We here at Teaching Expertise believe that STEM skills should be fostered from a young age. That’s why we’ve provided you with access to 75 genius STEM activities appropriate to young learners! Enjoy our selection of science, technology, engineering, and math activities that help stimulate natural curiosity and build basic life skills.
Science Activities
1. Make Rainbow Slime.
2. Explore density with a fun Sink or Float Activity.
3. This life science activity teaches about the water and nutrient absorption of plants.
4. Make a sundial and learn to tell the time the old-fashioned way!
5. Marvel at a home-made lava lamp as the sun goes down.
6. This jumping-seeds baking soda experiment is great for highlighting chemical and chain reactions.
7. Learn about the power of pollination with the help of cheese powder.
8. Tap into the natural world and build a spout house– combining learning areas of science and engineering.
9. Learn about gravity with the help of this beautiful galaxy bottle.
10. Explore the science behind sound with a cup and string phone.
11. This bouncing ball experiment is great for demonstrating energy conversion 12. Make sticky ice with this cool science activity.
13. This rainbow bubble snake craft puts a fresh spin on bubble blowing and is sure to intrigue any young learner.
14. Make an eruption with this exploding volcano activity.
15. This fantastic water balloon experiment perfectly illustrates the concept of density.
16. Make rock candy and learn about crystallization and minerals.
17. Get scrubbing! Clean pennies with vinegar and reveal their once-sparkling finish once again.
18. Explore concepts of gravity and slope with the help of childhood essentials- a pool noodle and a few marbles.
19. Learn about air resistance by using scientific knowledge to design a working egg parachute.
Technology Activities
20. Make a DIY cardboard laptop.
21. Allow kids to develop their videography skills by designing a stop motion animation.
22. Explore how technology is used in the transference of heat when slushies are made.
23. Enjoy non-electronic technology by building lego structures.
24. Make and use QR codes.
25. Teach numbers and other concepts through the use of augmented reality technology.
26. Promote active play in which learners are engaged in learning-based games on technological software such as an iPad.
27. This STEM challenge focuses on technology and asks students to code a lego maze.
28. This awesome virtual tech camp is fantastic for teenage learners and provides endless STEM challenges.
29. Tap into the tech behind the internet– a resource that helps many of us get by in day-to-day life.
30. Make a pinwheel to help students further explore the technology behind turbines and energy.
31. Take apart an old keyboard to learn about the interworkings therein. An exciting STEM challenge would be for older learners to attempt putting the keyboard back together again.
32. This simple bird automaton will soon become one of your child’s favorite STEM toys.
33. Build map skills into a fun STEM challenge that provides students with insight into modern navigational tools and technological advancements.
34. This awesome activity highlights the properties of light when different colored lights are mixed together.
35. Combine areas of art and technology when you craft an origami firefly circuit.
36. The design possibilities are endless- Teach about 3D shapes by using 3D printing technology.
37. Let students film themselves acting out a play they have written and practice using recording technology in the process.
38. Play Kahoot– a fun quiz game that allows students to use online technology to test their understanding of class content in a quiz-like manner.
Engineering Activities
39. This gumdrop structure is perfect for introducing concepts of engineering
40. Create a squishy circuit by molding a play dough character and then using a circuit to add light to it
41. Build a bridge that can support the weight of different objects- exploring how to reinforce the strength of your structure as you go!
42. Engineer a simple catapult and enjoy hours of fun launching objects. To up the stakes, compete to see who out of a group can launch their object the furthest!
43. Customize your very own aircraft
44. Craft a birdfeeder that your feathery garden friends will absolutely love
45. Enjoy engineering a homemade wobblebot with budding engineers
46. Build a simple at-home pulley machine and have fun hauling objects up the stairs using this simple machine
47. Make a cork shooter and discover the principles of trajectory
48. Build a propeller-powered car using simple tools and materials
49. Raise awareness for oil spills in the natural environment with this simple oil-water engineering activity 50. Engineer a fort within this creative STEM activity
51. Challenge children to build a 3D shape from PVC pipe structures and test skills of critical thinking.
52. Design a speaker for your phone using simple materials
53. Construct a cereal box draw bridge
54. This cool idea puts students in touch with their creative side as they are prompted to build a terrific twig mobile
55. Engineer a soda rocket that you can launch right in your backyard
56. This STEM challenge requires that students build an igloo– the perfect activity for those snowy winter months
57. Build a working rain gauge that accurately measures water levels
Math Activities
58. Enjoy solving math problems with a nerf gun by shooting at numbered cups and following the math instruction appropriately
59. Take learning outside and go on a math hunt as a class or allow parents to guide their kids through this activity at home
60. Unpack the subject of symmetry by playing with objects in a mirror box
61. Learners aged 3-8 can enjoy learning about math in a practical sense by using coin-based activities
62. Use sticky notes in this fun math matching game
63. Use a pipe cleaner to count beads and learn counting patterns
64. Count to your heart’s content with this crafty counting tray
65. Enjoy counting with this fun pom pom counting activity
66. Make use of a wooden math board to practice a variety of mathematical operations
67. Introduce analog and digital clocks as well as time telling with this DIY clock craft
68. Keep kids busy with this count down math game
69. Use a giant chalk number line to teach various mathematical concepts in a practical and hands-on way
70. Paper plate activities provide inexpensive and adaptable learning experiences. Learn about fractions with this watermelon paper plate fraction activity for children. 71. Have a ball solving this egg carton Christmas tree math puzzle
72. This quick-to-organize number-bag game is perfect for remedial practice and play during spare time
73. Addition pancakes are great for learning about how to add different numbers. Switch this activity up once basic concepts of addition have been grasped to explore other mathematical operations
74. Introduce various shapes to the students by building a shape pizza with them 75. Solve this math logic puzzle known as The Tower of Hanoi STEM learning helps to build problem-solving skills as well as introduce basic concepts and principles regarding subjects such as science, technology, engineering, and math. A learner’s innovation, communication, and creativity levels are also positively impacted when paired with STEM learning. Be sure to refer back to our collection of STEM resources to further enhance your students’ learning process.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is STEM used in the classroom?
STEM learning introduces subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM brings an element of creativity to the classroom and encourages students to explore new ways of learning.
What makes a good activity?
A good activity should allow the students to engage with and develop a deeper understanding of the content that they have learned. A good activity should also be an accurate measure of a student’s success with a subject so it’s a good gauge for the teacher.
What are some STEM activities in school?
STEM activities are used in school to help develop key skills that may be needed for careers at a later life stage. If you’re a teacher looking for inspiration on what stem activities to implement at school, be sure to check out the above article.