Staying inspired throughout the year as an educator can be difficult. Even though a career in teaching keeps you busy, it’s so important to keep “feeding yourself” so that you can continue to be present for, and inspire, those in your classroom. Here’s a list of 25 books to help you do just that!
1. Because of a Teacher
This heartwarming book is essential reading for both new teachers and seasoned school leaders feeling burnt out. Each story is the perfect pick-me-up during your planning.
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2. The First Days of School
This is the single best teaching book I’ve ever read. It clearly explains the importance of establishing clear expectations for better classroom management. After I applied these concepts, I was able to focus on teaching and having fun with students, not managing behavior.
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3. Teacher Misery
Teacher Misery is full of stories that classroom teachers will recognize and commiserate with as they read. Stories cover everything from the everyday absurd to disruptive behaviors in the class to more serious issues. Let this book be a reminder that you are not alone in the day-to-day crazy.
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4. Take Control of the Noisy Classroom
Managing negative behavior in the classroom can be one of the most draining responsibilities of an educator. This award-winning teaching book will provide you with strategies to calm your classroom so that you can be the most effective educator you can be.
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5. Teach Like Your Hair’s on Fire
In this book, Rafe explains his education philosophy behind “Work Hard, Be Nice” and “There are No Shortcuts”. Through his dedication and sacrifice to his students, they have excelled beyond the elementary school level. Learn about effective teaching from someone who is still in the classroom.
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6. Classroom Behavior Manual
Ervin argues effective classroom management starts with relationships. These classroom management strategies start with changing inputs rather than controlling outputs. Learn how to tailor environments and consistent classroom procedures to promote a healthy classroom.
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7. Planning to Stay
The burnout educators experience in public education is real. In this book, Cleeves helps education professionals bring work and life into balance to be effective educators. The book also includes practical tips and tricks.
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8. Hacking School Discipline
Unfortunately, antiquated school discipline practices are still being used daily. Read to learn how to reduce negative behaviors, implement restorative justice in education and encourage empathetic student engagement. Be part of the change in public education with these strategies.
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9. 50 Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement
Encourage the cognitive development of students in the classroom with these 50 strategies. Rebecca Stobaugh clearly explains the difference between critical thinking and cognitive engagement for better student outcomes. Additionally, she explains how to seamlessly include these strategies in your lesson plans!
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10. Hacking Classroom Management
Mike Roberts will teach you how to renew your passion for teaching using strategies learned from the inspiring teacher movies we know and love. These cinema classroom examples highlight the importance of parent engagement, building relationships with students, and classroom management. Bring the fun back into your teaching with this title.
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11. Responding to Student Trauma: A Toolkit for Schools in Times of Crisis
Unfortunately, trauma is a reality when working in public education. Written by a middle school counselor, this book is easy to understand and provides effective strategies for responding to student trauma. This book is helpful in helping teachers create safe environments for students to start to heal.
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12. This is the Canon: Decolonize Your Bookshelves in 50 Books
Diversity in education is not just about who is teaching but also about what is being read and discussed in classrooms. The authors highlight quality literature from a pantheon of races, backgrounds, and experiences in this book. They purport that reexamining the canon is critical in our path forward.
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13. A Search for Common Ground
Mainstream society is polarized regarding so many issues, including education. In this unique book, two educators thoughtfully engage over some of the trickiest issues in American classrooms and beyond. This book is a wonderful model for schools puzzling out the best way forward for their students and schools.
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14. Happy Teachers Change the World
Authors of Happy Teachers believe change begins from the inside out. Throughout the book, they explore how teachers establishing a classroom mindfulness program for themselves and their students can change a classroom. They also provide examples from around the world to illustrate the practical application.
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15. How Children Succeed
Written by a child development expert, Paul Tough, this read explores how student success is driven not by intelligence but by character! While most books for teachers explore learning models, this book starts with the child. You’ll certainly gain a new perspective on child development whilst reading this book.
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16. Why School?
Why School is a wonderful way to launch conversations about becoming a more dynamic school, Richardson offers ideas about promoting learning in new 21st-century ways. Reexamine common myths about “doing things the same way” through his perspective.
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17. This is Not a Test
Social justice and education reform meet in This is Not a Test. This book is a collection of class, race, and education essays. Throughout, Vilson explores the current systemic problems and how they might be transformed through careful examination.
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18. Getting Smart
Vander Ark shows how the increase in technology has revolutionized how we acquire and retain information. Consequently, how students learn must change, too. Getting Smart makes a case for blending online and onsite learning, the implications of the new workplace, and personal digital learning communities.
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19. Thinking Fast and Slow
A renowned psychologist explores the two paths along which we think. Kahneman also explains the pros and pitfalls of each system. While not specifically geared toward the classroom, it provides implications for problem-solving, long-range school planning, and student development.
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20. Daring Greatly
Daring Greatly is about learning to lead with vulnerability and courage. By doing the inner work that Brown challenges us to do in this book, we can become better leaders and teachers and transform our classrooms. She promises that while it may be scary, it’s worth it!
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21. The Creative Habit
Twyla Tharp offers advice and practical exercises gleaned from her thirty-five-year career to encourage creativity in your life. She says creativity isn’t a gift; it’s a habit. Get your creative juices flowing in this book.
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22. The Book Whisperer
Reading is the gateway or roadblock to student success. Miller introduces new strategies to cultivate a love of books in your students. She also provides practical advice for improving the school library and more.
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23. The Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Fifty years later, Freire’s radical words are still inspiring educators. Freire argues that education for the oppressed can only be liberated through the words and actions of oppressed people. Freire argues that love, community, and unity are the agents of change.
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24. Teach Like a Champion
This updated edition of a classic book includes new material and example videos. This book will examine everything from teacher decision-making models to how to increase student engagement. Additionally, the book provides online support and 10 new techniques.
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25. Teach to Transgress
Written by a teacher, for teachers, this book raises important questions about the field. Hooks addresses some of the big issues, including apathy toward teaching-learning, racism, and more. Hooks believes that a teacher’s role is to teach students to push the envelope on established societal boundaries.
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26. Make it Stick
This book flips the common discussion about tailoring learning to students’ preferred method on its head. Using new insights on memory, authors argue that challenging learning leads to better retention and mastery. This book also explores the implications of the new insights on how we study.
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27. The Courage to Teach
Palmer’s book is another classic designed to revitalize and strengthen relationships within the school and refine teachers’ core selves. He also examines common relational traits of good teachers. This edition includes a new forward and online resources.
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