Every child deserves to feel understood and affirmed for who they are. One of the ways to ensure you’re meeting them where they are is to find their primary love language. Love languages include spending quality time, sharing words of affirmation, receiving gifts, physical touch, and acts of service. Finding child-friendly ways to meet these needs can be a challenge, but that doesn’t negate its importance! Check out this list for 28 unique ways to accommodate your child’s love language in day-to-day life.
What’s Your Love Language?
1. Love Bingo
Use this bingo board for a playful introduction to the five love languages. Create a challenge to complete five tasks in a row, one from each column, or blackout! It’s a great way to get your kids engaged in spreading kindness and love all around.
Learn More: Wildly Anchored
2. Mystery Tasks
This mystery task idea is a fantastic way to allow your kids to explore all five love languages and determine their primary language. Simply write a couple of examples of each love language on a slip of paper, then let children choose which one to complete next!
Learn More: Meaningful Mama
3. Love Languages Quiz
If after exploring you’re still uncertain of your child’s preference, use this resource to determine your child’s primary love language! Yes or no questions help to pinpoint children’s motivators and ways they want to receive love, which will help you better connect in your relationship with one another.
Learn More: At Home With Kids
Physical Touch
4. Dance Party
Dancing provides a silly and fun opportunity to fill a child’s physical touch bucket! It’s something you can do anytime and anywhere. Children think it’s extra special when their grown-ups can let loose and be free with them. Bonus points if you know your child’s favorite song!
Learn More: Pinterest
5. Storytime Snuggles
Bedtime can be a sacred time of the day for families to share uninterrupted time together. Make storytime snuggles a regular part of your child’s bedtime routine for an opportunity to have some natural physical contact and enjoy a cozy moment.
Learn More: Our Little Play Nest
6. Family Group Hugs
A family group hug sounds a little cheesy, but it’s worth it! Gathering together to share a great big bear hug can help build your bond with one another. Make it a part of your daily routine by adding it to your morning goodbyes or bedtime routine.
Learn More: EQ4Kids
7. Secret Handshakes
Take a page from The Parent Trap and make up a secret handshake together! Children will feel so important and cared for when you take the time to create and learn the steps with them. Save your handshake for greetings, times of congratulations, or moments when they are needing encouragement!
Learn More: Rock Your Homeschool
8. Spa Day
A spa day is a clever way to meet your child’s physical touch and love language needs in a playful but relaxing way! Wash and style their hair like they’re in a salon or give them a simple manicure and pedicure, then let them do the same for you, messy or not!
Learn More: Kidsguide
Words of Affirmation
9. Lunch Notes
Take an opportunity to make your child’s day a little brighter by hiding a note of encouragement, a silly joke, a napkin fact, or a little drawing in their lunchbox. Use fancy stationery or colorful ink to make it even more special for them to find!
Learn More: Sunny Day Family
10. Text Check-Ins
It’s always a lovely surprise when someone takes the time to ask how you are doing at midday. For your older children and teens, it can be just as meaningful to send a quick text to check in about how their day is going, wish them good luck on tests and presentations, etc.
Learn More: Pinterest
11. Public Praise
Praising your child to others in front of them is an excellent way of affirming your love for them and establishing a sense that they are important. Try sharing about something they created or something new they tried to avoid putting the focus on solely academic achievements.
Learn More: Our Little Play Nest
12. What I Like About You
Make words of affirmation a part of your weekly routine by hanging a photo of your child up in a common space and adding kind words about them periodically. It could be anything from positive descriptors to things you noticed them doing, to things you just love about them!
Learn More: EQ4Kids
13. Congrats
Find everyday opportunities to congratulate your children who thrive with words of affirmation. Maybe they tried something new or mastered something that had previously been difficult. Make up a celebratory song, be their cheerleader, tell them how proud you are, or write them a note of congratulations!
