There are some letters that are easy to teach, and some that are more challenging. "X" is a less commonly used letter with fewer examples students will hear outside of the classroom. As teachers, we have to get creative in the ways we introduce and explain difficult letters to learners hearing them for the first time. There are plenty of words that use "X", we just have to find them somewhere in the middle...or end! Here are 20 of our favorite activities to teach the letter "X" to preschoolers.
1. X-Ray Fish Craft
This x-ray craft is an adorable activity to help your students master this tricky letter. You can put your own creativity into the design and materials you use to make your x-ray fish, but this example uses black paper and a white colored pencil to give the "x-ray" effect.
Learn more: Premeditated Leftovers
2. Find the X
This alphabet activity is simple and doesn't need any extra supplies or art materials. Create a list of letters on the whiteboard in the shape of a square. Ask one student at a time to come up, find, and circle one of the hidden letters "X" among the others.
Learn more: The Beautiful Thrifty Life
3. "X" Makes the Clover
This awesome letter craft is visual and helps with learners' letter recognition going through the steps to assemble their clover. The "X" marks where you glue the leaves!
Learn more: The Beautiful Thrifty Life
4. It's Snack Time!
There are many different foods you can prepare to look like the letter "X". This delightful letter can be formed with carrots, celery sticks, cucumber slices, or basically anything you can cut into a straight line and cross into an "X".
Learn more: Stress Less Be Healthy
5. A Fox: The Sound of X
You can find a collection of letter X books online that can be very useful for read-aloud time. Students get an audio/visual representation of different words that use the letter "X".
Learn more: Amazon
6. Scavenger Hunt for "X"
This exciting letter activity exposes your preschoolers to a number of "X" words and concepts in an active and challenging format. You can organize the scavenger hunt to be collaborative as a class or split students into teams and make it a friendly competition!
Learn more: Pinterest
7. Fun Letter Collage Activity
Give your preschoolers a collage idea sheet with examples of things they can draw either in the shape of an "X" or that have the letter "X" in their name. Then give each student a piece of paper and let their creativity shine! Once everyone is finished you can decorate the wall with the letter "X" collage.
Learn more: Crystal and Comp
8. Edible Xylophones
Are you ready for a creative, hands-on letter "X" recipe that will make your preschoolers want to join the band? These xylophone mini cakes are fun to assemble and baking is a great skill for kids to learn early.
Learn more: Crystal and Comp
9. Size Sorting Game
We use the letter "X" when we talk about size in clothing, accessories, and many other items in our lives. We can teach our students motor skills and letter learning by labeling boxes x-small to x-large and having them sort objects into the respective sections.
Learn more: 3 Boys and a Dog
10. Arrggggg, Time For a Treasure Hunt!
"X" marks the spot where your preschoolers will find the treasure! You can get imaginative and get gold-colored candies, toys, or whatever will make your little pirates smile.
Learn more: Ducks 'n a Row
11. Alpha-Bites: Challenge For Preschoolers
Snack time couldn't come faster with this super cute edible alphabet letter activity. This cereal has each letter shape, and you can play many sorting or word-building games by asking students to find certain letters and spell words with the letter "X".
Learn more: Mom It Forward
12. Find the Foam Letters
Grab your foam letters and hide your letter "X" around the classroom. Give your students clues as to where to find the hidden letters. This activity is great for practicing recognition skills and pre-writing skills.
Learn more: First Cry Parenting
13. A Box of Six
Most of the easiest letter "X" words have "X" at the end like "box" and "six". Ask your students to fill a small box with six of their favorite small items from home and do a show and tell!
Learn more: Pinterest
14. "X" is For "Fox"
This simple letter craft works on students' letter-building skills in a fun and foxy way! Cut out an "X" on construction paper then make the fox head with paper plates and decorate.
Learn more: Pinterest
15. Popsicle Stick Xylophone
Transform a pile of sticks into a colorful mini xylophone with some paints and glue. This craft is so easy and your kids will spend all day dreaming they are music stars!
Learn more: Pinterest
16. "X" is for X-Mas
If you get lucky and your letter of the week is "X" during x-mas, there are tons of crafts and recipes you can incorporate into your preschool curriculum. This alphabet ornament craft is so easy because you can use foam letter "X"s as a base, and let your students decorate them with glitter and paints.
Learn more: No Time For Flash Cards
17. "X" is for Explore
Get creative and fill a box with some sand (or use your school's sandbox!) and place little "X"s made of beads or gems in different places. You can bury little surprises underneath for your students to dig up and find!
Learn more: Mosswood Connections
18. Can You Spell?
Letter recognition is one of the first ways a student understands a new letter in the alphabet, so activities that associate a letter with an object or idea help with memory and application as we learn. Print out pictures of letter "X" words and use them for flashcard practice.
Learn more: Bingo Bongo Kids
19. Fingerprint Alphabet
Time for some hands-on letter tracing practice with fingerprint painting! Painting with watercolors is the best option for easy clean-up.
Learn more: Pocket of Preschool
20. Melting Crayon Alphabet Letters
This colorful letter "X" activity uses alphabet cookie cutters and melted crayons to create your own unique tie-dye letters. You can use these in class for practice or have your preschoolers bring them home for playtime.
Learn more: Preschool Inspirations