again, I would use the rainbow colors for it to keep things consistent.
Learn More: Life of PreSchoolers
17. Days of the Week Velcro Practice
If you need a center activity, that will help kids learn about the past, present and future, then look no further. Just print, cut, and laminate this set for a simple busy binder activity to learn about days about one another.
Learn More: Etsy
18. Mini Book
Mini books are a personal favorite. This one allows for personalization where kids can draw a picture for each day. On the weekdays, they might draw what special they have at school or an activity they do in the evening. On the weekends, they might draw what they do that’s special. It then becomes a flip book for them to refer to.
Learn More: Superstar Worksheets
19. Trace, Cut, and Paste
These days of the week printable allows for multiple types of practice. Children will trace the letters, cut them out, and put the days in order. I would have them rainbow write so they can learn how to spell the days too. It’s a great review activity as well.
Learn More: Kindergarten Worksheets
20. Flip Flaps
When I saw this activity, I knew it needed to be on this list. Kids can relate what they do on a certain day by drawing a picture on construction paper, so they associate the word with their everyday life. I remember when my cousins were younger that they called the weekend, the “s days”, which this activity reminded me of.
Learn More: Education.com