Learn More: Living Chic Mom
Quality Time
14. Board Game Night
Game nights are the classic family activity that creates a screen-free opportunity to spend time together. As long as your family is not extra competitive, it’s a relaxing way of enjoying an evening of silly banter and fun gameplay. Look for free options at the library or a take-one, leave-one shelf in your community!
Learn More: Akron Ohio Moms
15. Geocache
Geocaching is a great way to get outdoors while spending time together. Download the app and check out which caches are close to your home, and then take a walk or bike ride to find it. Teamwork will be needed once you get to the general area, multiplying this activity’s potential for bonding.
Learn More: Geocache
16. Playground Partner
While the playground is an excellent place for developing prosocial skills, every once in a while it’s also a nice opportunity for quality time between caregivers and children! Instead of watching from the bench, get out there with your child! They will be tickled by you crawling through the tunnels or having a slide race!
Learn More: Our Little Play Nest
17. Day-to-Day Help
Children love to be involved in even the most mundane tasks, like unloading the dishes, sorting the laundry, or making your coffee! Let them help with your day-to-day tasks in meaningful ways–even if it’s messy or takes a little longer. They are bonding with you and getting the opportunity to learn useful life skills!
Learn More: Pinterest
18. Bedtime Routine
Make bedtime a special time of focusing all your attention on your child. Put away the screens and read a few stories together or share a few nursery rhymes. Having this designated time to spend with one another builds trust and helps children feel acknowledged and significant!
Learn More: Kidsguide
Receiving Gifts
19. Wildflower Bouquets
A free way of meeting your child’s gift-giving love language is picking wildflowers (or even weeds) together! Children love finding any kind of colorful flowers to make a bouquet for them. Pick some for them as well, or teach them how to make a flower crown like your own childhood days!
Learn More: Pinterest
20. Treasure Hunt
Hunting for “treasures” is one of those quintessential childhood games. Make memorable moments for your little ones by creating a treasure hunt for one of their favorite things! Maybe your map leads them to play at the park or helps them find a special treat in the kitchen. The ideas are endless!
Learn More: Autodesk Instructables
21. Nature Finds
Children are always seeing the beauty in trinkets and natural items and sharing them with their special grown-ups. While on a walk together, turn the tables by finding something special to give to them like they always do for you! You can guarantee that they will treasure whatever you find!
Learn More: Nature Journaling Week
22. Countdown Gifts
Children often need a bit of help with patience when there is anticipation of a special event. You can help them feel affirmed and understood by giving them a little something to look forward to each day along the way–something as small as a piece of candy or as large as a toy!
Learn More: Ashlee Marie
23. Good Morning Gifts
Who wouldn’t love breakfast in bed or a thoughtful gift on their nightstand to wake up to? Sneak a special surprise into your child’s room to brighten their day from its very start. There’s no need to wait for a special occasion–sometimes the best gifts are given just because!
Learn More: Kidsguide
Acts of Service
24. Random Acts of Kindness
Another fun way of making doing good deeds a central part of your day is completing the tasks on this banner! The banner will help your family maintain their focus on the challenge, and kids will love seeing their progress recorded on the pennants.
Learn More: The OT Toolbox
25. Volunteer Together
Find out what your child is passionate about animals, helping people have healthy meals, etc., and explore volunteer opportunities together! This is an extra great way to meet love language needs if acts of service are your primary love language too!
Learn More: Passionate Penny Pincher
26. Treasure Chests
Create a special place for your child to keep their special treasures, like gifts and trinkets from others as well as special items to keep to give away. Children will feel honored that you gave your time to make them something with your own two hands.
Learn More: Our Little Play Nest
27. Special Plans
Kids often think it is exciting to be the one to come up with special plans! Allow them to take the reins and plan opportunities for future quality time. Siblings will also have the chance to share thoughtful discussions and collaborate while planning.
Learn More: Hessun Academy
28. Be a Helper
Caregivers can often read their children well- you know when they are frustrated with something or in a little too deep. Help them out without them having to ask you from time to time. It will reduce their frustration and embarrassment and remind them that you are always on their team!
Learn More: Hessun Academy